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Trump - what's the truth?

What's really going on with Trump

  • He's not sick at all, it's just a ploy to look heroic & downplay COVID before election

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • He has a mild case, but has demanded to be stuffed full of meds because he's scared

    Votes: 46 45.1%
  • He's developing a bad case that's being covered up with lots of steroids & lying doctors

    Votes: 34 33.3%
  • He's preparing to fake his death & move to Belize with his cash before it's seized

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • We're all alseep and this is a collective hallucination

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 6.9%

  • Total voters
I've just noticed this thread, so I am cross posting the post below from the 'trump croak thread.'


His return to the White House is just political theatre, remember there's a fully equipped hospital in the WH, and 'he'll be surrounded by world class medical care 24/7', according to Sean Conley, which suggests he hasn't 'met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria', as claimed.

The whole interview is worth reading TBH, but here's a couple of highlights.

So, we have around a week for this to play out, plenty of time for it to all go tits-up for him. :thumbs:

And, plenty of arse covering going on too.


I've voted 'C' in hope, whilst knowing 'B' is still possible.

Dr Dull...

Racaniello and Griffin think that the Dexamethasone and so on is a reasonable thing to give someone, and the WHO doc Maria van Kerkhove has talked about the importance of giving dexamethasone and remdisivir before to give covid patients too. So the treatments aren't all that bizarre, they seem to be quite reasonable. Trump is obviously bloody high though. :D
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Racaniello and Griffin think that the Dexamethasone and so on is a reasonable thing to give someone, and the WHO doc Maria van Kerkhove has talked about the importance of giving dexamethasone and remdisivir before to give covid patients too. So the treatments aren't all that bizarre, they seem to be quite reasonable. Trump is obviously bloody high though. :D

Yeah, the drug treatment regime isn't totally abnormal from what plenty of people have said.

I'm not sure about the drugs making him high tbh though, I mean he's obviously a sociopath (or more) anyway, and he might well also have a newly renewed sense of out of control ego, invincibility, and power that's fueling him rather than any drug side effects.
I'm not sure about the drugs making him high tbh though, I mean he's obviously a sociopath (or more) anyway, and he might well also have a newly renewed sense of out of control ego, invincibility, and power that's fueling him rather than any drug side effects.

Given that some of his standard response mechanisms appear to involve a degree of overcompensation that goes far into absurd territory with little attention to credibility, it would not surprise me if he currently still has the opposite of a feeling of invincibility and that side of his behaviour right now is a total front.

He thinks that showing any sign of weakness is the biggest mistake to make, not realising that the way he tries to cover up weakness ends up revealing many of his fundamental weaknesses.
(b) but hoping that all the treatments he's demanded in mortal panic have stored up some serious bother for later on. Not enough to kill him, but enough to seriously fuck him up for a while... The one I'm hoping for the full-corona-monty is that cunt Steven Miller -but sadly, I think he's too odious for even the 'rona to want to go anywhere near...
Your wish seems to have come true - and Twitter is a joy to read this morning.
It's probably what it appears to be. He got mild Covid symptoms and spent a couple of nights in hospital probably just as a precautionary measure and now he's bragging about how easy it was to defeat it. To great public harm. Just because there's various petty half arsed deceptions about eg. being on Oxygen for a bit, doesn't mean there's some big secret that's being concealed. Trump's MO is petty half arsed deceptions.

Most people including overweight septuagenarians survive the illness without being on death's door, it's just the relatively small number who don't translate into some very big numbers when it's scaled up. That's why it's usually just bloody irritating when a twonk like Trump catches it and with a twonk as influential as Trump it's also really bloody dangerous for public health. I wasn't cheering when I heard the news.

Btw he's also almost certainly lost the election and would very likely have lost it anyway regardless of this little corona episode.
Voted other. The cocktail of drugs is transforming Trump at a molecular level into the Puppet Master, a supervillian in a disturbingly tight green and orange costume who is able to mind-meld with fuckwits everywhere and have them do his bidding.
Yeah, the drug treatment regime isn't totally abnormal from what plenty of people have said.

I'm not sure about the drugs making him high tbh though, I mean he's obviously a sociopath (or more) anyway, and he might well also have a newly renewed sense of out of control ego, invincibility, and power that's fueling him rather than any drug side effects.
I had dexamethasone eye drops for about a year, several times a day. It is a really common drug for lots of things, almost like being prescribed paracetamol, not some experimental drug. It def did not make me high in the slightest.
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After saying how well he was doing
I want him to live long enough to be roundly rejected by the voters in November, and for the SCOTUS to order Trump's tax returns to be released to the Manhattan DA (he won another judgment today) so his final hours/days are ones of defeat, humiliation and misery..
I most definitely do not want Trump to die before Nov 3rd, because Pence comes across as sane, competent and rational compared to Trump, and the Republicans might just sneak it on a sympathy vote.
In truth, pence would be just as bad. A thoroughly nasty bit of work.
I want him to live long enough to be roundly rejected by the voters in November, and for the SCOTUS to order Trump's tax returns to be released to the Manhattan DA (he won another judgment today) so his final hours/days are ones of defeat, humiliation and misery..
I most definitely do not want Trump to die before Nov 3rd, because Pence comes across as sane, competent and rational compared to Trump, and the Republicans might just sneak it on a sympathy vote.
In truth, pence would be just as bad. A thoroughly nasty bit of work.
I just want him to die. The timing is secondary so long as it's in the next few months.
Dexamethasone in high enough doses certainly does make you hyper-speedy (elated / excited / wide awake / very hungry / energetic / feeling damn near invincible) - I was taking it weekly for months during chemotherapy, where it's given to tide you over the day of chemo itself and a few days after - during which time you feel weirdly good - and then you crash heavily as soon as you're off it. It's mind-altering indeed, but only in the sense of 'you, only more so and with more energy', rather than turning you into a whole new person who sees pink rabbits in daylight. It could very well be affecting - or exaggerating - Trump's usual style but it won't be giving him entirely new, undreamed-of ideas.

"Regeneron" - saw a lengthy (1-2 minute) unedited clip of DT going on about this yesterday and oh wasn't he so careful to namecheck it at least half a dozen times in under 30 secs, along with lots of handwaving about wonderful Eli Lilley and wonderful Pfizer and great American expertise and how he was personally going to make sure every American Covid patient gets Regeneron (remember that name folks, Regeneron) treatment for free and so on and on and on. Absolutely sounded like a late night infomercial, which in a way I suppose was the point. (Also: so painfully obviously the name appeals to those with fragile masculinity and anxiety about ageing .... Regeneron ... makes you virile again... makes you young again.... arghghghghg)
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