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Undercover policing enquiry

Interesting article by 'Alison' about the next 'tranche' (phase) of the Inquiry currently due to start hearings in July.

‘As it stands, state operatives are officially above the law’ – The Justice Gap

The public inquiry has been organised chronologically in tranches. The first tranche, covering deployments into political groups between 1968-1982, ended in February 2023 and was followed by an interim report published in June 2023. We welcomed some of the findings of this report. For example, Inquiry chair Sir John Mitting accepted our arguments about the unreasonable level of intrusion into lives of members of the public and the likelihood that officers had been guilty of trespass when they entered private homes illegally without a warrant. Furthermore, he concluded that by the end of this period – that is, the early 1980s – the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) should have been disbanded: ‘had the use of these means been publicly known at the time, the SDS would have been brought to a rapid end’. For those of us campaigning to draw public attention to these human rights violations by undercover police in order for such abuse to never happen again, this was a real victory. It felt like an important acknowledgment that from its early days in the 1970s, the SDS’s spying could not be justified. And yet it continued for 40 more years.
Given the apparent shared understanding between those running the public inquiry and those participating as non-state witnesses as to the unjustified nature of these spying operations, many of us have been surprised to learn that Tranche 2 hearings are being approached almost as if this interim report had not been written. In other words, the issue of ‘justification’ is back on the table to the extent that Sir John has explained he will make findings of fact regarding serious criminal allegations about members of the public based on police reports from the time. The focus, therefore, appears to be shifting from the actual wrongdoing of the police to the alleged wrongdoing of members of the public based on allegations made by the very officers under investigation.
The argument seems to be that whilst Sir John accepts that the sexual violation of women activists is not acceptable, the presence of the undercover police officer in a woman’s life might be justified if he judges she was guilty of a serious crime. When agreeing to participate in this inquiry, members of the public did so in order to make sure lessons were learnt, to prevent any repetition of the serious human rights abuses committed by these units and to learn the truth about the officers spying on them and to expose the murky underbelly of the British secret state. No-one signed up for being found guilty of criminal allegations based on the reports written by trained liars who were seeking to justify and continue their own existence as a unit. Knowing these reports were to be shared with Box 500 – that’s M15 to you and me – officers appear to have submitted exaggerated and misleading reports filled with hearsay and gossip about supposedly violent and volatile political activists.
If staff at Special Branch and MI5 who sifted through these reports at the time did not feel it appropriate to share these allegations with the Crown Prosecution Service in order to bring charges against those alleged criminals, then how can it be acceptable for an inquiry Chair to pass judgement decades later? It is simply not what this inquiry is meant to be about. To make matters worse, many activists have still not been provided with all the reports written on them, despite being asked questions about the allegations made against them. The same reports have nevertheless been supplied to former police officers two or three years ago. To many activists affected, this feels like an attempted cover up, preventing them from having an equal opportunity to see and comment on the material being used against them.

Whole thing's worth reading IMO.
Tranche two, phase one of the Undercover Policing Inquiry commences from Monday 1st July 2024 (...) This tranche of proceedings will be concerned with the deployment of the Special Demonstration Squad officers and managers between 1983 and 1992. This tranche is split into two phases that have been arbitrarily divided by the inquiry, with the first phase only lasting one month, finishing by Wednesday 31st July 2024. Phase two is due to start on Monday 30th September 2024 (...)

Article here sets out the list of the ten spycops who are due to give evidence in July'
Inquiry returns in July 2024: Tranche 2 Phase 1 – Police Spies Out of Lives
Monday 1st July 2024

‘Spycops’ Public Inquiry Resumes Today

The Undercover Policing Public Inquiry (UCPI) resumes today, with Opening Statements for ‘Tranche 2’ of evidential hearings delivered online.

The Inquiry is entering a critical phase. New evidence is expected to implicate high-level officials in the expansion of controversial tactics and ‘unjustifiable operations’ by the Metropolitan Police’s Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) in the 1980s and 1990s.

Live, in-person evidence hearings will begin next week, starting Monday 8th July.

Victims of police abuses will brief the press outside the hearing venue on Monday 8th July at 9am (See below, at end)

‘Unjustifiable’ operations

In July 2023 the UCPI published an 'Interim Report'i which concluded the SDS should have been ‘brought to a rapid end’ in the 1970s, criticising officers unlawfully trespassing into people’s homes, forming deceitful close personal relationships, including sexual relationships, stealing deceased children’s identities, and taking positions of influence and power within the organisations they targeted.ii

Yet a recent Freedom of Information request reveals that the Metropolitan Police, already found to be institutionally racist, sexist and corrupt, and placed under ‘special measures’ in July 2022iii, have spent £62 millioniv on this inquiry, defending operations that even they have been forced to admit were ‘unjustifiable...by modern standards.’v

New Evidence

In this next round of hearings, thousands of secret reports will be revealed, as the Inquiry hears evidence of how the police expanded their operations in the 1980s and 1990s, with increasingly abusive tactics sanctioned by senior police and Home Office officials:

Long-term sexual relationships, including fathering children;

Infiltration of police accountability campaigns (including the Stephen Lawrence Family Campaign);

Surveillance of children;

Illegal blacklisting of trades unionists;

Officers acting as agent provocateurs and committing criminal offences;

Brazen interference with the justice system leading to unfair trials and unsafe convictions

Extensive information sharing with the Security Services (MI5)

In June 2023, in the foreword to his interim report, the Inquiry Chair, Sir John Mitting, said that he had “refrained from expressing any view about…the proposition that the SDS was one of the instruments set up by a conservative state to suppress the aspirations of those who wished to produce radical change by political means.”

However, from Monday 8th July we will hear live testimony from CND, London Greenpeace, Freedom Press, the Socialist Workers Party and campaigns for racial equality and police accountability. (As well as some of the undercover officers who targeted them). This mounting evidence of secret political policing in the UK, which continued even beyond the end of the Cold War, means serious questions about the use of police forces for ideological ends will need to be asked.

Kate Hudson, General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, who will be giving live evidence on 15th July, explained:

"The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was infiltrated by officers from the Metropolitan Police. This should never have happened. CND campaigns for the end of nuclear weapons and is a broad-based mass campaigning organisation for peace. Infiltration, monitoring of and spying on an organisation like CND should not happen in a democratic society. The spycops unit should never have been established, should never have continued in its activities and those involved at the highest levels should be held to account."

This phase of hearings will also see testimony from women that undercover officers deceived into abusive sexual relationships.

However, timetables for evidence about the most controversial deployments in this tranche are yet to be published with hearings postponed until after the Summer, following the Inquiry’s failure to provide victims with disclosure of the underlying documents in time for next weeks start date.

Home Office plunges the Inquiry into Crisis

Excessive secrecy has crippled this inquiry since the beginning. It has taken eight years to hear only a fraction of the evidence. The Home Office are now insisting all remaining Tranches be completed and a final Report published by the end of 2026. The accelerated timetable is putting the integrity of the Inquiry’s work at risk.

Kate Wilson, a core participant in the upcoming tranches 3 and 4 explained:

"Suddenly things are going at a furious pace. The Inquiry is imposing impossible deadlines on everyone, despite missing its own deadlines for disclosure. It is compromising our ability to engage. Many Core Participants have waited years for answers only to find robust investigation and fairness may be sacrificed to a new imperative of finishing quickly at all costs. We urge the incoming Home Secretary next week to take immediate action to ensure the integrity of this Inquiry. The Home Office are themselves under investigation here and it is entirely unacceptable for them to sabotage things in this way."

A protest and press briefing will be held outside the Inquiry venue on the opening day of in-person hearings
July 8, 2024, 9:00-9:30 a.m.
International Dispute Resolution Centre, 1 Paternoster Lane, St. Paul's, London, EC4M 7BQ.

For more information email:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Phone: 07386255935

Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS):

Supported by:

• Police Spies Out of Lives (PSOOL): www.policespiesoutoflives.org.uk

• Undercover Research Group (URG)

• The Monitoring Group (TMG): www.tmg-uk.org

• Blacklist Support Group (BSG): www.hazards.org/blacklistblog/

Background Notes:

The UCPI was established in 2015. It is investigating undercover policing operations including secret political policing by the SDS and NPOIU, spying on 1000 left-wing political groups between 1968 and 2014.

The public can view live proceedings online from July 1, 10:00 AM. You can also register to attend the hearing venue by completing the registration form. Inquiry Schedule:

Phase 1 of Tranche 2 evidence hearings: July 1 - August 2, 2024

Phase 2 of Tranche 2 evidence hearings: Beginning September 30, 2024

This inquiry has already cost an estimated £82.3 millionvi. Only a fifth of that represents victims legal costs. Meanwhile, the Metropolitan police have spent an additional £62m of taxpayers money on secrecy, redactions and their own defence. [See 11.6.2024 response to Freedom of Information request FO1-8602-24-0100-000]

Additional Resources:

BBC podcast series "Undercover": BBC Sounds - Undercover - Available Episodes

Book: Deep Deception: The story of the spycop network, by the women who uncovered the shocking truth" Deep Deception

i The UCPI Interim Report, 29th June 2023. https://www.ucpi.org.uk/wp-content/...Policing-Inquiry-Tranche-1-Interim-Report.pdf On page 96, para 28, the Judge concludes: “The question is whether or not the end justified the means set out above. I have come to the firm conclusion that, for a unit of a police force, it did not; and that had the use of these means been publicly known at the time, the SDS would have been brought to a rapid end.”

ii The spying operations continued for at least another 4 decades, infiltrating or reporting on 1000 mainly left wing and campaigning organisations including social and environmental groups, people groups, trades unions, anti-racist organisations, left-wing parties, black family justice and police accountability campaigns (including the Stephen Lawrence family campaign) and MPs.

iii MPS Special Measures: Police forces in Engage - His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services

iv Response by the MPS on 11th June 2024 to Freedom of Information Act request number FOI-8602-24-0100-000]

v Metropolitan Police Closing Statement for Tranche 1, 20.2.2023 (Para 152) - https://www.ucpi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/20230220-CL-T1-Closing_Statement.pdf

vi UCPI official costs: About - Undercover Policing Inquiry
The transcript of the opening presentations by Inquiry Counsel and on behalf of the Met is here:

The written version of the Inquiry Counsel's opening statement with a number of annexes is here:

The annexes include lists of the groups targetted but obviously do not include those groups whose names have been redacted from the SDS Annual Reports.

The written version of the Met's opening statement is here:

The Home Office have decided not to give an opening statement because of the election.

Redacted copies of the SDS Annual Reports from 1985 to 1996/7 are up - links from this page (there are also links to the previously released reports from 1978 to 1984).
You can try and guess the names of the redacted groups.

We now know that
HN 20 "Tony Williams" (London Workers Group/Persons Unknown) will sadly not be giving evidence in person.
HN 122 "Neil Richardson" (Class War/RCP) will be giving evidence in 'Phase 2' which starts on 30th September.
And surveillance continues albeit electronically. 60 people (just stop oil & LGSM)were preemptively arrested last week and thats a lot of phones to get into
Last day of opening statements on behalf of:
  • Freedom Press;
  • Hilary Moore, Jane Hickman and Rebecca Johnson (Womens Peace Movement/Greenham Camp);
  • Dave Morris;
  • Joan Ruddock and Diane Abbott;
  • Stafford Scott (Broadwater Farm Defence Committee)
  • and Sharon Grant, Bernie Grant's widow.
ETA: and on behalf of all the 'NPSCP's (non-police non-state core participants).

Written statements can be found here

Dave Morris asked a number of pertinent questions, for example:

I ask the Inquiry to ask why no employers have ever been infiltrated for their systematic
daily exploitation of workers and robbery of their labour; their daily illegalities regarding
workplace health and safety, Trades Union rights, rights to breaks and overtime pay; use of
blacklisting; and violent threats to sack workers and leave them and their families penniless
if they don’t obey orders without question. (...)

I ask the Inquiry to ask if (and if not, why not) any police force units have ever been
infiltrated by Undercover Officers trying to identify such units’ use and abuse of violence
against members of the public, discriminatory stop and search, corruption, misogyny,
racism, disregard for the justice system, and/or interference with rights to demonstrate and
thereby creation of disorder. (...)

and so on.
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There was a late application for a Reporting Restriction Order in respect of "an individual prominently named in material relevant to their evidence". As a result there was no video stream of the evidence given this afternoon by Steve Sorba (Freedom, Aldgate Press) and there will not be a video stream for the evidence tomorrow by spycop HN85 Roger Pearce aka "Roger Thorley". Supposedly a video of some kind, of the sessions not streamed, will be made available later in the week.
There will be written transcripts. Today's is here (PDF).

After summaries were given of the witness statements by 'MSW' (Anarchy Collective, London Workers Group), and Albert Beale (Peace News, London Greenpeace), Dave Morris gave evidence in person for the rest of the morning. Steve Sorba gave evidence in person during the afternoon.

Video of the morning session and the written statements (and some attached exhibits) available on this page. Scroll down for the written stuff. There are three pages of written evidence - the statements from 'MSW' and spycop HN20 "Tony Williams" are on the last of them.
After summaries were given of the witness statements by 'MSW' (Anarchy Collective, London Workers Group), and Albert Beale (Peace News, London Greenpeace), Dave Morris gave evidence in person for the rest of the morning.
A lot of his stint appeared to be marked by the Inquiry's own counsel throwing a whole load of shit from Pearce and Lambert at him - excerpts from a meeting between Pearce and MI5 about supposed trips to Aldershot to recce where to plant bombs(!) (not substantiated by any evidence or corroborated by other accounts), claims that Dave was an anarchist Fagin who "kept out of trouble on the day [of Stop The City, whilst] many younger elements, fired by his propaganda and excitement, have ended up in court facing serious charges" (Morris was prominent throughout the days events until he was, err, arrested and threatened with serious charges...) and so on.

But he treated deftly batted it all back, even though the Inquiry had only recently disclosed the ridiculous claims made against him :oldthumbsup:
Tom Fowler yesterday about Dave Morris' evidence

According to former #spycops officer Roger Pierce's witness statement, he was a "trusted friend" of a list of anarchists including Ian Bone, Martin Wright and Dave Morris. Dave Morris doesn't remember him at all and rejects the characterisation of them having any kind of friendship.
2:18 PM · Jul 8, 2024
There has no evidence found of any trip to Aldershot to look for possible bomb sites We are now being shown another #spycops report that includes record of a recording with Roger Pierce where he talks about looking for bomb sites.
"He may have made the whole thing up" - Dave Morris
2:36 PM · Jul 8, 2024

Tom Fowler about today's evidence from Pearce:

Roger Pearce is now being questioned about the reconnaissance of Aldershot Barracks he did whilst undercover with a group of anarchists. He claims he ws attempting to deter and distract the group as he makes the ludicrous claim they would be shot if they got too close, #spycops
2:27 PM · Jul 9, 2024
We are shown a #spycops report about the Roger Pearce's visit to Aldershot, it includes a redacted list of names. It is pointed out by David Barr that Dave Morris is not listed in the names. Roger Pearce said that he was there in his witness statement, but he now withdraws that allegation
2:27 PM · Jul 9, 2024
Asked to explain how he came to withdraw his allegation against Dave Morris, Roger Pearce claims that though he claimed to be a trusted friend of Dave Morris he only spent time with him on one occasion on a visit to Cardiff. He knows that Dave Morris is a deep thinker and is now sure that he didn't attend the reconnaissance in Aldershot, it was in fact a mistake on his part "at the end of a long day".
3:40 PM · Jul 9, 2024

Asked about the Stop The City protests, Roger Pearce is asked about the organisers who he reported on. He claims that Ian Bone was one of the organisers, and says that he was involved in pacifistic events. Asked if Ian Bone was more militant than Dave Morris, Roger Pearce says "I think so".

Dave Morris who is sat near me turns to the rest of the gallery laughing "a slur on my character!"
4:37 PM · Jul 9, 2024
Today's transcript is up already here (PDF)

Not much written evidence so far today - just Pearce's written statement - here (PDF)

Proceedings today and yesterday afternoon were not streamed because a non-police witness named in evidence had been granted a Reporting Restriction Order leading to concerns that they might be named during the evidence sessions. The speed with which the transcript and Pearce's statement have gone up (presumably with any necessary redactions) suggests video of these sessions may go up fairly soon. Can't wait myself.
Today's transcript is up already here (PDF)

Not much written evidence so far today - just Pearce's written statement - here (PDF)

Proceedings today and yesterday afternoon were not streamed because a non-police witness named in evidence had been granted a Reporting Restriction Order leading to concerns that they might be named during the evidence sessions. The speed with which the transcript and Pearce's statement have gone up (presumably with any necessary redactions) suggests video of these sessions may go up fairly soon. Can't wait myself.
Very interesting Twitter Spaces chat dissecting it led by Kate Wilson and Tom Fowler right now 👍

Today:- Summaries of the witness statements of three spycops: HN12 "Mike Hartley", HN82 "Nicholas Green" and HN67 "Alan Bond". Details of their various deployments at those links. All in the SWP for various periods, Green briefly in Red Action, Hartley in a number of other groups. None of their written witness statements are on line yet.

Then live evidence from Michael Chant of the maoist Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L) (and the Scratch Orchestra :cool:).

Today's transcript here (PDF). Michael Chant's written witness statement here (PDF). Video here (YouTube) if you're really keen.
Posted a link to the transcript of spycop HN85 Roger Pearce's evidence session on Tuesday - I didn't spot it was just for the morning session. Anyhow here are links for both morning and afternoon. (PDFs).

The video for Pearce's day of evidence still isn't up. However the video for Monday afternoon with the end of Dave Morris' evidence and Steve Sorba's evidence is now on the Inquiry site on this page. (Appears no way to link directly to it).

Today:- Evidence from Frank Bennett whose dead brother's identity was used by spycop HN12 "Mike Hartley". Guardian story about it here. HN12 is also now deceased. A summary of his witness statement to the Inquiry was given yesterday with summaries of two other spycops statements. None are yet up on the Inquiry site.

Then an evidence session from spycop HN19 "Malcolm Shearing" who was deployed in the maoist Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L) and then in the RCP.
Today's transcript is not yet up as I post this. The YouTube videos of the morning session and the afternoon session are. However the evidence from HN19 is audio only.

Written statements relating to today are on this page. Scroll down. (The transcript will also be on that page when it goes up).

Of HN19s deployment in the maoist RCPB (ML):

screencapped x-tweet about spycop HN19's evidence

Tom Fowler @tombfowler
HN19 says he did evening classes on modern contemporary China, but it wasn't useful for the group he ended up infiltrating.
12:34 PM · Jul 11, 2024

ETA: yesterday's transcript is now online here (PDF)
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The Thatcher government instructed the police to infiltrate CND.

The judge-led inquiry also heard allegations that information gathered by the undercover officers was exploited by Thatcher’s government to undermine the anti-nuclear activists just before a general election.

Monday's hearing was devoted to CND, and Kate Hudson its current General Secretary gave evidence on behalf of it. Transcript here (PDF), Video here and here.
CND's written statement and some attachments are on this page (scroll down). They include a copy of Patrick Cosgrave's 1983 Express story "Exposed: The hard Left behind CND" (PDF) clearly based on briefings using SDS reporting. On Tuesday there should be evidence from three of the spycops deployed in CND, including live evidence from spycop HN65 "John Kerry"

Still no sign of the video of spycop HN85 Roger Pearce's evidence (drums fingers).

However the Inquiry has put up a large quantity of supporting evidence (copies of Special Branch reports, MI5 requests for information, etc.) in respect of those spycops whose "names" came up last week.

The Inquiry search engine is not great but here are the best links I can come up with for the items relating to each spycop.

HN20 - "Tony Williams" (London Workers Group, Persons Unknown). 150 odd items. Links on this page

HN85 - Roger Pearce aka "Roger Thorley" (Freedom Press, 121 Bookshop in this part of the Inquiry - he will be back). 832 items. Links page one, Links page two (I fear there may be some duplication of items between the two pages)

HN12 - "Mike Hartley" (Anti-Apartheid Movement, Irish Solidarity Committee, RCP, Stoke Newington and Hackney Defence Committee, SWP). 173 items. Links on this page.

HN82 - "Nicholas Green" (SWP, Red Action, AFA). 141 items. Links on this page.

HN67 - "Alan Bond" (SWP). 258 items. Links on this page.

HN19 - "Malcolm Shearing" (Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist), RCP). 165 items. Links on this page.

Hmm, hope I haven't missed anyone. Let me know.
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