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Turkey, ISIS, Kurds and Syria

I didn't mean EU boots no. I meant a turkish operation beyond observation posts and drones. On the left hand erdogan takes action that will either increase the refugee flow from north west syria into turkey or it it will stop it full stop. On the right hand he turns on the tap that says this, this eu is what i can do at will, pay me my money. The threat is both empty and dangerous because they ain't doing nothing but drones in idlib but it opens the door to the idea of escape from syrians trapped there - and they have shown they they're quite capable of independent action.
Not that there's any chance of this actually coming about, but a damning indictement nevertheless.

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Spot the demagogue. Why are they still in NATO?

Two reasons: there's no mechanism within NATO to kick a member state out, and the -which may seem insane - knowledge that however twatty Turkey is behaving now, if NATO somehow forced them out, they'd be ten times worse.
Dive into cover up of evidence coming from UN.

Aaron Maté has done excellent work on this and more. For more of this here's a great interview of him by Rania Kalek and wossname...
S7: Episode 37 - Aaron Maté‎Player FM — Podcast App

Would'nt expect much response on this forum for journalism of this level as you've seen. This is vice-link country (yes Vice- of Gavin "Proud Boys" Mcguiness fame) or Bellingcat and similar outfits, which I think tells you what sort of narrative is prevalent here.
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More of this false flag nonsense Is this another "WMD" episode?

Aaron Mate reporter at GrayZone and the Nation. Full blown conspiracy theorist. Being silenced and censored but here they are on youtube.

Didn't the Jimmy Dore Show used to be funny? Shame they've fallen down the conspiracy rabbit hole.

Edit to add: :D
Aaron Maté has done excellent work on this and more. For more of this here's a great interview of him by Rania Kalek and wossname...
S7: Episode 37 - Aaron Maté‎Player FM — Podcast App

Would'nt expect much response on this forum for journalism of this level as you've seen. This is vice-link country (yes Vice- of Gavin "Proud Boys" Mcguiness fame) or Bellingcat and similar outfits, which I think tells you what sort of narrative is prevalent here.
I haven't seen many Vice links tbh.

Where ya been?

"Despite the warnings, Slim had continued to speak out. During a televised interview with Saudi-funded Al Arabiya channel last month, Slim linked the stash of ammonium nitrate, which caused the explosion in Beirut in August, to the Syrian regime’s use of barrel bombs during the civil war.

“This is a war crime involving Moscow, Damascus and Beirut,” Slim said. Russia, Iran and Hizbullah back the Syrian regime" "

guidance? i don't know his position

"Despite the warnings, Slim had continued to speak out. During a televised interview with Saudi-funded Al Arabiya channel last month, Slim linked the stash of ammonium nitrate, which caused the explosion in Beirut in August, to the Syrian regime’s use of barrel bombs during the civil war.

“This is a war crime involving Moscow, Damascus and Beirut,” Slim said. Russia, Iran and Hizbullah back the Syrian regime" "

guidance? i don't know his position
My standard source for Lebanon stuff would be Joey Ayoub, and having checked he recorded this discussion on it (not listened myself):

Some more of his commentary:
lebanese activists generally know of a 'line' that, when crossed, often signifies that crimes will be committed more openly & confidently. Iraqis know that all too well. this is sending a chill down our spines and I don't even know what to do about it

Lokman Slim told us himself in 2019 that if he is murdered it would be on Nasrallah and Berri. The Hezbollah cult has repeatedly and openly threatened him with murder for years. Nasrallah's own son 'joked' about it immediately, on Twitter. He was murdered in Nabatiyeh.

I've received death threats from Hezbollah supporters as early as 2014. They intensified in 2016 during the starving of Madaya and the siege of eastern Aleppo bcs of my connections there.
I've had to delete fb as a result some years ago and would avoid tweeting while in Lebanon (pre-October 2019). And this is nothing. I'm not that well-known (thank the f-ing gods) but I still got physically in trouble with security forces and Hezbollah a few times
I 'joke' every year that I made it another year without being kidnapped by Hezbollah but the truth is that Lokman's murder changes everything to me. As of today I am no longer going back to Lebanon.
And a bit of bitter humour:
A thread of everything Hezbollah doesn't do while always doing them a summary of apologist talking points which you might see sold to English-speaking audiences on your feed today because these people will assume you know nothing
Hezbollah doesn't murder, except for the long list of communists, liberals and conservatives it has been murdering since the 1980s The only thing dozens of murdered figures have in common is opposition to Assad and Hezbollah. They have nothing else in common.
Hezbollah doesn't do sectarianism, except when it calls every Sunni they don't like takfiris and every Shia they don't like 'embassy Shias' and every Christian they don't like 'agents of Israel'.
Hezbollah always puts Lebanese safety first, except when it invades Syrian territory, help out Iraqi sectarians fuck up Iraq, and takes order from Iran. Hezbollah is very pro-Lebanon, except when Nasrallah literally tells us they 100% depend on Iran for everything they do.
Hezbollah doesn't censor, except when it doesn't allow certain channels in 'their' areas because they view 'their' areas as their private property and they view all Lebanese Shias as their private property.
Hezbollah is open-minded, except when they call feminism a foreign import and describe LGBTQ Lebanese as a threat to our very existence as a society, thereby putting an already vulnerable population at risk.
Hezbollah is liberating Palestine, except when they get lost on the way and end up starving Madaya and besieging Aleppo. Hezbollah's all about resistance, except when they crush Syrian resistance to Assadist fascism.
Hezbollah's so pro-Palestine their main ally is the most rabidly anti-Palestinian party in Lebanon led by the most notorious xenophobe in modern Lebanese politics and his president father-in-law. So anti-corruption their inner circles looks like a Trump dynasty.
In summary: Hezbollah is leftwing, except for literally ticking all of the boxes of a far-right ultra-conservative movement. It doesn't kill, except when it does, it doesn't censor, except when it does. Everything's fine, nothing to see here.
Is this the best thread for discussing what's happening in northern Iraq? Turkey bombing the shit out of the PKK. Turkish hostages taken and killed. KDP not really getting involved likely as they are becoming more dependant on Turkey.
Some unpleasant stuff kicking off in Ankara between Turks and Syrians. Stoked by continuous anti refugee/Syrian rhetoric from media/certain politicians.

Not sure how to find a proper source, but videos and info all over Twitter.

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Also mentions a possible Turkish buildup/potential new invasion, which had totally passed me by.
Erdogan has been getting flack for his bungling of Turkey’s Covid response, so a bit of Netanyah-style ‘grass cutting‘ will provide a useful distraction.
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