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Tout exposed Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer

... AKA preventing crimes such as criminal damage, theft, violent disorder and assault ...

You imply that the police are protecting interests of Big Business which have no connection with crime at all. Big Business' activities are legal (at least insofar as their day to day operations are concerned) and, as such, they are entitled to the protection of the law. It is naive to think that the police shouldn't have a role in that.

I don't imply... I state it as a fact...
On a recent visit to London, I noticed how Policed up the privileged areas of London were...... Is that preferential treatment? or an essential use of Police resources?
Of course the Police are honour bound to protect the privileged....... after all, they pull the strings...

btw: We all know how the blessed Police treat their own when they blow the whistle or tout on their own.....
aye i've read plenty of undercover books, i was just trying to be obnoxious. Still can't work out why anyone would do this for years, often putting themselves in danger, knowing full well that they are totally expendable and will be dropped as soon as it suits...

They believe they are reducing the possibility of crimes being committed.

You imply that the police are protecting interests of Big Business which have no connection with crime at all. Big Business' activities are legal (at least insofar as their day to day operations are concerned) and, as such, they are entitled to the protection of the law. It is naive to think that the police shouldn't have a role in that.

Being spied on by the police flouts the idea of the 'protection of the law'. There aren't enough facepalms to express my contempt for this kind of spying on the 'enemy within'. This man and all like him, and you for that matter if you ever colluded with it, are the enemies of democracy.
On a recent visit to London, I noticed how Policed up the privileged areas of London were...... Is that preferential treatment? or an essential use of Police resources?
Please do share your detailed analysis of the policing of London based on what you saw on your day trip and I'll try and explain whether it was "preferential treatment" or "an essential use of police resources" ... :rolleyes:

(For your information the richer Boroughs of London tend to have signficantly less police resources than the poorer ones ... it is a constant bone of contention in my own Borough of Richmond upon Thames)
Being spied on by the police flouts the idea of the 'protection of the law'. There aren't enough facepalms to express my contempt for this kind of spying on the 'enemy within'. This man and all like him, and you for that matter if you ever colluded with it, are the enemies of democracy.
Simplistic bollocks.
No, snouts who infiltrate law-abiding democratic working class political organisations and movements are the enemies of democracy. Do they infiltrate the tories? Do they fuck.
... AKA preventing crimes such as criminal damage, theft, violent disorder and assault ...

utter cobblers -
This is hippie activist types who so things like Super Glueing locks at various corporate hqs, planting trees, arranging banner drops in public spaces - and lots of gardening.

'preventing violent disorder' my big fat hairy arse.

Ten years paying a copper to go undercover - agasint a non-existant threat whihc resulted in a large number oif people getting seriously fucked over - for what?
Probibly who informed on the group that got caught in the the Iona School raid.Yet his information did nothing to prevent the massive Ratcliff-on-soar protest by Climate Camp later than year. The small group who got to the top of Didcot power station shows the limits of this kind of police in that if there are enough people interested in a cause and they are encouraged to act as small autonomous groups all the expense of a police informer is useless. Also the courts have not helped the police with juries siding with some of the worlds foremost scientists in cases like the Kingsnorth 6.

Shutting down powerstations has zero impact on the general public, they system is designed for sudden loss of powerstations. Were the courts do take a more hard line is interfering with rail as that impacts passenger trains.

Of the 114 arrested in the Iona School raid, 26 have been charged and are awaiting trial in January 2011, they are charged with conspiracy to comit agravated trespass. 6 claim they had not decided to take part when the raid happened so are being charged for thinking about the action.

The Climate Change Act of 2008 makes it UK law for the official target that by 2050 the UK will have cut its emissions by 80% of 1990 levels. It passed with an overwhelming majority.
No, snouts who infiltrate law-abiding democratic working class political organisations and movements are the enemies of democracy. Do they infiltrate the tories? Do they fuck.

why would they infiltrate movements many of them support already?
No, snouts who infiltrate law-abiding democratic working class political organisations and movements are the enemies of democracy. Do they infiltrate the tories? Do they fuck.

If it was about the working class, they would have left the likes of Climate Camp alone.

It's not about class though, it's about perceived subversives.
It's not about class though, it's about perceived subversives.
Call me cynical but Id have said its about budgets and manufacturing threats that need dealing with hence dosh to deal with. Funny that the ACPO are the people who run the NETCU and advice business on how to deal with domestic extreamists and government how much dealing with them will cost are the same people who get boosts to there budgets when the threat level goes up.

Of course ACPO being a private company has no financial interest in hyping threats.
Simplistic bollocks.

This is nothing to do with protecting the 'general public', preventing terrorism or anything like that. This is the tracking and monitoring of anyone who forms an action group against anything, and the police use 'terrorism' as a catch-all justification for doing it.

But they are just protecting their masters. They – you, mr detective-boy – are servants of anti-democratic forces; they – you, mr ex-dibble – are probably mostly too stupid to even understand how that is.

You give good people proper cause to hate you for what you've done, and you should start to question why you did it.
if your paranoid you could make a case that these people are dangerous would be terrorists look at some of the wibble posted on urban.
if your into shagging hippy chicks probably a perfect front:facepalm:
defend budget get to run "agents" probably even had dead letter drops:facepalm: complete waste of time and effort
I imagine that the justification that would be given for an operation of this kind was that they would be looking for people involved in the sort of stuff that got a gang of animal terrorists jailed for up to six years, after a "difficult" five-year-long investigation, for serious and brutal crimes.


I have no knowledge whether the person who is thought to have been an undercover police officer ever came close to rooting out this sort of thug, but if they were looking, I'd say it was entirely justifiable.
Wouldn't you?

he sounds like he's got out without scratch after 10 years of getting paid good wack for living an alternative lifestyle / pissing it up etc ( according to accounts of his partying etc ), will now probably get sent off to a job elsewhere in the force, and, I'm guessing he wouldnt have let emotional shit get to him ( would a bit muggy to get all worked up about people you're grassing on !) whats he got feel bad about, I'm confused ?
Please do share your detailed analysis of the policing of London based on what you saw on your day trip and I'll try and explain whether it was "preferential treatment" or "an essential use of police resources" ... :rolleyes:

(For your information the richer Boroughs of London tend to have signficantly less police resources than the poorer ones ... it is a constant bone of contention in my own Borough of Richmond upon Thames)

so you are Paddick then ....jesus you're weird
he sounds like he's got out without scratch after 10 years of getting paid good wack for living an alternative lifestyle / pissing it up etc ( according to accounts of his partying etc ), will now probably get sent off to a job elsewhere in the force, and, I'm guessing he wouldnt have let emotional shit get to him ( would a bit muggy to get all worked up about people you're grassing on !) whats he got feel bad about, I'm confused ?
well you sound like you are tbh. i doubt whether he's got out "without a scratch"? :confused:

he's stabbed a load of people, metaphorically, in the back who he pretended to befriend, he has no social life of any description anymore, he got a load of cash for doing so but it's all tainted by his previous activities, i'd imagine that he has trouble sleeping at night.

at least i hope he fucking does.
I'm sure this guy is feeling pretty bad by now, but he should've thought of that before he decided to become pretty much the lowest form of life imaginable. I hope termites eat his balls.

The only thing he's likely feeling bad about is being exposed. I doubt he cares that much about the people/groups he was infiltrating.
he sounds like he's got out without scratch after 10 years of getting paid good wack for living an alternative lifestyle / pissing it up etc ( according to accounts of his partying etc ), will now probably get sent off to a job elsewhere in the force, and, I'm guessing he wouldnt have let emotional shit get to him ( would a bit muggy to get all worked up about people you're grassing on !) whats he got feel bad about, I'm confused ?

You know what they'll like though - he claim emotional trauma and get a payout and pensioned off
Beware the activist who has access to a van and always has money for a pint! In Class War back in the day we always seemed to have at least one full time plod in the group. Ian Bone used to joke that we would have never got to the point of selling 15,000 copies of the paper per issue without the plods help!
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