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Trump - what's the truth?

What's really going on with Trump

  • He's not sick at all, it's just a ploy to look heroic & downplay COVID before election

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • He has a mild case, but has demanded to be stuffed full of meds because he's scared

    Votes: 46 45.1%
  • He's developing a bad case that's being covered up with lots of steroids & lying doctors

    Votes: 34 33.3%
  • He's preparing to fake his death & move to Belize with his cash before it's seized

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • We're all alseep and this is a collective hallucination

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 6.9%

  • Total voters
What really likely happened is:

He tested positive for Covid - so as he’s the President, he was given the best possible treatment known to man at this time (as would any President).

He felt better in no time so thought it would be a good show of strength for himself, his supporters, the country and his detractors to leave hospital asap and get back to the WH.

Trump being Trump, he decided to do a few laps of the street waving to his supporters outside the hospital - also knowing this would infuriate the press and blue check Twitter types.
He tweeted remarks from a New York Post columnist who called him an "invincible hero, who not only survived every dirty trick the Democrats threw at him, but the Chinese virus as well."

Not sure how well that tweet is going to age - the upside to him leaving hospital today is that he's going to be extremely reluctant to spoil the 'invincible' narrative by returning, even if his symptoms get a lot worse.
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He tweeted remarks from a New York Post columnist who called him an "invincible hero, who not only survived every dirty trick the Democrats threw at him, but the Chinese virus as well."

Not sure how well that tweet is going to age - the upside to him leaving hospital today is that he's going to be extremely reluctant to spoil the 'invincible' narrative by returning, even if his symptoms get a lot worse.
This is, in the words of a space princess, our only hope.
What really likely happened is:

He tested positive for Covid - so as he’s the President, he was given the best possible treatment known to man at this time (as would any President).

He felt better in no time so thought it would be a good show of strength for himself, his supporters, the country and his detractors to leave hospital asap and get back to the WH.

Trump being Trump, he decided to do a few laps of the street waving to his supporters outside the hospital - also knowing this would infuriate the press and blue check Twitter types.
Fuck off
Will Biden willingly debate face to face with someone who has covid tho?

Trump is planning on him not wishing to do it, to try to call him a coward

he should turn up in full covid gear and spend an hour ripping him a new one over catching covid
What really likely happened is:

He tested positive for Covid - so as he’s the President, he was given the best possible treatment known to man at this time (as would any President).

He felt better in no time so thought it would be a good show of strength for himself, his supporters, the country and his detractors to leave hospital asap and get back to the WH.

Trump being Trump, he decided to do a few laps of the street waving to his supporters outside the hospital - also knowing this would infuriate the press and blue check Twitter types.
Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time:

You seem to think you're on some right wing site that celebrates Trump and all the despicable racism and white nationalistic shit he stands for.

Well, you're not and your Trump fanboy input in this thread is no longer required, wanted or permitted.

Any further comments from celebrating your favourite white nationalistic cunt will result in an instant 7 day ban.
Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time:

You seem to think you're on some right wing site that celebrates Trump and all the despicable racism and white nationalistic shit he stands for.

Well, you're not and your Trump fanboy input in this thread is no longer required, wanted or permitted.

Any further comments from celebrating your favourite white nationalistic cunt will result in an instant 7 day ban.
16 383... :D
Either B or C (I'm hoping for C) Not A or D since he;s too stupid to think of either of those himself and whilst he's surrounded by people who might think of it for him, he would probably blab it all in a tweet.
I really, really would like E to be true and wake up tomorrow to a world where people were unhappy about Hilary Clinton looking like a second term and grumbling about Ed Milliband's handling of coronavirus but I know it ain't going to happen.
What really likely happened is:

He tested positive for Covid - so as he’s the President, he was given the best possible treatment known to man at this time (as would any President).

He felt better in no time so thought it would be a good show of strength for himself, his supporters, the country and his detractors to leave hospital asap and get back to the WH.

Trump being Trump, he decided to do a few laps of the street waving to his supporters outside the hospital - also knowing this would infuriate the press and blue check Twitter types.
Sure he felt better but I'm sure he's also ignoring advice found in plenty of experience by now that he's not out of the woods. He may yet be ok but it was a real dick move to endanger others by going out and about just to show, as he sees it, how great he is because he doesn't understand it's ok to be ill.
I've just noticed this thread, so I am cross posting the post below from the 'trump croak thread.'


His return to the White House is just political theatre, remember there's a fully equipped hospital in the WH, and 'he'll be surrounded by world class medical care 24/7', according to Sean Conley, which suggests he hasn't 'met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria', as claimed.

The whole interview is worth reading TBH, but here's a couple of highlights.

SEAN CONLEY, WHITE HOUSE PHYSICIAN: Good afternoon, everyone, thank you for being here. Over the past 24 hours, the president has continued to improve. He's met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria. He'll receive another dose of Remdesivir here today and then we plan to get him home. It's been more than 72 hours since his last fever.

Oxygen levels, including ambulatory saturations and his work of breathing are all normal. Though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet, the team and I agree that all our evaluations and most importantly his clinical status support the president's safe return home, where he'll be surrounded by world class medical care 24/7. I'd like to bring Dr. Duli up to review some more specifics.

CONLEY: So we send patients home with medications all the time. In fact, yesterday afternoon, he probably met most of his discharge requirements safely from the hospital. And he's returning to a facility, the White House medical unit that's staffed 24/7 top notch physicians, nurses, PAs, logisticians and the unit here, the team here behind me is going to continue to support us in that nature.

REPORTER: Now you had said that seven to 10 days was a window that you'd be concerned about. I don't think we're there yet. So do you have concerns about potential worsening or reversal? And what are your plans for addressing that if it were to happen?

CONLEY: You're you're absolutely right. And that's why we all remain cautiously optimistic, um, and on guard, because we're in a bit of unchartered territory when it comes to a patient that received the therapies he has so early in the course. So we're looking to this weekend, if we can get through to Monday with him remaining the same or improving better yet, then we will all take that final deep sigh of relief. But as I said, 24/7 world class medical care surrounding him down there. We're not going to miss anything that we would've caught up here.

So, we have around a week for this to play out, plenty of time for it to all go tits-up for him. :thumbs:

And, plenty of arse covering going on too.


I've voted 'C' in hope, whilst knowing 'B' is still possible.
Will Biden willingly debate face to face with someone who has covid tho?

He'll be past the infectious phase by the 15th.

I voted 'other' and think danny la rouge has it right.

Fucking disgusting, especially the 'don't fear the virus' and the deafening silence from the media on health inequalities in the USA. Depressingly if he continues to get well I think it'll play well for him and solidify some of his wavering support. Dreading the election.
His capacity to sink to ever deeper depths is kind of micaculous, it’s a sort of superpower to be able to still shock and outrage people after more than four years.
At this point though it makes me think something is badly wrong with the whole presidential system over there if wilfully endangering lives on a drug fuelled whim is fine you can just carry on in the job.
What really likely happened is:

He tested positive for Covid - so as he’s the President, he was given the best possible treatment known to man at this time (as would any President).

He felt better in no time so thought it would be a good show of strength for himself, his supporters, the country and his detractors to leave hospital asap and get back to the WH.

Trump being Trump, he decided to do a few laps of the street waving to his supporters outside the hospital - also knowing this would infuriate the press and blue check Twitter types.

I think this is very probably about right, except that looking at him on those steps he doesn't seem to be feeling very well. His breathing is pretty laboured.
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