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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Government just banned non-NHS doctors from prescribing any more puberty blockers until at least September 2nd. That's cutting off a lot of future users.

If you're already being prescribed them then it looks like that can continue, but no new non-NHS prescriptions and the NHS has halted prescribing them to young people anyway. Means all trans youth with dysphoria are gonna have to go through puberty, which is pretty awful

Dropped it on the last day before dissolution of Parliament which is weird but also might mean they make it an election thing: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/727/pdfs/uksi_20240727_en.pdf
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Government just banned non-NHS doctors from prescribing any more puberty blockers until at least September 2nd. That's cutting off a lot of future users.

If you're already being prescribed them then it looks like that can continue, but no new non-NHS prescriptions and the NHS has halted prescribing them to young people anyway. Means all trans youth with dysphoria are gonna have to go through puberty, which is pretty awful

Dropped it on the last day before dissolution of Parliament which is weird but also might mean they make it an election thing: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/727/pdfs/uksi_20240727_en.pdf
looks like a death throes ' we did ban them honest' appeal to TERFery from the Selfservative,s as the ban is time limited , it'll just lapse unless whoever takes over fro mthe Selfservatives in July chooses to extend it

also if they are unsafe they should have made the ban for all Children and young people, which demonstrates that this is not a credible proposal
A reminder that Cass didn't actually find puberty blockers caused any harm, just that the evidence brief said the evidence wasn't that great for their use (after discarding lots of it).

And now the UK Govt has sent a letter to everyone on the extremely long waiting list for youth NHS gender care saying;

1. There won't be any new puberty blockers prescribed for under 18's gender dysphoria or incongruence on the NHS unless patients are part of the research programme/clinical trial. Existing prescriptions stand, as do prescriptions for those using pbs for non gender healthcare, as do those for 18+.

2. If you have a prescription from elsewhere in the EEA, it's banned for it to be supplied in the UK

3. If you knowingly possess puberty blockers for trans healthcare uses for u18s, that's actually a crime now.

4. If you're cis and using them, that's fine.

So it's a three month trans healthcare ban for young people, which Wes Streeting has said he welcomed.

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Really good piece here about how puberty blockers actually bought a kid waiting time to think about their identity

Thanks for this - interesting to know. I had wondered about kids who change their minds as I know we know blockers are safe for precocious puberty, but I wasn't sure what evidence there was for outcomes if someone takes them over the 'normal' puberty window and then goes through puberty at a later age than would be normal. Although hormones can be used for kids who don't have any signs of puberty when they should as well, so presumably late puberty is manageable.
A reminder that Cass didn't actually find puberty blockers caused any harm, just that the evidence brief said the evidence wasn't that great for their use (after discarding lots of it).

And now the UK Govt has sent a letter to everyone on the extremely long waiting list for NHS gender care saying;

1. There won't be any puberty blockers prescribed for gender dysphoria or incongruence on the NHS

2. If you have a prescription from elsewhere in the EEA, it's illegal for it to be filled in the UK

3. If you possess puberty blockers for trans healthcare uses, that's actually a crime now.

4. If you're cis and using them, that's fine.

So it's a three month trans healthcare ban for young people, which Wes Streeting has said he welcomed.

1. incorrect , 3 month moratorium on new prescriptions for under 18s , all existing prescriptions continue including UK issues private prescription s, adult service continue with new prescriptiosn of GnRH analogues as needed both NHS and Private

2. incorrect -

3. incorrect -utterly incorrect, it is a legal grey area at best to posess Prescriptipon only medications without suitable authorisations

4. incorrect

please stop spreading misinformation on this topic
1. incorrect , 3 month moratorium on new prescriptions for under 18s , all existing prescriptions continue including UK issues private prescription s, adult service continue with new prescriptiosn of GnRH analogues as needed both NHS and Private

2. incorrect -

3. incorrect -utterly incorrect, it is a legal grey area at best to posess Prescriptipon only medications without suitable authorisations

4. incorrect

please stop spreading misinformation on this topic

Here's the letter that I am talking about and it says almost exactly what I posted. I have made edits to the original post.

1. The letter does not talk about the moratorium which I mentioned in an earlier post and I did mention its a three month ban in that post.

No new prescriptions unless:
  • they're part of the clinical trial/research programme
  • they already had a prescription from the UK
  • they're cis kids taking it for precocious puberty etc
  • they're 18+


2. "From 3 June private prescriptions of GnRH analogues from a prescriber registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland are banned from being supplied in Great Britain in all circumstances for patients under 18." they also explain in the third page that any EEA/Swiss prescriptions will need to be replaced with a UK one as it will no longer be valid.

3. "It will be a criminal offence to possess these medicines where the individual had reasonable cause to know that the medicine had been sold or supplied in breach of the ban"

4. "If the patient is 17 years old or under and the purpose of the prescription is for a medical condition other than gender incongruence or gender dysphoria"
This was released today, it's a real letter.
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‘My teeth exploded’: Transgender teen breaks silence on being assaulted for using her Minnesota school bathroom

A transgender teen recounted the moment she was assaulted inside a Minnesota high school bathroom when a student called her a f***** and punched her in the jaw.

“One of my teeth exploded, pieces in my mouth. My jaw was broken in two places…molar, just shattered,” Cobalt Sovereign, 17 told KARE in Minnesota about the attack.

The alleged assault happened last week inside Hopkins High School in Minnetonka. The other student leaned over a stall and started to harass Sovereign, according to the report. That is when she confronted him about it.

+++ This is what happens when a trans girl uses the boys' toilets +++
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There it is folks. A Minister of State announcing the goctt put anti-trans ideologues in at Equalities and Health to go after existing trans rights and trans healthcare.

That the Cass Report was only commissioned because they had gender critical politicians in the right places.

That it was always fucking rigged.
Badenoch is pathologically obsessed with trans people. It's fucking insane. The woman is not fit to be Equalities Minister. And she's not gender critical, she thinks enforced gender roles are a GOOD thing.

Of course Labour wouldn't have commissioned it, because Labour aren't as fucking obsessed with trans people as the Tories are, although Starmer and Duffield are trying to change that.
I liked this quote from the decision:

"Some transgender opponents invoke religion to support their position, just as some once invoked religion to support their racism or misogyny. Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs. But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender. In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
I liked this quote from the decision:

"Some transgender opponents invoke religion to support their position, just as some once invoked religion to support their racism or misogyny. Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs. But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender. In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
But millions may have to die first - that's a me quote.
I liked this quote from the decision:

"Some transgender opponents invoke religion to support their position, just as some once invoked religion to support their racism or misogyny. Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs. But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender. In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
this is very much along the lineso f the part in the forstater judgement that said Genital Cranks are allowed to hold their views but expressing them will often bring them into direct ocnflict with the law
Nats deny breaking Coalition promise on 'disgraceful' transgender sport policy

Slightly brighter news here. Our Tory led coalition has a right populist partner NZ First who wanted to strip sports funding from trans inclusive codes right down to the community level.

Except once the Sport NZ body gave it's feedback that a) no and b) you want to get judicial reviewed to hell, the Tories here went oooh ok we'll just watch what develops.

NZ Firsts leader Winston Peters has claimed it's a breach of the coalition agreement, the Tories disagree.

Then in comes Willie Jackson for Labour who calls the transphobia nonsensical and tells Winston to go jump in a lake over bullying a minority and links it to the Govts attack on Māori and the disabled.
Apologies to hijack this thread to talk about other related issues, but there don't seem to be any active political threads around LGBT issues other than this one.

Feeling really pissed off about this election and the state of LGBT rights issues in general. It feels as though the whole of LGBT+ issues have been narrowed into two political questions - 'should we stop those awful trans people going into female toilets?' and the more positive 'should we ban conversion therapy?'. Obviously the first is well covered on this thread, and is a bit of a proxy attack on all LGBT+ people, seeking to roll back rights in general as well as specifically to trans people - but I suspect a large portion of gay and lesbian people don't feel the whole transgender row really affects them directly. Conversion therapy seems to have become the main non-trans-specific political demand - but why? I'm not saying it's not a bad thing that should be opposed, but in terms of the number of people it actually affects why is it the priority?

The absolute biggest thing that has enabled me to live a decent life has been access to housing. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a gay man in your teens and early 20s with no prospect of moving out of the family home. Even worse likely for young trans people. Similarly we as a community have worse health outcomes, especially around mental health - why is not access to high quality, tailored mental health services not seen as a specifically LGBT+ issue? Not to mention elderly care, something that increasingly terrifies me. Perhaps I'm so out of the loop (I'm really not engaged with the gay 'community' as such, which feels quite illusory these days) that I've missed campaigning on these issues, but it feels like the whole debate has been narrowed so I don't really recognise myself or my needs within it.
Kemi Badenoch having a normal one over David Tennant is beyond pathetic. He isn't silencing women and he isn't attacking you because you're black, Kemi, it's because you're a vile bigot, and you certainly didn't give a shit about racism when Dianne Abbott was being thrown under the bus by Labour and got worse treatment than your BFF Duffield did. Duffield wasn't hounded out of the Labour Party btw, she's still there.

Btw I'm cis, but I'm also bi and the transphobia does bother me a lot not just because of how cruel and pointless it is, but because homophobia is never far away where transphobia's concerned. And it's depressing that it's all Sunak and Starmer care about. Nothing else.
Definitely not a good look, a white man telling a black woman that she should Shut Up, and that he wishes she didn't exist.
You get she's only using her identity because it suits her to do so. Where was her outrage over the treatment of black politicians when Dianne Abbot was threatened by Frank Hester?

Fuck Badenoch, she doesn't get to use her race while in government to deflect from mild criticism of her odious bigotry perpetrated by a man whose actual kid is trans. She can go straight to hell
Kemi Badenoch having a normal one over David Tennant is beyond pathetic. He isn't silencing women and he isn't attacking you because you're black, Kemi, it's because you're a vile bigot, and you certainly didn't give a shit about racism when Dianne Abbott was being thrown under the bus by Labour and got worse treatment than your BFF Duffield did. Duffield wasn't hounded out of the Labour Party btw, she's still there.

Btw I'm cis, but I'm also bi and the transphobia does bother me a lot not just because of how cruel and pointless it is, but because homophobia is never far away where transphobia's concerned. And it's depressing that it's all Sunak and Starmer care about. Nothing else.
This, in other words
This, in other words

I’m not sure that “it’s all that Sunak and Starmer care about” is right.

I got the impression they would both be very happy if the whole can of worms vanished.

(above post coming from someone with almost no media access since 16th June, but if nothing major has changed since then, I’ll stand by it)
Definitely not a good look, a white man telling a black woman that she should Shut Up, and that he wishes she didn't exist.
Uhm.... she's not beyond criticism for her views because she's black and a woman. Badenoch thinks saying he's being racist is this massive 'Gotcha!' for woke folks because she believes that being woke means you think any criticism of a less privileged person is racism/homophobia/transphobia/classism.

That isn't how it works.

Tennant 100% would have said the same thing if it had been a white man saying what Badenoch said.

Of course, Badenoch probably thinks PoC campaigning for social justice are 'playing the race card', but hypocritically uses it herself as a shield from criticism.
Also, on another topic I've seen another account of a butch woman (this time visiting from the States after a few years) to say policing toilets has got worse in the interim and she was queried several times by older women while in the ladies. [Apologies for forthcoming rant and any inaccuracies in my beliefs]

The thing that gets me about this is... I mean, obviously doing it at all is wrong but.... while trans women don't have to look a certain way I think I can say with significant certainty that THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE BUTCH LESBIANS.

Like, a trans woman doesn't look like 'physically a woman but presenting in a masculine way with how she dresses and does her hair' - THAT'S A BUTCH LESBIAN or maybe a straight woman who isn't bothered about presenting feminine. A trans woman is unlikely to change gender and then try to present as the sex she was assigned at birth!

I don't know if these women believe this bullshit that men are walking into Ladies' loos for a thrill and that these butch women are just men?!! WTF?!!
Some do. The ones who are butch lesbians do. Other kinds of trans lesbians too.

A trans woman is unlikely to change gender and then try to present as the sex she was assigned at birth!

But that's not what happens. Lesbians aren't presenting as men. A trans woman who is a butch lesbian similarly isn't presenting as a man, she's presenting as a butch lesbian.

And its not uncommon to find trans women who are reluctant to wear women's clothes, just because they've never worn women's clothes and they don't feel comfortable doing so. Some find women's clothes that are similar to men's - but if they're quite tall it doesn't really make sense to do that. I find myself dressing more androgynously as i get older too, like many women.
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