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Undercover policing enquiry

like i have read the rules on this forum, and theres something about "if someone threatens suicide this forum mods will send the bloody authorities around" - - for safety like - - and iv got this - - - and i will say it -- spy twat --- telling me to commit suicide - (when a quick look at my posting history will see a declared history of mental illness) - - will he feel good if i die? is that bloody queens (or prince charles , patron of military intelligence five) schilling feel good?? does he have a good time>... phhh - what is the world coming to

You will hopefully understand my frustration when I point out to you that you have contributed nothing useful to this thread just a load of wibbling bollox. Now i know it might be pointed out that I started the thread and I'm coming over all proprietorial but I'd like to honestly say that is not the case - I am more than well aware that once a thread is created it becomes everyone's. The difference here lies in the fact that I and others have posted up information, some of it hopefully informative and useful whereas you have posted up deranged dreck. I'm sorry if you've got mental health issues really I am but take them elsewhere and get help.
literally i am in a mi5 safe flat in pimilico right now, as in , if some one came on here and said "i am a secret policeman, i want to tell the truth" - would you believe them or would you just rubbish them - you say i need help?? well yes, i would like help - - to overthrow the government -- - -
kingfisher no mates :(
do you think i care that none of the "narrative control agents" of the internet support me - - - -- - - i mean if an actual, genuine, military intelligence whistleblower came on here and told you lot (and the lurkers) the truth youd ridicule him/her - call them a "conspiracy loon" - but i know when the snoopers charter ppassed without a whimper (with the whole gamut of uk protest thngs going on) then theres somethign dodgy, , controlled opppostion - - - -@teqniq - telling people to "play in the motorway" - - its not on mate.. not on - - - and if you think you can spill your radical spiel when this snoopers charter comes in without being thrown in secret prison.... what a twat. whata a fucking twat, - -- - heres one for you , is it easier to pretend to be mad or stupid..... ----- wait for this skit outside aldereney street its coming soon. ..
do you think i care that none of the "narrative control agents" of the internet support me - - - -- - - i mean if an actual, genuine, military intelligence whistleblower came on here and told you lot (and the lurkers) the truth youd ridicule him/her - call them a "conspiracy loon" - but i know when the snoopers charter ppassed without a whimper (with the whole gamut of uk protest thngs going on) then theres somethign dodgy, , controlled opppostion - - - -@teqniq - telling people to "play in the motorway" - - its not on mate.. not on - - - and if you think you can spill your radical spiel when this snoopers charter comes in without being thrown in secret prison.... what a twat. whata a fucking twat, - -- - heres one for you , is it easier to pretend to be mad or stupid..... ----- wait for this skit outside aldereney street its coming soon. ..
here's the thing. there are a number of ways of talking about anything. when discussing something with which people may have some reservations, as you are, you could choose to proceed by referencing events, people, policies and so on, so that your narrative is supported by evidence. or you could post up a load of wank about pissing on mi5 and lose any credibility or reputation for knowing what you're on about. you seem to favour option 2, and it should be no surprise that people do not take your posts entirely seriously.
the exposure of these undercover cops is being managed by these "gatekeeper groups" lake COPS like islington against police spies, like that - - iv had a good coupla conversations with the dutch lady, but .... at the end of the day if we are allowed to call Merrick Godhaven (badger) - a Rapist on these sites, why are we not allowed to call him a spy??? id much rather be called a spy than a rapist... -- its for the lurkers and further historians (and btw telling people with alleged mental illness to commit suicide isnt really cool (we get enough of that beamed into our heads anyway))
I know two of the people personally in South Wales who were involved in an anarchist group that was disrupted by an undercover officer. They were the people who finally realised who and what he was and then exposed him. Both are participants in the Pitchord enquiry. Your post above is more unsubstantiated dreck, please give it a break.
"go throw yoursen on th mot
so your disorder formerly real is now only alleged?
oh because its real because some romanian said i was a paranoid shcizophrenic (because this bloke whos grown up other side of commie curtain knows what iv been through??) all mental illness is alleged. -- seriously lads , we are in an MI5 safe flat (not that safe some seriously heroic drinking going on here) - just 2 doors down from spy-in-a-bag - were on the bower to chris morris all this 0 0 0 you saying im a liar??? are you calling me a liar??
look bloody hell i inteviewed a fella in court - sorry teqniq im calling you out, im saying you work for them

but at the end of the day.....

you have got to have a laugh, i

- bloody po-faced anarchists,, hahahahhhahaa
potentioally though if someone worked for the secret service/was a big wheel in the secret sociterys that run this gaff, how would they whistleblow
wouldnt they go on a forum with a super-hard vpn and blag it here
and have a bunch of po-faced "anarchist" shoot em down, , sorry lads got to get the brother of her majestys loyal opposition (conspiraloon!>!>!) on the phone
I know two of the people personally in South Wales who were involved in an anarchist group that was disrupted by an undercover officer. They were the people who finally realised who and what he was and then exposed him. Both are participants in the Pitchord enquiry. Your post above is more unsubstantiated dreck, please give it a break.
fuck you , fuck you, this pitchford enquiry and its "confirmed partipiants" acting like there is a select group affected by this, my pal, lovely girl, i dragged her into the post-occupy squat scene to see how fucking cracy it is - -- - (ie that the revoliuitiionrys are all spooks) - - and i say, ellese , darling i loe you im sorrry i dragged you in, this SOUTH AFRICAN, hes gone and got her pregnant, taken her out of the game ...scumbag
What a horrible thread.
look, i need to leave a trail for the inquest. rest of these "anarch

the coppers have arrived in pimilico , its alright we got a half a crate oof carling left....
bloody internet people saying they know more than me about bloody undercover police
Yes well it was doing ok until spot the braincell turned up and shat all over it. :(
so are you saying im mentally ill IE paranoid schizophrenia, bi polar , or are you saying im devolmentally disabled/learning disabiltys - -- either way fella you advocated, me killing myself, i think you have to speak to that dont you?
I've already told you that I'm frustrated with the shit you've posted here. That explanation will have to suffice.
yeah your frustrated because you are a spy and you are trying to (ordered to?) box of a particular narrative, if you werent you wouldnt dismiss me as crazy the PMs would be flying in whaat i know about the occupy and what that whole thing was... wanker,, telling a mentally ill person to "play on the motorway" not on fella
anyway footage of the mi5 safe flat in pimilico
I'm a spy lol. :D My handlers must be very disappointed with me then. And now I'm not going to waste anymore time on you.
im telling you , who did mark mark weaver meet in new york that "formed the germs of occupy wallstreet" - that dimesnion is interesting to me because i was ther ( got them lot 3 ours on international bbc) - - -
yes teqniq i think you do have a 2 war relationship with british intelligence,
what about my mate, my university contemporty thats been fucked, and fucked over by some south african copper?just because hes not a green eco warrior in the kenned mould he dont matter/

please dont ban me, im a whistleblower7

waste time with me?? you wont bother with the issue because there is a nutter commentating on it?? well theres plenty of nutters commentating on climate change and ISSIS do you not bother with those subjects either>?
Tbf I was once denounced as an mi5 agent as I turned up to lock up in TA uniform pretty sure Mi5 would problably turn up in an ms sports jacket :Dsaid place was not full of offical subversives I actually asked none of the "brighton activists" made the list they'd be terribly dispointed to know that :)
the exposure of these undercover cops is being managed by these "gatekeeper groups" lake COPS like islington against police spies, like that - - iv had a good coupla conversations with the dutch lady, but .... at the end of the day if we are allowed to call Merrick Godhaven (badger) - a Rapist on these sites, why are we not allowed to call him a spy??? id much rather be called a spy than a rapist... -- its for the lurkers and further historians (and btw telling people with alleged mental illness to commit suicide isnt really cool (we get enough of that beamed into our heads anyway))

Possibly because there are substantive accounts (and a sadly-long history) of Twathaven having committed the former crime, but only your word for the latter?
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