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Truss or Sunak - who gets your vote?

Who gets your vote?

  • Truss

  • Sunak

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Not who you think will win, but who you would vote for given the opportunity to do so.

Pretend you're a devious entryist if need be, but none of the above is not an option I'm afraid.
I’d go with Rishi, might be good to have a PM with an Indian diaspora background. I also know even less about Truss. Is she the one whose been saying shit about Roundhay school? If so doubly not her.
Truss would certainly do more damage to the party, but also to the country as well, so I'll go with Sunak, because he's slightly more sane.
I don't want either of them but if forced to choose would go with Sunak since while I may disagree with him on policy, he does strike me as sane.
Whereas I can imagine Truss in No 10 stroking Larry The Cat and cackling 'Yes, Yes my evil plan is coming to fruition'
I really don't buy this she will do so much damage to the Tory Party they're bound to lose the next election idea.
Strikes me as a very risky thing to hope for if it doesn't happen.
I don't want either of them but if forced to choose would go with Sunak since while I may disagree with him on policy, he does strike me as sane.
Whereas I can imagine Truss in No 10 stroking Larry The Cat and cackling 'Yes, Yes my evil plan is coming to fruition'
I really don't buy this she will do so much damage to the Tory Party they're bound to lose the next election idea.
Strikes me as a very risky thing to hope for if it doesn't happen.

Commentators: "Liz Truss is so stupid and useless that she's bound to lose."

Liz Truss: "Brexit Brexit Brexit"

Commentators: "In a way, Truss's landslide election victory was inevitable...:
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