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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

A story from down here and it's unpleasant, but just note how this is reported on in NZ compared to how the UK would have.

Transgender 18-year-old attempts surgery on himself at home due to lack of access

That three doctors wrote a journal article advocating for better access to care, that it clearly states this young person was assessed for mental health issues and later reported a huge improvement in their life following surgery.

It also quotes PATHA, but doesn't do the thing of approaching some anti-trans group purporting to be experts for "balance".

Needless to say, this article and all of the ones on this story will likely be subject to a complaint about balance - as any article that doesn't give anti trans activists a chance to tell nonsense always does.

I'm not kidding, there's a particular activist who submits around 1000 words in complaint for any story about trans healthcare that doesn't list her anti trans talking points, which is exhausting for journos and professionals to rebut and refute - and even then they escalate it to the media council so you have to repeat the process.

It's a deliberate tactic to exhaust the pro-trans community with behind the scenes justifying while the anti trans movement spews misinformation on every available channel.
Let me guess, the Landys are at it again?
Not them this time, but a fellow traveller.

They're speaking at a conference of anti trans folks tomorrow including

  • a psycho self appointed bishop who blames earthquakes on the gays and has picketed drag story time and whose followers have been painting over rainbow crossings and hosted an event called Time To Kill recently where he basically ran through a Greatest Hits of British transphobia
  • A "christian" lobbyist for a fash group called Family First who is anti abortion, pro kid hitting, anti-women, anti-gay marriage
  • Jen Bilek the antisemitic conspiracy theorist.

An awful lot of these feminist lesbians seem to be happy sharing a stage with men who are incredibly opposed to any sort of women's rights and gay rights, just because they're anti trans. Absolutely zero reflection there from any of them about what empowering people who hate them will lead to.

There's a counter protest planned, but importantly they didn't demand it be cancelled because these fucken pricks play victim like you wouldn't believe. Also our Free Speech Union, yes they're literally the Toby Young franchise, sued local councils a few years back when they tried to cancel a different Terf event and won the case - meaning it's hard to prevent these fuckers booking venues.

The local Council are lighting up the buildings nearby in trans flag colours for that day, which is nice.

My apologies, I meant difficult in the public system, not going private - with the GIC waiting list etc. I will edit that for more clarity, as 7 - 8 years is still a long time.

Thank you for spotting that Arduis.
a lot of the of hyperbole about 20 year waiting listsis (with the excepion of the South West prior to recommissioning of that service) exactly that.

taking one sample week or month in an FoI and extrapolating that without regard to leave, other absence or recruitment state of the service at that time ... ( so you have a month where one dr was on leave and another had a few days off for sickness meaning only certain assessments / appointments could be done that wekk which didn't trigger key progression points in an individuals care means a delay builds up and there is little or no locum provision , add in the the fact the 2013/ 2018 pathways are so specific aobut clinicla grade and registration of professionals who can make key decisions ( although in soem cases it;s 'any doctor' that can make a decision )

there is a postcode lottery in that th first few cohorts through the new model services in the Northwest, London and EoE get progressed as fast as the service spec allowed as no builtd up of past cases and the new model services at least initially were allowed to reject "Complex cases" ( who remained on the waiting list for one of the existing Consultant-level dr delivered GICs ) some of the Existign GICs are also looking at a system where they stream their patients into a 'new model a like' pathway and a 'complex case' pathway with a different balalnce of appointments between Consultant level drs and other HCPs and Staff grade or Higher trainee dr appointments
It risks pupils questioning their gender when they might not have done so otherwise.... i.e. it's wrong to question your gender??? Why is that something to actively discourage. Fuckin hell.
hence the comparisons to S28

and also why attacking trans folox is a warm up for dismantling the entire Equality act. ( fortunately the civil service barring the handful of TERFs making lots of noise) and many of the judiciary have noticed this ...
Presumably the proposed banning of teaching ‘gender ideology’ would include that of ‘gender-critical’ idealogues? Would only be fair.

As written, it's close to meaningless. A consequence of the transphobes they're pitching this to having spent years inventing all sorts of euphemisms and nonsense jargon to try and put a coat of polish on the rancid dog turd that is their actual opinions and beliefs.
Presumably the proposed banning of teaching ‘gender ideology’ would include that of ‘gender-critical’ idealogues? Would only be fair.

no. it's official (see the cass report) that considering trans people to be valid is 'ideology', considering trans people not to be valid isn't.

in the same way that opposing racism is seen as 'marxism' and being indifferent to racism is 'non political'

Also, from what I have gleaned, there has been nothing to address the fact that children ask teachers questions about gender. Would this legislation prohibit answering those questions honestly and truthfully or does it only prohibit the teaching of gender identities?

again, it depends quite what the legislation says, and if it's fuzzy, then what precedents are set by any test case/s. i suspect that most schools / teachers will be keen to avoid becoming a test case so will take a cautious approach. as happened with section 28, even though there were no successful prosecutions under it.
Third genders exist in many countries and are not a thing that were invented in the 21st century, but this is Russ we're talking about here.
I had an acquaintance who was both homophobic and almost a worshipper of Native American culture.

'You wouldn't find them as nancy boys'. On informing him about 'Two spirits' he called me a liar. After he actually checked, he ditched his affection for the Apache, and never spoke to me again.
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In 2004 a study was published which followed 16 genetic males born with cloacal extrophy syndrome which basically means a very undeveloped or virtually non existent penis due to a defect in the pelvis region - so nothing going on with chromosones or potential gamete production like in many intersex conditions.

As was commonplace at the time 14 of these children had sugery as infants and were raised as girls. The study found the following:

Eight of the 14 subjects assigned to female sex declared themselves male during the course of this study, whereas the 2 raised as males remained male. Subjects could be grouped according to their stated sexual identity. Five subjects were living as females; three were living with unclear sexual identity, although two of the three had declared themselves male; and eight were living as males, six of whom had reassigned themselves to male sex. All 16 subjects had moderate-to-marked interests and attitudes that were considered typical of males. Follow-up ranged from 34 to 98 months.

This, along with several others studies, as well as observations from clinical practice, is where the theory that humans may possess some kind of innate gender/sex identity came from. Males born with cloacal extrophy syndrome are no longer usually raised as girls. Gender identity, or likely gender identity, is a factor in determining the treatment of intersex children. Most researchers agree there may also be a social factor which helps to shape identity, but there is pretty much universal consensus in the field that at the very least gender identity is significant, that forcing someone into an unwanted gender identity is harmful and that there is probably some kind of innate factor underlying it.

In addition there are millions of trans people, all over the world, often undergoing significant risks and hardships to live in the sex/gender identity that feels right for them. No serious scientist can just handwave away such a huge body of testimonies of lived experience. The existence of so many trans people in itself points to gender identity being a hugely significant factor in a person's sense of themselves and health and well being whatever the underlying causes.

It's true that all of this is contested. So is evolution. But it's not seriously contested within the scientific community, it's contested by a bunch of cranks on the internet who in most cases don't even bother to engage with the evidence and just shout glib slogans, dress up as dinosaurs and scare librarians.

So is this all forbidden knowledge in schools now? Are teachers banned from discussing the huge amount of peer reviewed literature examining the factors which may create or influence sex/gender identities? Who is being ideological here?
Third genders exist in many countries and are not a thing that were invented in the 21st century, but this is Russ we're talking about here.
The Concept exists, the belief that someone has that they are a third gender exists. Whether its classed as a mental aberration as is believing ones self is a deity has not been decided as far as I know.
Presenting a third gender as existing in many countries is nonsense.
The Concept exists, the belief that someone has that they are a third gender exists. Whether its classed as a mental aberration as is believing ones self is a deity has not been decided as far as I know.
Presenting a third gender as existing in many countries is nonsense.

Russ, if I may offer a suggestion, maybe don't go making confident statements on stuff you haven't the faintest of clues about in a thread full of people who know quite a lot.
So the conference went ahead.

More protesters peaceful outside than inside. Someone dropped a stink bomb mix on the pavement outside and the smell went into the centre.

Apparently the anti trans lot claimed this was someone throwing it over attendees, but neither the cops or security backed that shit up at all.
I find it fascinating that slightly more people are uncomfortable with kids knowing about non binary identity than they are about trans people - goes to show how much of this is about people's fear of what they don't understand. But encouraging and ultimately unsurprising that yes, most people aren't in a froth about this topic at all, although not as big a majority as I'd like it to be.
But we're so SCARED we might see a MAN in a SINGLE SEX WOMEN'S SPACE and it'll be too scary to confront him! He could be violent! We'll be accused of transphobia!

Bullshit. These women don't seem to have been scared. They either knew she was a woman really and enjoyed the bullying, they don't think trans women are that scary after all because they're not really men either, our they're just lying in some other way
But we're so SCARED we might see a MAN in a SINGLE SEX WOMEN'S SPACE and it'll be too scary to confront him! He could be violent! We'll be accused of transphobia!

Bullshit. These women don't seem to have been scared. They either knew she was a woman really and enjoyed the bullying, they don't think trans women are that scary after all because they're not really men either, our they're just lying in some other way

time after time the victims of toilet policing end up being , typically younger, butch / androgynous presenting cisgender women , oiften ironically the the self same lesbians, that TERFs assert to be protecting from trans 'menace'
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