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Turkey, ISIS, Kurds and Syria

Anyone familiar with the methodology of holocaust deniers will recognise what's being attempted here. In this nuisance's case, there is an additional layer of thickness to consider as well.

New chemical weapons team starts work to find Syria culprits: OPCW

OPCW - June 2019 said:
Reports by various entities for different purposes have thus far resulted in widely differing tallies of chemical attacks in the Syrian Arab Republic. In any event, there have been at least 39 relevant separate incidents since early April 2014 for which the FFM has determined use or likely use of a chemical weapon in the Syrian Arab Republic. The JIM issued findings attributing responsibility for six of those incidents, which therefore remain outside the scope of the relevant incidents for the purpose of the IIT mandate.
On the basis of a preliminary assessment of the relevant incidents, and taking into account the information gathered by the FFM, the number of casualties, the likelihood of retrieving additional information, and (when possible) the type of chemical detected, the IIT has identified a non-exhaustive preliminary list of incidents on which it intends to focus in its investigative work (see Annex 2)

opcw mission.jpg
Anyone familiar with the methodology of holocaust deniers will recognise what's being attempted here. In this nuisance's case, there is an additional layer of thickness to consider as well.

But I fully agree the dictator and his bunch of bastards have killed by the thousand and deserves a war crimes trial.
Your somewhat pathetic argument is I deny all because this one can't be proven, but that's clearly wrong as I fully accept and echo all provable crimes committed by Assad and his mates, and fully agree he's guilty of mass killings and a lot of other stuff only a total bastard would do.

I deny none of his many well proven crimes and, such as my voice is worth, call for his arrest and trial, something thay would see him locked up for the rest of his life, something he absolutly deserves.
So well put, and totally ignoting my post.
If I deny Assad is guilty of many crimes, why do my posts so often mention his guilt?

I say this one attack has no serious evidence, but there are plenty of easily provable crimes he has absolutely no possible defense against.

Where you're wrong is easy to work put. You want him to be guilty of everything so you have all the more to attack him with, but dodgy ones like the gas attack in question allow a propaganda loophole in so much as he can claim, 'if this was dodgy, the rest must be in question'.
In other words, you're helping him to spread confusion so I like to stick to his many clear and indisputable crimes in order to keep things unambiguous.
So well put, and totally ignoting my post.
If I deny Assad is guilty of many crimes, why do my posts so often mention his guilt?

I say this one attack has no serious evidence, but there are plenty of easily provable crimes he has absolutely no possible defense against.

Where you're wrong is easy to work put. You want him to be guilty of everything so you have all the more to attack him with, but dodgy ones like the gas attack in question allow a propaganda loophole in so much as he can claim, 'if this was dodgy, the rest must be in question'.
In other words, you're helping him to spread confusion so I like to stick to his many clear and indisputable crimes in order to keep things unambiguous.
Could you do this somewhere else please. Start a thread if you want.
What is a story is the background in the films. The city is smashed to rubble, and that crime was indisputably committed by Assad and the Russians, along with however many civilian deaths that went with the destruction.
perhaps you could adduce the evidence to support your claim of a crime here.
Memorandum of Understanding between Turkey and Russia on northern Syria

1. The two sides reiterate their commitment to the preservation of the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the protection of national security of Turkey.

2. They emphasize their determination to combat terrorism in all forms and manifestations and to disrupt separatist agendas in the Syrian territory.

3. In this framework, the established status quo in the current Operation Peace Spring area covering Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn with a depth of 32 km will be preserved.

4. Both sides reaffirm the importance of the Adana Agreement. The Russian Federation will facilitate the implementation of the Adana Agreement in the current circumstances.

5. Starting 12.00 noon of October 23, 2019, Russian military police and Syrian border guards will enter the Syrian side of the Turkish-Syrian border, outside the area of Operation Peace Spring, to facilitate the removal of YPG elements and their weapons to the depth of 30 km from the Turkish-Syrian border, which should be finalized in 150 hours. At that moment, joint Russian-Turkish patrols will start in the west and the east of the area of Operation Peace Spring with a depth of 10 km, except Qamishli city.

6. All YPG elements and their weapons will be removed from Manbij and Tal Rifat.

7. Both sides will take necessary measures to prevent infiltrations of terrorist elements.

8. Joint efforts will be launched to facilitate the return of refugees in a safe and voluntary manner.

9. A joint monitoring and verification mechanism will be established to oversee and coordinate the implementation of this memorandum.

10. The two sides will continue to work to find a lasting political solution to the Syrian conflict within Astana Mechanism and will support the activity of the Constitutional Committee.
Useful summary from Michael Karadjis. Little soppy-trotty-anti-imp in the the early stages - he knows damn well those who pull the SDF strings were also pulling the strings for the TAK bombings in turkey for example - but tries to put these moves in the bigger picture of the revolution, something that the leftist-kurdish-fetishists have signally failed to do over the last few weeks.

The Turkish invasion: Latest step in the Russian-led destruction of the Syrian revolution

Just one part of the Syrian massacre …

This brutal aerial and land attack on the Kurdish and Arab civilian population is simply one more theatre of terror within the genocidal massacre that has engulfed Syria for 9 years, some 95 percent of which has been perpetrated by the fascistic dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad, backed by his Russian imperialist masters who have joined Assad in raining death from the skies, and the death squads sent by the Iranian theocracy. Most of the remaining killing was carried out by ISIS and by the US bombing that helped the SDF drive ISIS from eastern Syria.

Indeed, the last 6 months of particularly brutal mass homicide and dispossession carried out by Assad and Russia in northwest Syria has been barely noticed by the international media; many seem to have only just noticed that Syrians are being bombed.


Assad has been pictured with troops just south of idlib this week and the regimes social media and its pimps have been building up a *watch this space* campaign this week. So expect a few more dead arabs to be ignored or wrote off as jihadis by those who preach revolution quite soon.
Russian imperialism is totally amoral and Putin cares nothing for dead Syrians so long as he gets to play hardman and broker in the region. As far as Putin is concerned every jihadi Assad kills is a jihadi Putin doesn't have to worry about in the North Caucasus; Syrian civilians are irrelevant.
Historically, exactly that. Joining forces with one monster after another to demonstrate that they can and will do that monsters bidding and be a good client in return for their support for their own local objectives. That's no way to set up an ethnostate.

And that above is about whether they can join the regimes forces as a group under their own formal control as they want for obvious PRC and other reasons or individually and so integrated into existing units. Either way they'll be in the regime army and under their and Russian control in reality.
I've been watching a bit of Rudaw. Whatever the leadership are doing the fighters i've seen them interview seem to have no love for Assad's lot. Claims they're fucking them around and turning up at the last minute to play the hero.

Independent Panel Challenges OPCW Findings on 2018 Attack in Douma, Syria

(reported by others as well)

An independent British civil society organization, Courage Foundation, convened a panel of persons with diverse professional backgrounds relevant to the assessment of a challenge directed at the reliability of a respected international institution—the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The panel’s statement, carefully drafted by the collective efforts of the panel, reflects an acceptance of the lengthy presentation of the case against the reliability of allegations that the Syrian Government was guilty of a lethal chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburb town of Douma (East Ghouta) on April 7, 2018. This claimed attack was relied upon by the U.S. Government to justify a retaliatory strike against Syrian targets

Report here

Based on the whistleblower’s extensive presentation, including internal emails, text exchanges and suppressed draft reports, we are unanimous in expressing our alarm over unacceptable practices in the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, near the Syrian capital of Damascus on 7 April 2018. We became convinced by the testimony that key information about chemical analyses, toxicology consultations, ballistics studies, and witness testimonies was suppressed, ostensibly to favor a preordained conclusion.

In other words, they're saying it was fixed.
Just for balance:

Emails And Reading Comprehension: OPCW Douma Coverage Misses Crucial Facts - bellingcat

Over the weekend, WikiLeaks released an email from an employee within the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) indicating that the OPCW “misrepresents the facts he and his colleagues discovered on the ground”. This email has since been used to call into question the impartiality and effectiveness of the OPCW’s conclusion about the alleged chemical weapon attack in Douma, Syria.

However, a comparison of the points raised in the letter against the final Douma report makes it amply clear that the OPCW not only addressed these points, but even changed the conclusion of an earlier report to reflect the concerns of said employee....
Coincidences happen, or can be made to happen when handy.
I will tie a string around my tin foil hat in order to make sure it stays on.

Le Mesurier?
And some more. Has quite a bit to say about the Courage Foundation and Richard Falk, amongst others.

Whistleblower versus watchdog: the political machinations over chemical weapons in Syria
Representing "military operations" was John Holmes, a retired army officer and board member of the British Syrian Society which is run by President Assad's father-in-law, Fawaz Akhras.
The former head of the SAS batting for the regime. Owner of a private security/spy/mercenary firm and involved in several other similar enterprises. One for the loons to unpack when they take a break from shrieking about friday being a false flag.
Not sure where to put this but regards both Turkey and Syria, and more precisely in this moment, Greece and Bulgaria.
There is a lot of reporting of this in Italian/Greek media but not in the UK, which I'm assuming is why this hasn't been mentioned on here yet.
The Turkish government have basically opened the floodgates and told refugees they're free to go (to Greece/Bulgaria), as a sort of petty reaction for lack of EU support for Turkey's campaign in Syria.
Al Jazeera story

The humanitarian side is quite alarming: these people are facing extremely shit situations if they make it to Lesbos, god knows in Bulgaria. Not that it was fun and games in Turkey. More casualties of the war in Syria, really. The EU leaders are in Greece today to promise immediate reinforcement of Frontex.

Funny, that Asian Dub Foundation song from the mid 90s, "Fortress Europe" as pertinent now as ever... in the song they cite the year 2022. Can only imagine how far the situation will have degenerated by then.
Not sure where to put this but regards both Turkey and Syria, and more precisely in this moment, Greece and Bulgaria.
There is a lot of reporting of this in Italian/Greek media but not in the UK, which I'm assuming is why this hasn't been mentioned on here yet.
The Turkish government have basically opened the floodgates and told refugees they're free to go (to Greece/Bulgaria), as a sort of petty reaction for lack of EU support for Turkey's campaign in Syria.
Al Jazeera story

The humanitarian side is quite alarming: these people are facing extremely shit situations if they make it to Lesbos, god knows in Bulgaria. Not that it was fun and games in Turkey. More casualties of the war in Syria, really. The EU leaders are in Greece today to promise immediate reinforcement of Frontex.

Funny, that Asian Dub Foundation song from the mid 90s, "Fortress Europe" as pertinent now as ever... in the song they cite the year 2022. Can only imagine how far the situation will have degenerated by then.
The EU are eu-ing. On an internationalist basis of course.
Apart from the ongoing pressure on the EU to keep their part of the anti refugee deal they cooked up, it means that they will not put boots on the ground in idlib. Drone air is it, nothing else, and they they are now planning for a massive influx.
i don't think there was much danger of EU boots on the ground anywhere outside the EU, if that's what you meant. Turkey otoh already has boots on the ground in idlib, no?
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