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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

I’ve not seen any of that where I get my news. (Apple News app, BBC News app). But I guess there’s plenty of sewers out there for people who are so minded to swim in.
The BBC are still treating "both sides" as equally valid though, with rather more space being given to the transphobes, and not a single trans person quoted.
with starmer, i wish i shared your optimism...
the problem at present is that if Starmer said anything other than vague agreement with ' we need to listen to the concerns of (puppets of patriarchy) women ' the media would go to town and distract from all the sleaze emerging aobut Tories and Reform.

It is my beleif that under a further Selfservative government things would get objectively worse , where under labour things would not get worse and knee Jerk stuff from the EHRC would be forgotten and withdrawn and the GnRH analogue restrictions would quietly be allowed to lapse
I don't think Starmer will want to, and i don't think he will do so by choice. But the idea of ripping up what is still considered one of the few good things post Iraq war Labour did just seems unlikely to me.

dunno really

i think starmer's instinct is to be soggy and try to please everyone and end up pissing everyone off.

until even a few months, i'd have agreed with you on that. until fairly recently, i wouldn't have expected a labour front bencher to be talking about sending immigrants back to bangladesh...
The BBC are still treating "both sides" as equally valid though, with rather more space being given to the transphobes, and not a single trans person quoted.
Oh, sure. I’m under no illusions that the BBC are good guys. (I remember Orgreave). I just mean I haven’t seen any story about cancelling David Tennant in either app. And, following the above posts, I did look.
dunno really

i think starmer's instinct is to be soggy and try to please everyone and end up pissing everyone off.

until even a few months, i'd have agreed with you on that. until fairly recently, i wouldn't have expected a labour front bencher to be talking about sending immigrants back to bangladesh...
But if inaction wins the day the Equality Act will stay in place, and all the GCs put in place by the Tories, who have been working to confuse the meaning of the act ( or as i call it, tell lies about what the law says) will be gone, replaced by Labour appointments.
But if inaction wins the day th the Equality Act will stay in place, and all the GCs put in place by the Tories, who have been working to confuse the meaning of the act ( or as i call it, tell lies about what the law says) will be gone, replaced by Labour appointments.

ditto the restrictions on GnRH analogues - a 3 month temporary restriction put in place without following the processes for these restrictiosn, which incidentially have not been used when they could have been been over far more harmful substances
the problem at present is that if Starmer said anything other than vague agreement with ' we need to listen to the concerns of (puppets of patriarchy) women ' the media would go to town and distract from all the sleaze emerging aobut Tories and Reform.

It is my beleif that under a further Selfservative government things would get objectively worse , where under labour things would not get worse and knee Jerk stuff from the EHRC would be forgotten and withdrawn and the GnRH analogue restrictions would quietly be allowed to lapse
That's kind of where I'm sitting. It is encouraging that Starmer has outright said that 'culture wars' are an exhausting distraction, hopefully he will include the 'trans issue' in that. They're not going to do enough but sadly at the moment 'not making things worse' may be all we can hope for.
Well the official Labour manifesto for this election includes the following:

Delivering opportunities for all means that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. Labour will protect LGBT+ and disabled people by making all existing strands of hate crime an aggravated offence.

So-called conversion therapy is abuse – there is no other word for it – so Labour will finally deliver a full trans-inclusive ban on conversion practices, while protecting the freedom for people to explore their sexual orientation and gender identity.

We will also modernise, simplify, and reform the intrusive and outdated gender recognition law to a new process. We will remove indignities for trans people who deserve recognition and acceptance; whilst retaining the need for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a specialist doctor, enabling access to the healthcare pathway.

Labour is proud of our Equality Act and the rights and protections it affords women; we will continue to support the implementation of its single-sex exceptions.
The bare minimum could be worse than doing nothing. The Conversion Therapy ban is likely to be so watered down that it won't include much of the conversion therapy trans people are currently facing and could be used as a weapon now that GCs have decided that LGB kids are being 'transed' as a form of conversion therapy. Streeting has said he will follow the Cass report and keep the puberty blockers ban, although that is likely to run up against legal challenges. The proposals for gender recognition reform so far looks pretty meaningless and could make things worse, especially now everyone seems to be pretending you need a GRC to access single sex spaces like toilets.

And the cost of the bare minimum will be yet more endless and vicious debate as Labour attempt to throw a bone to trans people whilst appeasing gender criticals, who will not be appeased by anything other than legislation which aims to eliminate trans people from existing as trans in society. Just look at Starmer's recent agreement to meet Rowling, who immediately demanded he must also meet a whole load of other groups at the same time and that Rayner must apologise for past comments before the newly elected Prime Minister is granted an audience with Queen Terf.

The entitlement is off the fucking scale and if he wants to genuinely help trans people then he needs to stand up to the gender critical movement and call out their bullshit and actually involve trans people themselves in drafting any proposals. And if he can't do that, and he won't, then it would be far better to just keep trans rights off the agenda for a couple of years and hopefully things will quieten down a bit.

Trans rights are progessing all over the world without incident, the terfs are taking chunks out of each other just as viciously as they attack trans people, half of them have gone full on crank, they still can't put numbers on the streets, the moderates are peeling away and barely anyone under 45 is remotely interested in their shit. Better to stop putting fuel on the fire imo.
This is a weird one but bear with me.

Nina Power, supposed left wing writer and gender critical activist, and Daniel DC Miller attempted to sue Luke Thomas for libel for pointing out they wrote horrendous right wing shit.

And they lost, and have now both been declared bankrupt because they had to pay 80% of Luke Thomas's costs.

What's even wilder is how fucking occult nazi they were, as revealed in the chat logs and emails between them: Victory in High Court libel case against Nina Power and Daniel ‘DC’ Miller - Luke Turner

And even as both are now bankrupt and their weird fucking anti trans nazi far right shit has been revealed... they're being defended by one of the UK's transphobes.

It is encouraging to see that in the run-up to the election this week there has been a swathe of posts on Mumsnet saying things 'Women will be 2nd class citizens' 'Labour won't win because they don't know what a woman is' 'Don't vote away your daughter's rights on Thursday' where the vast majority of replies are 'What total bullshit, you realise most people aren't bothered, women actually have much bigger problems than worrying about meeting a trans person' and so on.
They came back yesterday, very psyched up about the whole thing and enthused about the level of solidarity and bonding with others during it. I was glad the kids made their point - so much talking is done about trans kids without actually considering them as individual people when they are very capable of explaining their identities and are not 'confused'.
They came back yesterday, very psyched up about the whole thing and enthused about the level of solidarity and bonding with others during it. I was glad the kids made their point - so much talking is done about trans kids without actually considering them as individual people when they are very capable of explaining their identities and are not 'confused'.
Yeah, that pisses me off too. So much is made of wanting to "protect" trans kids without actually asking them how they feel.
I also hate the 'autistic kids can't be trans' thing - as I have heard people with autism point out, have you tried to get an autistic person to do something they don't want to do?! I think for autistic trans people, such as my nephew, being in control of their gender identity and being seen as they are is something that enables them to negotiate the world.
This is a weird one but bear with me.

Nina Power, supposed left wing writer and gender critical activist, and Daniel DC Miller attempted to sue Luke Thomas for libel for pointing out they wrote horrendous right wing shit.

And they lost, and have now both been declared bankrupt because they had to pay 80% of Luke Thomas's costs.

What's even wilder is how fucking occult nazi they were, as revealed in the chat logs and emails between them: Victory in High Court libel case against Nina Power and Daniel ‘DC’ Miller - Luke Turner

And even as both are now bankrupt and their weird fucking anti trans nazi far right shit has been revealed... they're being defended by one of the UK's transphobes.

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The Power stuff is so grim and depressing (I mean, a lot of all of this is so grim and depressing). I never knew her personally, and appreciate it must be much weirder for those who did, but she used to be someone I had so much respect for, and even in stuff she wrote after she'd clearly gone wrong there'd be moments of lucidity there, stuff she said that chimed with my own thoughts about trying to be more open-minded, less rigid and so on... but if being open-minded just comes down to "you can't tell me off for being a nazi now" then fuck it. Also very noticeable how quickly someone can go from feminism to "gender-critical" feminism to
Very funny that that Miller prick turns out to be the offspring of a Spectator journo and a Goldman Sachs lawyer though.
The Power stuff is so grim and depressing (I mean, a lot of all of this is so grim and depressing). I never knew her personally, and appreciate it must be much weirder for those who did, but she used to be someone I had so much respect for, and even in stuff she wrote after she'd clearly gone wrong there'd be moments of lucidity there, stuff she said that chimed with my own thoughts about trying to be more open-minded, less rigid and so on... but if being open-minded just comes down to "you can't tell me off for being a nazi now" then fuck it. Also very noticeable how quickly someone can go from feminism to "gender-critical" feminism to
View attachment 431669
Very funny that that Miller prick turns out to be the offspring of a Spectator journo and a Goldman Sachs lawyer though.
What is her pre-boring crank reputation based on? I read One Dimensional Woman years ago and it was alright from what I remember but I didn't get a lot from it, I don't know about anything else she did though.
It really really upsets and frightens me how normalised people being openly Nazi has become. I mean, Jews won't get it in the neck first if there's a second Holocaust, it'll be Muslims or trans people, but we won't be far off.

All the people defending Power are ignoring the fact she said she was a fucking Nazi.
It is encouraging to see that in the run-up to the election this week there has been a swathe of posts on Mumsnet saying things 'Women will be 2nd class citizens' 'Labour won't win because they don't know what a woman is' 'Don't vote away your daughter's rights on Thursday' where the vast majority of replies are 'What total bullshit, you realise most people aren't bothered, women actually have much bigger problems than worrying about meeting a trans person' and so on.
I' glad some people have sense. This is also why I'm so sick of Starmer pandering to TERFs. They hate him, they bleat on about how he ~doesn't know what a woman is~ and won't vote for him. Anyone would think Labour were the Taliban the way these people are talking. I'd be far more worried about some of their allies, especially the anti-abortion ones and the violent misogynists, but these women would vote for Attila the Hun if he hated trans people enough. They also live in a weird little bubble where they assume everyone is obsessed with trans people as they are. Most of them have never met and will never meet a trans person in their lives.

I wish they'd all fuck off to Russia.

ETA: Cloo, there is a Sex and Gender subforum but the trans shit gets EVERYWHERE. It even gets into pet threads. AIBU is full of anti-trans crap, Scotsnet is full of it as well because they hate the SNP there. Black Mumsnet isn't - some of them are GC but they're generally sick of the racism on FWR and the support for the far right.
I also hate the 'autistic kids can't be trans' thing - as I have heard people with autism point out, have you tried to get an autistic person to do something they don't want to do?! I think for autistic trans people, such as my nephew, being in control of their gender identity and being seen as they are is something that enables them to negotiate the world.

My mum is currently doing this with my nephew. She read an article somewhere saying that there's a pattern with neurodiverse (natal) girls aged 12-ish who get bullied at school coming out as trans.

Well firstly, pretty much all neurodiverse kids get bullied at school so we can collapse those two data points into one and make this supposed pattern a lot less convincing straight off the bat.

Secondly, my nephew is not a pattern. He's a person. Coming out has made him happier and more comfortable in himself. More power to him.
I'm not trans, but I do know autistic people who are and it kind of makes sense because a lot of autistic people do feel boxed in by gender roles and expectations. I know I did. I felt I failed as a girl because I didn't wear make-up or like clothes shopping when I was in my teens.
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