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Turkey, ISIS, Kurds and Syria

so Turkish authorities saying it was ISIS, but Erdogan still manages a pop at the PKK

“Turkey’s determined position will not change. We don’t make any difference between the names or abbreviations (of terror groups).” “The first target of all the terror groups active in this region is Turkey. Because Turkey fights them all with the same determination.”

from the guardian live feed
reports that most of the vicitims are German. this will only add fuel to the fire on the right. bad times.
War of words between Chomsky and Erdogan's continues - apparently Chomsky has called Erdogan's a murderer in an interview in response Erdogan's verbal attack on his endorsement of the academics and intellectuals statement on the regime's attack on Kurdish areas.
Chomsky: Erdoğan Is A Murderer.
Well yes. He seems to have taken a leaf out of the pages of the Arab Tyrant Manual by Iyad El-Baghdadi.
Now, TBH I haven't being keeping up speed on developments on the area lately, but I think it's a safe bet he wants Baghdadis job.
He clearly wants to rid Turkey of any pretensions of a secular society, and somewhere in my musings the destruction of the tourist industry would be a big step in that direction.
Video shows Kurds waving white flag 'shot by Turkish soldiers'

A video has been shared allegedly showing Turkish forces firing on Kurdish civilians in the town of Cizre.

In the video, several civilians are shown waving white flags as they walk with a cart which appears to hold two covered bodies.

As they move through the streets, shots ring out, the crowd panics and runs to cover while the journalist continues to film.

Other footage, too graphic to show, shows several people lying motionless on the ground in pools of blood.

Shouting and screaming can be heard in the background.

I saw the original vid last night and it does indeed make for grim viewing.

i'm not sure it will have any impact at all, from where i sit the rift - and genuine hostility - between the US/NATO, and Turkey, and in particular between the Obama Administration and Turkey, means that the Americans will just blatently ignore what they see as Turkish trolling rather than the previous path of trying to find a, on the face of it, mutually acceptable way around such issues.

the Turks are providing so little help to the Americans that while it would make life for diffiucult if they both went into full-on 'fuck off' mode, it wouldn't make it much more difficult, and it would remove a number of restrictive aspects to US operations. obviously there is a long term wish to keep Turkey inside the Tent, but in the short term i doubt you'd find anyone within either the administration or the Military/Intelligence Services who wouldn't jump for joy at seeing the back of Turkish influence/obstruction within US Syria policy...
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