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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Sonia Sodha has written her weekly piece describing gender self-id legislation in entirely gender critical terms.

I won't repost it, but to be clear - Theresa May supported it, it went through the Scottish Parliament until Westminster vetoed it. It's in place in fifteen other countries, none of whom are used as examples of the horrifying results the gender critical folks always claim it does.

In fact, the UK arguments usually highlight existing situations within England - which doesn't have gender self-id, as a reason not to have gender self-id. Often these involve prisons, and some very horrible people (who are implicated to represent all trans people by gender-crits) - but they're actually highlighting safeguarding failures within the prison service itself, rather than what gender self-id actually would mean.

In NZ trans and nb folks can change their passport and driving license to their assumed gender. You fill in the paperwork, they change the paper. Since June last year people have been able to do that for their birth certificates, if they were born in NZ. That's all it is, an administrative update. Oh, it's also illegal to lie when you do it - not that anyone has used the legislation to change their documentation like that, despite the hysterical warnings from the NZ branch of the UK transphobia association.

this is the irony , the UK currently has Gender Self ID for everything other than marriage and physical birth / death / marriage certificates ( as Passports only require one Dr letter which is straightforward in form of words and does not require any diagnosis, DWP/HMRC , driving licence and any other DVLA function, workplaces, banks, DV services have self id and have had it for decades ) ... also for marriage whether self-id works or not depends on the registrar as if they are 'not suspicious' they can accept a UK passport as proof of ID so if someone passes well they may well get 'under the radar'

there is a lot of wank-addled Porn sick fantasising from the transphobes about scenarios with ' hulking hariy stubbly TIMs , 'invading' women's spaces " ( the un ironic use of the term TIM - trans identified male - is a clear indicatation of malice ) ...

transphobes also have an obsession with Breast implants forgetting that ' a change of sex' was nearly 50 years ago and bioidentical hormones mean that many trans women get very nearly the breast volume that would have if they were cisgender assuming their hormonal regime is within target ranges ... breast growth which , in my case was described as 'epic' by a friend who is midwife and who thought i must have had 'work' done ...
One of the coalition parties in Government has introduced a bathroom bill.

Specifically referencing the UK.

“We have seen a similar move in the United Kingdom this month, with building regulations due to change later this year, making it compulsory to provide separate facilities for men and women for all new restaurants, bars, offices and shopping centres.” says New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters.

“New Zealand First campaigned to defend the right to privacy, personal safety, and freedom from harm for all New Zealanders, and this Bill demonstrates a much-needed commonsense solution to an issue that has often been overshadowed by ideology."

Thanks for that Terf Island.
New form of 'justification' against trans healthcare just dropped. Claiming that the actual feelings of trans people can't be trusted, they're not really happy or satisfied, and therefore 'success' of transition should be measured in terms of whether they have good jobs and relationships. Two things that are, of course, not at all affected by either transphobia or, for example, being neurodiverse as many trans people are....

It's not going to get any better, any time soon. The whiff of Section 28 hangs over these front pages:

First official portrait of Charlie is fucking hilarious though, if anyone is looking for an upside to today's front pages.
Camilla said it captured him perfectly.
I am just reminded of the tampon conversation.
Hey that's a lot more dangerous than it looks.

No discussion of contraception, abortion, stds, sexual violence, domestic or relationship violence until Year 9 (age 13-14). At all.

So legislation targeting queer kids is gonna make all kids that little bit more vulnerable
Hey that's a lot more dangerous than it looks.

No discussion of contraception, abortion, stds, sexual violence, domestic or relationship violence until Year 9 (age 13-14). At all.

So legislation targeting queer kids is gonna make all kids that little bit more vulnerable
The whole thing is fucking awful.
And it is sadly exactly what the trans and wider LGBTQi community and their allies have been saying about the campaign against trans rights - that it was never just about trans people, it was about attacking so many things the right wing want gone.

And they were ignored because Sensible people said that it wasn't about that and it was just whataboutery which proved the trans people deserved it.

Fucking horrible.
Such bullshit. I've seen people online going 'I am so scared that my child is starting school and will be exposed to all this gender ideology' as if kids are going to be getting gender ideology lessons every day and not maybe one PSHE lesson in a year that might mention the existence of trans people in an age appropriate way. Do people really think teachers even have time to impose 'gender ideology' ? 🙄
Also, note how they frame discussing gender identity as 'Sex education', because it falls under personal, social, health, relationships and sex, which happen to be banded together as an area, though really it's a social and health issue, not a 'sex' one. But of course they have to make it 'sexual'
Does this include not being able to talk to girls about their periods until they're 12-13, too?
At risk of derailing this important thread, that was an area that immediately concerned me. I don't see how not talking about sex in schools before year 9 is consistent with the KS3 human reproduction elements of the government's own National Curriculum?
They'll discuss biological sexes and the reproductive process before then, but purely in terms of male/female and reproduction. None of the social aspects to it.
What a ridiculous nightmare for biology teachers who will likely be bombarded with "social" questions about human reproduction when they're going through that part of the syllabus. :(
Such bullshit. I've seen people online going 'I am so scared that my child is starting school and will be exposed to all this gender ideology' as if kids are going to be getting gender ideology lessons every day and not maybe one PSHE lesson in a year that might mention the existence of trans people in an age appropriate way. Do people really think teachers even have time to impose 'gender ideology' ? 🙄
It would be helpful to start if these people could at least consistently define gender ideology
So discussions/refutations of Tate and such people will be forbidden? They often go on about the 'social' aspects of sex. Or if someone's being bullied, accused of being gay or bisexual or trans in the playground - wouldn't that fall under this ban?
Sorry for the questions Balbi - but is this going to mean book bannings in school libraries like in the US? The bible will be out for a start, and any children from fundy Christian parents will doubtless be told at home about the various people who will be damned - that can't be discussed either?
The timing is no coincidence either - many/most primary schools across the country (mine included) start teaching Relationships Education in Summer 2 - after half term in a couple of weeks. Some parents will definitely try to withdraw their children from the lessons; more now there's this kind of noise around it. (They can't withdraw; it's statutory - though Sex Ed isn't at primary).

What we use:

Sorry for the questions Balbi - but is this going to mean book bannings in school libraries like in the US? The bible will be out for a start, and any children from fundy Christian parents will doubtless be told at home about the various people who will be damned - that can't be discussed either?

I genuinely don't know, but the attack on trans and non binary folks has brought us to the point of an effective Section 28 but just for trans people and that fucking legislation fucked up a heap of queer folks the first time round.

This is what the right wing has always wanted and the just asking questions gender critical crowd were happy to demonise trans folks to the point that we can return to the halcyon days of this 1987 election advert.

From that Graun article:

Keegan will announce a consultation that proposes schools be barred from teaching sex education of any type before year 5, when children are nine years old.

Thing is I can't see a damn thing in here about non hetero relationships, if you're teaching pure biological reproduction and two sexes.

S28 is back baby.
so for a cynical attempt to retain a few votes in the next election the scum bag Tories are will in make children unsafe in their homes, limit knowledge and risk the mental health of any queer kids, also increase the spread of std and cause a spike in teen pregnancy

fucking dirt birds :mad:
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