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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Nice to see you too Cid! I just wonder, do these people ever stop and go "man, why am I so pressed about this?"

I'm pretty sure I think less about gender than transphobes do. I see arguments where cis people are getting wild with each other about some obscure fucking paper published in wherever about testosterone and, just, who cares? Go outside. Touch grass. Mind your business. We'll all have a happier time of it, I guarantee.
Exactly. My kid isn't thinking about or talking about gender all the time. It just is how it is and all their mates accept them and how they present and dress and its fucking no big deal. Just wish everyone would mind their own business and stop making it an issue. Love to you and yours treef x
Exactly. My kid isn't thinking about or talking about gender all the time. It just is how it is and all their mates accept them and how they present and dress and its fucking no big deal. Just wish everyone would mind their own business and stop making it an issue. Love to you and yours treef x
People don't get how little of an issue it is - they're all like 'These kids are attention seeking and self-aggrandising' but honestly it's so not a big deal to them, it's like Robin comes home and casually mentions about a friend, 'Oh, Dom is using they/them pronouns now' in the same way you'd say 'Dom got a new coat'. They're not expecting a chorus of approbation, and enbies in particular do actually know they can't expect random people to guess their pronouns and so on.
Sounds shit. Not seen that post as usually only look occasionally so don't really know what is happening but I hope it doesn't come to that.

It's already coming to that. I'm regularly seeing people having their treatment cut off now - GP just decides they don't don't feel happy prescribing hormones and blockers any more and that's it. I keep getting asked how long am I going to need my 12 weekly injection for as if this is just a temporary thing for me. The discussion among TERFs as far as I can see has already skipped to demanding an enquiry into adult trans healthcare, and finding ways to cut off DIY access to hormones and blockers. So as far I'm concerned it is heading that way, and it will happen eventually, because so far all the things I've been told, "it won't get that bad", have already started to happen. I would leave this fucking country if i could!! I know cis people think we're always over-dramatic, but take away my access to hormones and it would destroy my life - the one i''ve built since i transitioned. I'm not sure i can live with this level of anxiety either tbh - it's also making me ill.
It's already coming to that. I'm regularly seeing people having their treatment cut off now - GP just decides they don't don't feel happy prescribing hormones and blockers any more and that's it. I keep getting asked how long am I going to need my 12 weekly injection for as if this is just a temporary thing for me. The discussion among TERFs as far as I can see has already skipped to demanding an enquiry into adult trans healthcare, and finding ways to cut off DIY access to hormones and blockers. So as far I'm concerned it is heading that way, and it will happen eventually, because so far all the things I've been told, "it won't get that bad", have already started to happen. I would leave this fucking country if i could!! I know cis people think we're always over-dramatic, but take away my access to hormones and it would destroy my life - the one i''ve built since i transitioned. I'm not sure i can live with this level of anxiety either tbh - it's also making me ill.
becasue gnRH analogues in Adults are also viewed by many pracxtitioners as a temporay thing, however the dismal adhereance to the time frames enshrined in the NHS constitution, means that it is considered 'good' progress to reach the point of GCS referral being in place a mere 80 months from initial referral to a GIC ( and it is likely to be more than 8 months before surgery ) when the standard per the constitution should be 18 weeks + 52 weeks + 18weeks ( 88 weeks) to actually having GCS (assuming the patient is fit for surgery and there are no confounders meaning enlongated prepatory treatment is required ... the system is running an order of magnitude slower than the NHS constitution requires

this doesn;t address those who don;t / can't have surgery and one rules arounf what types of surgery and when (orchi uses up a trans feminine person's entitlement to NHS funded Lower surgery )
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The aim is to eradicate trans people from public life in the UK. And it needs to be treated as such.
This is the Terf et als aim rather than the GPS right? I'm guessing the GPs are being swayed by their arguments/the loudest voices? The injections seem like something that as a grown woman you should simply be able to decide to do as long as you are made aware of any risks etc.
This is the Terf et als aim rather than the GPS right? I'm guessing the GPs are being swayed by their arguments/the loudest voices? The injections seem like something that as a grown woman you should simply be able to decide to do as long as you are made aware of any risks etc.
Well, plenty of GPs are transphobic as well, as are many within the NHS.
Even before all this getting a GP to accept you as a trans patient could be a battle. But now they can use the Cass report as justification. There may come a time when the NHS as a whole will decide not to treat trans people. This is a very real worry for a lot of trans people in the UK.
This is the Terf et als aim rather than the GPS right? I'm guessing the GPs are being swayed by their arguments/the loudest voices? The injections seem like something that as a grown woman you should simply be able to decide to do as long as you are made aware of any risks etc.

Recommended this far too many times on this thread, but well worth a watch if you want to see the kind of shit people like jenna have to go through. And bear in mind that Abigail Thorne is a successful youtuber (i.e is better resourced in terms of time etc) in a fairly well resourced city (Newcastle). And this is pre-cass.

Well, plenty of GPs are transphobic as well, as are many within the NHS.
Even before all this getting a GP to accept you as a trans patient could be a battle. But now they can use the Cass report as justification. There may come a time when the NHS as a whole will decide not to treat trans people. This is a very real worry for a lot of trans people in the UK.

Recommended this far too many times on this thread, but well worth a watch if you want to see the kind of shit people like jenna have to go through. And bear in mind that Abigail Thorne is a successful youtuber (i.e is better resourced in terms of time etc) in a fairly well resourced city (Newcastle). And this is pre-cass.

Well, plenty of GPs are transphobic as well, as are many within the NHS.
Even before all this getting a GP to accept you as a trans patient could be a battle. But now they can use the Cass report as justification. There may come a time when the NHS as a whole will decide not to treat trans people. This is a very real worry for a lot of trans people in the UK.
GPs who refuse to accept people as trans patients should be named and shamed, or picketed or both.
Our libertarian columnist has written an op ed about Cass in one of our papers. He does at least note that there's no proof of them being harmful, so one step above British media but does the "shame on us for not speaking up" IF there's proof they were harmful, which is the traditional cunts trick of going for the scare tactic and emotional appeal.

It's in this horrible waiting period where our Ministry of Health is due to publish an evidence brief on the use of puberty blockers but delayed it after Cass came out.
GPs who refuse to accept people as trans patients should be named and shamed, or picketed or both.

Philosophy tube's video makes a fair bit of use of a study from 2012 that aimed to promote trans healthcare in the northwest. There are a lot of hints in that as to how deep this runs, e.g:

One barrier related to practice concerns about the validity of the researcher. Some concerns are understandable: for example, many practice managers refused to speak to the researcher until they had seen a letter on NHS North West-headed paper confirming the details of the project. However, once they had received the official NHS letter, many still refused to speak to the researcher after they had received letters, giving new reasons for their lack of participation such as a lack of time.


Most reception staff and practice managers claimed that they had never received the letters or poster packs (image below) which were sent out about the project. If they did acknowledge receipt, however, many indicated that they believed it was not an important issue for their practice, and so had not paid much attention to them.


Another significant barrier to engagement was attitude and, in particular, a lackof awareness or understanding about trans people. Very few practice managers understood what was meant by ‗transgender people‘ and were unwilling toengage in this research. This was extremely disappointing, given that the study aimed to support practices by providing up-to-date evidence about trans patients‘ needs.

This in particular:

Even if practice managers were keen, some still felt that they could not help because the doctors at the practice would be resistant. Some practice managers, receptionists and GPs who were spoken to expressed particularly negative attitudes towards trans people, which immediately prevented them from being willing to engage with the researcher or to discuss the potential benefits of the project (for example, an evidence base which would support GPs in making prescribing decisions).

Link to project publication (direct PDF link):

I'd like to say 'obviously things have improved since 2012' at this point. But er... pretty sure that would be wrong.
Recommended this far too many times on this thread, but well worth a watch if you want to see the kind of shit people like jenna have to go through. And bear in mind that Abigail Thorne is a successful youtuber (i.e is better resourced in terms of time etc) in a fairly well resourced city (Newcastle). And this is pre-cass.

The bit about the GP just not bothering to send the referral, that shit happens all the time.

I don't like GPs. They say they're overworked but lots of other people are overworked, make a fuck of a lot less than GPs do and still get everything done, particularly things which affect the safety and wellbeing of others.

If I drop the ball with safeguarding I can be held legally responsible. The amount of time we get allocated in our working day to do safeguarding reports and related activities is zero minutes and zero seconds. We do them anyway, because it fucking matters.

NB This post is not intended to diminish the experiences of trans folk trying to access healthcare. There is clearly a specific issue of prejudice and ignorance going on there, over and above the general state of the NHS.
Cass apparently says that even social transition has damaging effects, and this claim was much crowed about by the GCs but I can't see any evidence they've said what form these damaging effects might take? Because I honestly can't imagine what they might be. I mean, a kid might look back and cringe a bit, but you might equally do that if you were an emo.
Yeah the recommendation 4 of Cass was;

When families/carers are making
decisions about social transition
of pre-pubertal children, services
should ensure that they can be
seen as early as possible by
a clinical professional with
relevant experience.

Which is a massive expansion of medicalising a kids choice to dress, wear their hair and choose their pronouns? Kids pre puberty are pretty androgynous, hell my boy is 7 and until he had his hair cut at 6 was regularly mistaken for a girl

I think what Cass means is that if you listen to your kid and support their social transition, then they might seek healthcare around puberty having become comfortable in their gender presentation.

It's part of viewing anything that helps confirm trans or NB identity as a problem because it leads to gender healthcare later down the line.

It's also written so parents who maybe don't support their queer kid can go to schools and say "stop affirming my kid, Cass says it's harmful" without considering how harmful it can be to deny your kid their agency.
Forced back to the keyboard and focused on a claim from two years ago that Cass meant 1000 families would sue the Tavistock - which led to a NZ op ed of extremely dodgy quality;

Excellent piece, just makes me want to scream that of course the lie has flown around the world way before the very clear actual facts have had a chance to don footwear. :(
Cass apparently says that even social transition has damaging effects, and this claim was much crowed about by the GCs but I can't see any evidence they've said what form these damaging effects might take? Because I honestly can't imagine what they might be. I mean, a kid might look back and cringe a bit, but you might equally do that if you were an emo.
it's tied in the Genital Crank obsession with a certain genre of 'forced femme' tranny porn the belief that , despite John Money;s botched torturous 'experiment' proviing it wrong that people can be 'transed' by social pressure ...

which, if it were the actual case, no one would be trans given that cis-het normative stuff is crammed down people;s throats from birth
Forced back to the keyboard and focused on a claim from two years ago that Cass meant 1000 families would sue the Tavistock - which led to a NZ op ed of extremely dodgy quality;

ah the 1000 famoilies case ...

arguably there could be a case with 1000 families but it would be why GIDS failed to follow it;s own service spec and/or WPATH 7 never mind the Canadian, Australian or Spanish clinical guidelines and what we now see in WPATH8
Only if almost every single patient who when to endo decided to join an action that nearly two years on from being advertised can't find the numbers.

I was interested that Mr Goodhead also mentioned that it was patients or parents, because a lot of patients will now be 16+ and be able to consent as an adult. However parents who didn't support their kid would maybe jump at the chance to go after the clinic, but even then he says he's got a few cases but nothing like the initial claims.
Going to drop this in here as it is relevant to how Cass reported: Junk science is cited in abortion ban cases. Researchers are fighting the ‘fatally flawed’ work

So a meta analysis of papers regarding abortion medication was skewed towards anti abortion folks, used papers that have been retracted and whose authors are firmly anti abortion - and they refuse to admit it's nonsense.

And this was used to support overturning Row v Wade and restrict access to contraception?

Sounds familiar if you compare it to the Cass Report who also cited, among other things a self selecting Reddit survey, a YouTube channel that hosts white supremacists and academics like Ray "I just made up a thing called autogynaephilia" Blanchard.

Misinformation Rampant in Press Coverage of Cass Review

Same old story!

"Right-wing media has unleashed a wave of misinformation about trans healthcare in the wake of the Final Report of the Cass Review, which investigated gender-affirming care for youth in the UK. Despite numerous false claims about the contents of the Report, few or no attempts have been made to correct the record, either by journalists or Dr. Cass herself. Instead, Dr. Cass and sympathetic journalists have focused their attention on litigating minor disputes over word choice and framing by trans writers and activists who have been harshly critical of the Report."
Recommended this far too many times on this thread, but well worth a watch if you want to see the kind of shit people like jenna have to go through. And bear in mind that Abigail Thorne is a successful youtuber (i.e is better resourced in terms of time etc) in a fairly well resourced city (Newcastle). And this is pre-cass.

Took a few days to get through but definitely worth a watch. Thanks.
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