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Tunisia - working class revolt

What are the army in tunsia? Conscripts? Resented? Nationals service kiddies? Pampered?
one half fiercely resentful conscripts! Tunisia has conscription/military service like most north african nations and applies it extensively, simply because youth unemploymernt is so high that bunging em all in the forces is cheaper and politically more expedient than benefits. The other half, the professional soldier element of the army, as with pro soldiers anywhere, despises and therefore bullies the kids in uniform. Therefore, army loyalty is not a given. However, the professional soldier end of the army do have power and status; wel-trained, well-equipped, well turned out.
e2a; conscripts are badly treated in Tunisia, so they have no fondness for their officers
I can't wait for tomorrow - are the people going to take to the streets en masse? It certainly looks like it

They've been told they'll be shot if they do. Still much grimness to come. Let's hope there is a meaningful victory at the end of it.
They've been told they'll be shot if they do. Still much grimness to come. Let's hope there is a meaningful victory at the end of it.

Well that hasn't stopped them so far has it! If anything, the deaths have galvanised the revolt rather than suppress it
They've been told they'll be shot if they do. Still much grimness to come. Let's hope there is a meaningful victory at the end of it.

I don't like the way it's being called the "Jasmin Revolution" mind, does this mean that it's all just another insidious plot by the Americans to inflict neo-liberalism on them? Get them to buy more M16's, host Afri-Com, sell-off giant chunks of their society to billionaires and speculators and/or some other sordid wretched thing?

Hopefully even if it is, it'll get out of the control of whatever the hidden tentacles of N.E.D are machinating behind the scenes and transform into a genuine sovereign democratic movement.
suddenly since 6pm Tunisia is a Police State and terrible and we're on the side of the people lol, funny watching these scum switch

think we might see a few Tunisian PMs roll over the coming days
Congratulations to the Tunisian people on the success of their peaceful revolution. They are opening the door for all people living under the same circumstances, under the same oppressive regimes, the same dictators. What the Tunisian people did will be done in Egypt, in Syria and hopefully all over the Arabic world.
Haha what a surprise, he'll fit right in there in the land of lazy autocratic cunts.

Hope I don't wake up tomorrow to Twitter banned accross the Arab world, heh...

Good to see Ben Ali booted though.
the beeb was emphasising tonight that this was not an islamist uprising, but secular (and so they said, middle class - angry unemployed graduates)
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