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I'd go with anti-anti-bestiality legislation. Fucking sheep is surely wrong, but what do they know? They're sheep. Much better things to spend time and effort legislating against.
Hmm...a sheep, I'm not sure I could fall for a sheep. A big tough Rhino, maybe, but trying to fuck a Rhino, I think that could be tricky.
I may not make it depending on how tired I am - I'm not in a very good way at the moment - I am mobile now but in constant pain which I've never experienced before and it's flipping exhausting - it's really made me consider the plight of those people who live with pain throughout their lives! but I'll see.
I've just had a chat with Mary, a Tulse Hill character without a doubt, (she's said she doesn't mind me mentioning her name here).

She went into the Hart on Tuesday evening, hadn't even made it to the bar, and the beard came over and asked if he could have a word with her outside. He escorted her out the pub, and, well, the long and the short of it is this - He said the previous owners had informed him that she is not a suitable customer, therefore they wouldn't be serving her and she is not welcome. EVER.

He said 'no hard feelings' and tried to shake her hand, but as you might imagine, she wasn't in an especially accepting mood at that point.

Now - She was not barred before, hadn't been asked to leave in the whole time the previous people were there, so why the previous owner, JP Winter, would be so vindictive as to blot her copy book with the new owners, is beyond me, and I can only take it as a bitter and mean thing to do which is clearly a a result of his own disappointment in himself at having failed to make a business of the place for himself, and feels a need to fuck with other people to spread some of his pain around. Pride hurts, right?

Very sad. I am fucking so angry about it.
You know what, that is so fucking mean spirited. So fucking bitter and low and plain fucking vile. To wreck someone's character like is a fucking disgrace.

Mary is a lot of things, but is a really kind and caring person towards lots of people in the area. I bet they never mentioned the days she would cook and bring food in to feed their hungover, wasted fucking staff at weekends, when they were too weak to concentrate on serving and doing their job, or the time a female member of staff was being attacked and Mary was the only person in the pub, full of blokes, who stepped in and protected the staff member....

For fuck sake.....what a cunt!!!
Well it's five o'clock in Tulse Hill, a warm Friday evening with a hint of Summer after a long week of graft. One would expect the pubs to be getting busy, but I can confirm there is not a single punter in the Hart, not one - but about 20 or more in the THT where I am now tucking into a pint.
That is an appalling story but do not rise to the bait Nanker. I'm sure the local press would be interested to hear about the local that excludes locals... And there must be many other sensible strategies to put this mug in his place.
that's so completely out of order. I don't know her well but she is my neighbour and I've seen her kindness first hand and she always always has time to say hello to me and my girls. In fact I've seen her out and about and she has time for everyone as far as I can see. Fuck them frankly. I would always want to give a new business a chance but if they can't give others a chance then they deserve to fail. It shouldn't matter what the previous owners said - they should let her in and judge for themselves.
Mother fuckers.

Surely they can't bar her for no reason.

The place needs to be boycotted then. I for one wouldn't feel right drinking here where they are dress coding people by their class. They have no reason to bar Mary. It's just incredibly out of order.

I think old timer is right, this needs some press coverage but I think we need to take a stand and address this verbally with the cunts.

I'm absolutely fuming.
Planning on heading up there tomorrow afternoon for a bit of a stand. Will wear trainers. Am even considering shaving beard as wouldn't want it to look like I'm trying to fit in...
Well it's five o'clock in Tulse Hill, a warm Friday evening with a hint of Summer after a long week of graft. One would expect the pubs to be getting busy, but I can confirm there is not a single punter in the Hart, not one - but about 20 or more in the THT where I am now tucking into a pint.

I'm in the tavern
Mary was nothing but helpful to the previous owner and his staff. How he can bad mouth someone to the point of getting her barred is just outright vindictive. And what will he gain from it?
I've just had a chat with Mary, a Tulse Hill character without a doubt, (she's said she doesn't mind me mentioning her name here).

She went into the Hart on Tuesday evening, hadn't even made it to the bar, and the beard came over and asked if he could have a word with her outside. He escorted her out the pub, and, well, the long and the short of it is this - He said the previous owners had informed him that she is not a suitable customer, therefore they wouldn't be serving her and she is not welcome. EVER.

He said 'no hard feelings' and tried to shake her hand, but as you might imagine, she wasn't in an especially accepting mood at that point.

Now - She was not barred before, hadn't been asked to leave in the whole time the previous people were there, so why the previous owner, JP Winter, would be so vindictive as to blot her copy book with the new owners, is beyond me, and I can only take it as a bitter and mean thing to do which is clearly a a result of his own disappointment in himself at having failed to make a business of the place for himself, and feels a need to fuck with other people to spread some of his pain around. Pride hurts, right?

Very sad. I am fucking so angry about it.

Fucks sake, Mary? I have never seen her cause any trouble! Wankers!
The point is - the White Hart was failing and will fail. The current owners of the THT certainly did their homework and publicised the reopening very well. The place has been done up to a high standard and has a pleasant beer garden. To think that this mug in the White Hart thinks he can get custom from the Railway or the THT is frankly laughable.
I'm in the tavern
If I had more than 20 minutes left I'd a) work out where the tavern is. B) work out what you look like c) join you !

Mary has actually quelled trouble on numerous occasions. She's been nothing but a friend to me and always been protective of me and others if there's been a hint of bother.

I'm boycotting Hart, which isn't exactly a challenge. I'm a THT convert now anyway. This Camden lager they have here is joyous.
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