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Turkey, ISIS, Kurds and Syria

Jesus Christ. Utterly out of your depth. I suggest just ignoring this insulting and dangerous nonsense.

Bellingcat is insulting and dangerous nonsense?
I thought they were put up as authoritative on the subject but you'll notice their people were part of the last video I linked to, and I used videos published on their site as a base for my now proven points.

Perhaps you should follow the bellingcat link I gave, look at the videos I mention, then go to the link with bellingcat people and others showing how they worked out some of the videos they used on their site were faked.
As I said, and you failed to answer, why would rebel forces need to fake anything if the attacks were real?

That in no way suggests support for Assad or any of his bunch, the lot are clearly a set of bastards with a bigger bastard at their head, but it does say I don't trust the same people that told us of Iraq's WMDs to tell me about Syria using chemical weapons. That doesn't mean they haven't, just that I won't trust known liars to tell me about it.

Of course, if you're right and I'm wrong, I want to find out where that amazing bomb proof bed came from so I can order one. It probably won't be cheap but it'll last for ever.

What Happened in Douma? Searching for Facts in the Fog of Syria’s Propaganda War

Try going to 1.26 where Bellingcat take part in a video that debunks claims on their own site, then you might want to reconsider the evidence they put forward as true.
I don't expect you will because you want it to be true, even if it isn't but, sadly, that sort of idiocy allows Russia and Syria to score points when these dodgy stories are exposed as bullshit, thus assisting their somewhat nasty cause in at least a small way.
A link to the OPCW report from March 2019 was posted on here already I dunno how many times.

OPCW Issues Fact-Finding Mission Report on Chemical Weapons Use Allegation in Douma, Syria, in 2018

No thanks, I'll carry on spamming threads with regime talking points via conspiraloons, holocaust deniers and australian astrologers.

2.16 Based on the analysis results of the samples taken by the FFM from the cylinders, their proximity at both locations, as well as the analysis results of the samples mentioned under paragraph 2.6, it is possible that the cylinders were the source of the substances containing reactive chlorine

Only 'possible' and we saw the cylinders being tampered with by the white helmets, people claiming to know they were full of toxic chemicals but didn't bother with proper use of safety equipment.

2.10 Witnesses reported to the FFM team that there were 43 decedents related to the alleged chemical incident, most of whom were seen in videos and photos strewn on the floor of multiple levels of an apartment building and in front of the same building. Additionally, several witnesses reported seeing decedents in the basement of the building, on multiple floors of the building, on the streets and inside the basements of several buildings within the same area. A United Nations agency also reported cases of death by exposure to a toxic chemical. 6However, the team did not have direct access to examine dead bodies, as it could not enter Douma until two weeks after the incident (see paragraph 2.2), by which time the bodies had been buried

We know from report at least one of the cylinders, the one in the bedroom was faked, but they don't mention this and reports of the deaths being put down to chemical exposure was done without examining the bodies. That assumes the 'bodies' ever existed because, apart from videos we know from the linked report might be fake, no one has seen them.

All witness statements came from unreliable sources and we know from the report linked above the inspectors found the sites had been tampered with. That's also in the report.

2.17 Regarding the alleged use of toxic chemicals as a weapon on 7 April 2018 in Douma, the Syrian Arab Republic, the evaluation and analysis of all the information gathered by the FFM—witnesses’ testimonies, environmental and biomedical samples analysis results, toxicological and ballistic analyses from experts, additional digital information from witnesses—provide reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon took place. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine

Maybe, possibly, perhaps, but nothing absolute.
Posting this as proof is limited at best and, given the report can't say the cylinders were the source, and can't be sure what killed the people whose bodies they never saw, it's not very convincing.
Later in the report there is mention of photos/videos with no metadata and others with the wrong date. That suggests fake material being put out.

I'll read the whole thing later but it looks poor at best, and there's little actual evidence in there that points to anything.
Of course, if I missed something in the report that shows solid proof, let me know the paragraph and I'll read that first.
8.10 Based on these findings alone, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the wood was exposed to chlorine gas, rather than to hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid. Other chemicals such as phosgene or cyanogen chloride, which also decompose to give hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid, also could theoretically give rise to bornyl chloride from interaction with alpha-pinene in the wood.

They can't even even sure there was any gas at all
There were 6 swimming pools in the area, all storing chlorine, and a lot of bombing that could well have spread chemicals, or the stocks could have been deliberately released by rebels in an attempt to attract international help for there cause. As there is no conclusive evidence in the report, who knows?
However, I wouldn't put it past Assad to do it, just there's no proof.
There were 6 swimming pools in the area, all storing chlorine, and a lot of bombing that could well have spread chemicals, or the stocks could have been deliberately released by rebels in an attempt to attract international help for there cause. As there is no conclusive evidence in the report, who knows?
However, I wouldn't put it past Assad to do it, just there's no proof.

You are ruining this thread. Just fuck the fuck off, and when you get there, fuck off some more.
You are ruining this thread. Just fuck the fuck off, and when you get there, fuck off some more.

So 'fuck off' is the best you can manage, even though there is absolutely no evidence at all, not even bodies than can be identified as victims, and you totally ignore the findings of the report that was put up as evidence of guilt.
The Syrian government might well have used chemical weapons (I have no problem believing they would) but there's shit all proof so, in my opinion, Assad should be attacked for what we know he's done (plenty), not for what we want to think he's done.

The problem comes because the Assad lot can point to this sort of thing and cry, "Bullshit", then use the forwarding of dodgy or impossible to prove accusations to cloud or discredit crimes we can prove he's committed.
It's a form of finkelthink, and it works.
Did you mean "They can't even be sure there was any gas at all"?

The report says it. I believe I quoted the passage.
As for using a typo as evidence I'm wrong, is that the best you can manage?

Perhaps you can explain why you believe this shite. Or perhaps not.

I neither beleive or disbeleive it, just there's no evidence to prove it.
My contention would be, all I see is 'fuck off', but absolutely nothing to show these attacks happened as claimed.
If you had evidence, you'd forward it, but you do not.

The only attempt was a link to a report that shows a grand total of nothing and even confirms some of my assertions at least some photos and videos were faked, as was also stated in the video Bellingcat took part in. I find it a little odd they would leave debunked evidence on their site, more so when they were part of the group that debunked it, but that's up to them.
The report says it. I believe I quoted the passage.
As for using a typo as evidence I'm wrong, is that the best you can manage

No you didn't quote the passage. "They can't even be sure there was any gas at all." That's not in the passage and typos aside you're worse than wrong if you think that was my point.
So 'fuck off' is the best you can manage, even though there is absolutely no evidence at all, not even bodies than can be identified as victims, and you totally ignore the findings of the report that was put up as evidence of guilt.
The Syrian government might well have used chemical weapons (I have no problem believing they would) but there's shit all proof so, in my opinion, Assad should be attacked for what we know he's done (plenty), not for what we want to think he's done.

The problem comes because the Assad lot can point to this sort of thing and cry, "Bullshit", then use the forwarding of dodgy or impossible to prove accusations to cloud or discredit crimes we can prove he's committed.
It's a form of finkelthink, and it works.

On a previous thread, you said you were gonna open a new thread to put all your questions.
Please do so.

Oh, yes - put it "general" so more people will play with you.
Christ on a bike. Typo or copy and paste the quote 'verbatim'. Quote the passage that contains the words "They can't even be sure there was any gas at all."

8.10 Based on these findings alone, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the wood was exposed to chlorine gas, rather than to hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid. Other chemicals such as phosgene or cyanogen chloride, which also decompose to give hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid, also could theoretically give rise to bornyl chloride from interaction with alpha-pinene in the wood.

Not sure what gas it was
Not sure who had the gas
Not sure the containers had ever had gas in them
Absolutely no independent evidence anyone was killed, and no examination of the claimed bodies so no idea what actually killed them, if they are dead at all.
We are sure there was faked evidence, as noted in the report

Basically, it's a non-story.

What is a story is the background in the films. The city is smashed to rubble, and that crime was indisputably committed by Assad and the Russians, along with however many civilian deaths that went with the destruction.
Concentrating on "Maybe" and "perhaps" but with no ability to produce evidence that would stand up in court is silly, especially when there's so much we can be absolutely, 100% sure he did.
All it does is give the bastard a let out argument.
It is because nobody has proof. Assad might well have ordered it, but it can't be proved as the report clearly shows.

There is a lot that we know he did and there is zero dispute so the gas thing is a nothing as far as 'stand up in court' evidence goes.
Why give the sod ammunition he can use to discredit anything else he fancies?
Clouds of war, and propagandists know it.
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