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Turkey, ISIS, Kurds and Syria

(Sorry, no time to read the full article.)

Is this new?
I mean: it has in general been the policy claim of the Turkish state since its founding; but does this declaration have specific implications in that state's legal system? More death penalties, for example?
It's pretty heavy stuff, maintaining a climate of fear. Best read it and draw your own conclusions. :)
(Sorry, no time to read the full article.)

Is this new?

I mean: it has in general been the policy claim of the Turkish state since its founding; but does this declaration have specific implications in that state's legal system? More death penalties, for example?

What's new is the HDP's public support for regional autonomy, not the state's response to such unconstitutional aspirations.
Has anyone got any info on the airstrikes in support of the YPG/J it appears both the US and Russia are carrying out strikes.In my simple mind this must mean both are cooperating over missions and for whatever reason the reported divisions about strategy are frankly bullshit.
Has anyone got any info on the airstrikes in support of the YPG/J it appears both the US and Russia are carrying out strikes.In my simple mind this must mean both are cooperating over missions and for whatever reason the reported divisions about strategy are frankly bullshit.
Probably just getting the fuck out of the way of each other rather than co-operating.
Thanks for replies.At least in some cases it appears the Kurds are calling in targets (quite probably with special forces of the US in tow),now are they in contact with the Russians as well (there seems to be some of the strikes are very close to actual fighting).It's a bit confusing as someone at least must have the decision to call in one or the other and oversight that they both don't get given the same targets.
It's a bit confusing as someone at least must have the decision to call in one or the other and oversight that they both don't get given the same targets.
I really don't think there's any serious level of co-ordination, Russia has bombed groups the US has been supporting Turkey has shot down a russian plane etc.
I really don't think there's any serious level of co-ordination, Russia has bombed groups the US has been supporting Turkey has shot down a russian plane etc.
Yes,I suspect it's my lack of knowledge about where the two are bombing both are certainly supporting YPG/J but it may be in different places not speaking Kurdish makes it difficult to know what's happening where.
Interesting article with Charles Lister in Spiegel, he argues that in the long term Al-Nusra is a greater threat than IS.

Terror Expert Charles Lister Interview on IS and Syria Peace - SPIEGEL ONLINE

In the West, the threat posed by IS has become an understandable, but convenient obsession. However, Jabhat al-Nusra has embedded itself so successfully within the Syrian opposition -- within the revolution for a long time -- that in my view it has become an actor that will be much more difficult to uproot from Syria than IS. Islamic State is all about imposing its will on people, whereas al-Nusra has for the last five years been embedding itself in popular movements, sharing power in villages and cities, and giving to people rather than forcing them to do things. That has lent it a power IS just doesn't have. The reason I call IS a convenient obsession is that I don't think anybody in the West knows what to do about Jabhat al-Nusra. There was a period of time where it was relatively clear that al-Nusra had a foreign attack wing that was plotting attacks in the West. They have never let go of their foreign vision, they have explicitly said they want to establish Islamic emirates in Syria, and they belong to an organization, al-Qaida, whose avowed goal is to attack and destroy the West. Not to establish an "Islamic State" and gradually expand it like IS, but explicitly to destroy the West
HDP deputies: Van incident is a mass execution, not clash

12 youths aged between 18-25 have been executed as a result of a house-raid in the central Edremit district of Van province early this morning. ID details of the youths remain unknown.


HDP Van MP Lezgin Botan who spoke to ANF about the incident said bodies of 12 youths, all aged 18-25, have been taken to a hospital morgue. Botan said the youths were shot in the head, and described the incident as not a clash but mass execution. He added that police forces have blockade the scene of the executions and hospital where youths are being held now.


HDP Van deputy Tuğba Hezer told that; "Apart from one, all have been shot in the head. They are all young people in civilian clothes, as has been conveyed to us by those who saw the bodies. Not every single one of them can possible be shot in the head during a clash. It is not possible. This is a mass execution. Police have evacuated and entirely blockaded the hospital."

Erdoğan has emphasized the superiority of the presidential system many times in the past and has said he wants to change the current parliamentary system of government to a strong presidential system.

Claiming that most developed countries are governed by a presidential system -- though this is not actually the case -- he said in January: “It shows this [system] produces [better] results. Given this, why should we put shackles on our feet [by sticking with a parliamentary system]?”
I have no doubt there will be quite a few wearing " shackles" if this wannabe dictator gets his way.
Regional autonomy doesnt necc mean independence though. Look at scotland.
But if Scotland voted for independence it would be granted, TBF even in the run up to the vote MI5 etc weren't going around bombing SNP rallies or assassinating SNP activists, and Sturgeon( as mush as I dislike her) isn't demanding total presidential authority.
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