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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

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Nigel Falange said:
Mr Farage uses an advertisement in Monday's Daily Telegraph to urge Conservative voters to back Ukip. The “loons” description, he says, is “the ultimate insult” from a party leadership that has betrayed the trust of its own supporters.
He writes in the advertisement: “Only an administration run by a bunch of college kids, none of whom have ever had a proper job in their lives, could so arrogantly write off their own supporters.”

Interesting use of Americanisms there...

Gonna leave this one or 2 other places.

Farage gets the "Hitler/Downfall" meme treatment from the wonderful people at Still Laughing At UKIP on Facebook
How exactly is opposing the EU racist?

Have these people been in a coma for the last 20 years or something?
No, they've spent the past 20 years growing up in the sort of middle-class do gooder soft left household where the repetition of tropes like that passes for political education.
Is it worth everyone claiming that they'd support UKIP if they're ever polled just to fuck about with the tories and get them to stick someone unelectable at the helm? (not that they've been elected for nearly 20 years, even with the 'perfect storm' last time). Or is there a danger in doing so and giving the swivel-eyed lot 'momentum' that media/public will latch on to?
It occurs to me that Farage has missed a huge trick: after he got chased out of Scotland, he could have said that it was such a shame as he was going to speak on the importance of having a referendum, and then seguing from the Scottish referendum into a EU referendum.
UKIP already support the scottish referendum. And he/they have been directly linking that to their support for an EU referendum for some time now.
UKIP's membership surges towards 30,000

While David Cameron reassures his party's dwindling membership that he would never employ anyone who "sneered" at them, UKIP is attracting thousands of new recruits. A spokesman told me today that the party now has 27,517 members after gaining 2,000 this month and 6,000 since March. Once the backlog is cleared, it expects to have more than 30,000.

Lib-dems own figures say they have 42 000.
Keeping quiet is the best option i think - don't get associated with the fools with Balalaikas but hoover up any electoral anger. People have to stop expecting them to act like the NF or BNP - they are not that sort of party. That's a serious misreading that will only lead you up the garden path.
Plus 60,000 'likes' for the previously moribund EDL overnight.

Pause for a moment.

And you can almost hear Enoch snickering.

I was out in a few pubs last night and almost every conversation turned into resentment or a rant about the Woolwich murder.
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