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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

The Party of Women's manifesto:

I wonder why they did so badly. KJK dismissed local concerns about things like bin collection as 'minutiae'.
When i was still at work the women's network asked me to do a presentation on gender neutral language. Most of what i used i found within feminist writings. It was a masterclass in how things that benefit women in the workplace also benefit trans people, and men. And it occurred to me then that TERFs are not remotely feminist these days.
Yeah, I did A-Level English Language and language and gender was one thing we studied, and we didn't read Dale Spender but she came up, as did things like 'chair' or 'chairperson'. I'm a translator and I use 'chair' when I translate from German/French/Italian, all of which are more gendered languages. Same with 'they' instead of 'il'/'lui/'er'. It's just common sense to me, why assume 'male' is the default?

And NOBODY is forcing women to call ourselves menstruators or cervix-havers.
Remember when feminists supported gender neutral language? Do these people want to go back to saying things like 'murderess' or 'authoress'?
of all the various -trix words only one leaps to mind as being in current usage - executrix and prosecutrix have long fallen by the wayside

e2a: why were women actors, authors etc lumped in with male counterparts? seems to be it's still a rather gendered language. and i'm sure i'm not the only person reading this thread who thought that dale spender was a male name - see e.g. dale carnegie :oops:
What the fuck is female language? FFS!!
Flowers, kitten, pink, glitter etc :D

In other news, there seems be a resurgence in people claiming they KNOW for a FACT there are kids in school who identify as cats and are demanding litter trays this week. :facepalm:

I've also just realised that I have an experience that really proves the little tray thing is bollocks (aside from the fact we also know where the origin of the rumour came from and that it's nothing to do with furries) - I have tried to get kids on holiday to use those 'hole in the floor' loos you still get in some countries, and I can tell you, there is not a chance in hell anything would convince a child to piss and shit in a litter tray.
When i was still at work the women's network asked me to do a presentation on gender neutral language. Most of what i used i found within feminist writings. It was a masterclass in how things that benefit women in the workplace also benefit trans people, and men. And it occurred to me then that TERFs are not remotely feminist these days.
Trans Exclusionary Reactionary Fascist , is a much more apt derivation of TERF now - certainly the KJK / Hands across the Aisle types
Flowers, kitten, pink, glitter etc :D

In other news, there seems be a resurgence in people claiming they KNOW for a FACT there are kids in school who identify as cats and are demanding litter trays this week. :facepalm:

I've also just realised that I have an experience that really proves the little tray thing is bollocks (aside from the fact we also know where the origin of the rumour came from and that it's nothing to do with furries) - I have tried to get kids on holiday to use those 'hole in the floor' loos you still get in some countries, and I can tell you, there is not a chance in hell anything would convince a child to piss and shit in a litter tray.

it;s also a convenient distraction from the fact that US classrooms have to have uhunderboxes because of School shootings and Maruding terror attack lockdowns are a weekly, if not daily thing in the US
it;s also a convenient distraction from the fact that US classrooms have to have uhunderboxes because of School shootings and Maruding terror attack lockdowns are a weekly, if not daily thing in the US

slightly off topic, my aunt (who's a retired teacher in dorset but does some supply work still) said that some UK schools are now doing lockdown drills

slightly off topic, my aunt (who's a retired teacher in dorset but does some supply work still) said that some UK schools are now doing lockdown drills

Is this new?

lil'Angel will be 18 soon and they were doing them at here secondary school, what five years ago.

Awful that they're necessary but better that people/kids/organisations/whatever are prepared should they need to be, or at least know 'the plan', or have a plan.
Flowers, kitten, pink, glitter etc :D

In other news, there seems be a resurgence in people claiming they KNOW for a FACT there are kids in school who identify as cats and are demanding litter trays this week. :facepalm:

I've also just realised that I have an experience that really proves the little tray thing is bollocks (aside from the fact we also know where the origin of the rumour came from and that it's nothing to do with furries) - I have tried to get kids on holiday to use those 'hole in the floor' loos you still get in some countries, and I can tell you, there is not a chance in hell anything would convince a child to piss and shit in a litter tray.
Seen it on Mumsnet, yet another 'there's a kid at a school who thinks they're a cat' thread and loads of the credulous twats are lapping it up. The Torygraph has some snotbag columnist sneering about 'wokists' pandering to furries. It's been debunked so many times and yet people insist it's true.
Seen it on Mumsnet, yet another 'there's a kid at a school who thinks they're a cat' thread and loads of the credulous twats are lapping it up. The Torygraph has some snotbag columnist sneering about 'wokists' pandering to furries. It's been debunked so many times and yet people insist it's true.
That kind of drivel reminds of the referendum in Ireland for same sex marriage some years back, when fools were arguing against it by claiming "you'll be allowed marry yer pet dog/cat next".

The hell is wrong with some people?
Is this new?

lil'Angel will be 18 soon and they were doing them at here secondary school, what five years ago.

was the first i'd heard of it, although my perspective is someone who's not a parent, don't really know many parents of school aged kids (other than people who post on here, and i don't generally go on the parenting bits of urban) and left school longer ago than i'd care to admit...
that was my first thought when aunt talked about it, but no - response to potential incident of violent intruder.

NASUWT union (for example) has more here.

given historically the response ot any significant problem ina school was the tradityional fire drill response of everyojne out onto the playing field ...

when you look at the run- hide -tell doctrine coming from the home office with regard to MTA type incidents it;s the complete reverse of that
That kind of drivel reminds of the referendum in Ireland for same sex marriage some years back, when fools were arguing against it by claiming "you'll be allowed marry yer pet dog/cat next".
IIRC in the UK when it was being debated in the UK, Norman Tebbit of all people stuck his head up and said something similar. I think it was Tebbit anyway.
Sonia Sodha has written her weekly piece describing gender self-id legislation in entirely gender critical terms.

I won't repost it, but to be clear - Theresa May supported it, it went through the Scottish Parliament until Westminster vetoed it. It's in place in fifteen other countries, none of whom are used as examples of the horrifying results the gender critical folks always claim it does.

In fact, the UK arguments usually highlight existing situations within England - which doesn't have gender self-id, as a reason not to have gender self-id. Often these involve prisons, and some very horrible people (who are implicated to represent all trans people by gender-crits) - but they're actually highlighting safeguarding failures within the prison service itself, rather than what gender self-id actually would mean.

In NZ trans and nb folks can change their passport and driving license to their assumed gender. You fill in the paperwork, they change the paper. Since June last year people have been able to do that for their birth certificates, if they were born in NZ. That's all it is, an administrative update. Oh, it's also illegal to lie when you do it - not that anyone has used the legislation to change their documentation like that, despite the hysterical warnings from the NZ branch of the UK transphobia association.
So, the terf argument boils down to my gametes larger than yours, so you and I aren’t the same?
And of course, as everyone knows, human identity and consciousness arises from its gametes. Gametes maketh the man, or the woman, it has often been said down the ages.

If only someone had shown me my gametes as a wayward youth, I would never have strayed off my correct gender-based destiny.
Large gametes. So post-menopausal women, pre-pubescent girls, women who have had hysterectomies etc aren't female.

And that's the common sense position apparently.
then they start trying to recant this

basically any attempt to exclude transgender women from womanhood automatically excludes significant numbers of cisgender women and intersex folx who align themselves with womanhood ...

the way in which TERFery is indistinguishable from Christo-fascism in viewing the value of a woman primarily , if not solely, as breeding stock says more than enough aobut their motivations
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