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Totally Unemployable

I have references up the wazoo - but since regardless of tactic I never get to the 'taking up references' stage it matters little.
ah right. for me the problem was massive gaps in my employment history that was the issue.
This stuck out as potentially worthwhile - I know a number of self employed people and small businesses who could do with a business plan but no idea at all how to write one - have you tried pimping yourself out as doing this ?
My self pimping skills end at the kerbside. :(
Nothing major but can't do agency social care - though weirdly I can get X site clearance.

Maybe apply direct rather then through and agency ? My CRB is far from clean and I still got a job.

Many shifts are very flexible so you could swing it that your studying and want something that fits around it.
Maybe apply direct rather then through and agency ? My CRB is far from clean and I still got a job.

Many shifts are very flexible so you could swing it that your studying and want something that fits around it.
I'm loathe to work in hands on healthcare again since I've become prone to infected psoriasis in my middle age. Playing with MRSA is more dangerous than playing with fire.
1) size 14-16 is not a problem and if it is to you try to get some exercise. Does your local council offer cheap membership at its gym foe unemployed?

2) no one is unemployable. You've yet to find the right place. Patience is difficult but useful here.

I understand what your problem is to some extent. Since my last birthday I'm finding I'm getting fat, slow and it's difficult finding a job I want. As I continue to recover I find myself increasingly bored and frustrated, it'll come good sooner or later for you and for me. We'll make it, we are not going to give up.

(I'm talking to me as much as you I need a good talking to today.)
Won't get permo as they won't think I'll stay, can't get agency as crb not 100% (see post about self pimping ending at the kerbside).

Turnover in some places is very high, so may not be as bad as you think. I often find that nice interviewers for a company can be far more forgiving then agencies who just have a blanket "no" policy.

In fact working with CSE cases it could be argued it would give you some empathy.
you sound at a low ebb. But it is difficult to keep up faith in your self when no employer seems to.

Met my cousin at the weekend who has design BA and tech skills coming out of his ears but is also 40ish and can't get a permanent job. Its tough out there - but it doesn't mean you have no chance.

Have you tried Lidl and Aldi - both offer living wage (£9+ in london) - I'm thinking of applying to them.

Btw, unless you are a model, your dress size should be the last thing on anyones mind and if anyone tells you different they should fuck off. Size 14 sounds slim to me - its less than average after all. You have more important things to worry about.
SEO copywriter, digital content writer, wordpress website builder (boss sites but can't hand code a page of hamlet from a picture so I won't get any website building jobs), installing the following os: Windows - all from '95 to 10, Linux - Ubuntu & Fedora mainly, Android 4 onwards (All inclusive root and stock), 15+ years of office administration and customer service, nearly got my class 2/cat C LGV licence (now have funding opportunity but will have to hitchhike to Somerset and live in the bushes to do it more than likely), online communities, event planning and promotions, ecommerce (have built a self-hosted eticketing solution into a woo commerce and wordpress based site with full Facebook events and online calendar integration (again my very minor coding skills preclude work in this area), tea making expert, reasonable cook, business planning for other people, plus several good start up ideas I won't ever have time to write up, and a few 'rinse and run' patentable ideas to make up for the fact that I'm pushing 40 with no family or savings.

On phone, sorry about layout.

Hey, don't be too down. I think that's an interesting CV (in a good way!)

If you are looking for money that I would recommend getting an IT support job. That would suit your bits and pieces CV. It's a much maligned but diverse job that pays decent money. IT support is a good way of getting into an organisation that you want to work in. There's lots of jobs out there.

Have a butchers on www.jobserve.com

Being a woman may be an advantage as support is a sausage fest and I guess most managers would like the opportunity to get some gender balance in there.

What sort of IT have you studied? Any networking?
Hey, don't be too down. I think that's an interesting CV (in a good way!)

If you are looking for money that I would recommend getting an IT support job. That would suit your bits and pieces CV. It's a much maligned but diverse job that pays decent money. IT support is a good way of getting into an organisation that you want to work in. There's lots of jobs out there.

Have a butchers on www.jobserve.com

Being a woman may be an advantage as support is a sausage fest and I guess most managers would like the opportunity to get some gender balance in there.

What sort of IT have you studied? Any networking?
My last partner who I just split from destroyed all my networking module books and the Cisco 48 port stand alone router I bought to muck about with, and peed behind my UPS. So no, not as much as I should.

I'm hoping my customer service background could get me a foot in the door somewhere. It can't be any more sausage heavy than acid techno.

The fact that there are lots of jobs doesn't seem to give me a chance of getting one. Not arsed about permanent. I'm at the 'owt will do' stage.
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My last partner who I just split from destroyed all my networking module books and the Cisco 48 port stand alone router I bought to muck about with, and peed behind my UPS. So no, not as much as I should.

Shame he didn't electrocute his cock.

Customer service + IT bits and bobs is all you need to get a 1st line position. The easiest jobs to get are short term contracts, like 1 to 3 month jobbies.

This is shit money....really shite but it'd be a good job to do for 6 months to get you started. IT Administrator - Bristol - March-30-2016 (EjJWS)
Shame he didn't electrocute his cock.

Customer service + IT bits and bobs is all you need to get a 1st line position. The easiest jobs to get are short term contracts, like 1 to 3 month jobbies.

This is shit money....really shite but it'd be a good job to do for 6 months to get you started. IT Administrator - Bristol - March-30-2016 (EjJWS)
That's pretty shit money for Bristol - less so for those of us out here in t'provinces.
So - this business planning idea. How do you even market yourself if people can just get a basic pack from the bank and fill in the numbers?

What I offer is a lot more far reaching. I read rules for fun. The rules I have been reading for fun most recently are things like how to get stuff like innovation grants. I then tailor the business plan to cover the most possible current and future grant opportunities available within their remit. Expect to see (with luck) a lot more social enterprises and CICs that are actually - wait for it - beneficial to the community at large.

I've also got an awesome business plan that will not only make apprenticeships in skills shortage areas self-funding; they will also be more attractive to teenagers.

Pie in the sky of course since I can't even afford to eat some weeks. Shit you get up to when you're out of work, lol.

I'm also sitting on some journalistically 'hot stories' WRT UK business and the state of, that would only serve to make me 1000 times more unemployable.

And never mind my other social enterprise idea that involves bringing very heavy baselines back to the masses.
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So - this business planning idea. How do you even market yourself if people can just get a basic pack from the bank and fill in the numbers?

What I offer is a lot more far reaching. I read rules for fun. The rules I have been reading for fun most recently are things like how to get stuff like innovation grants. I then tailor the business plan to cover the most possible current and future grant opportunities available within their remit. Expect to see (with luck) a lot more social enterprises and CICs that are actually - wait for it - beneficial to the community at large.

I've also got an awesome business plan that will not only make apprenticeships in skills shortage areas self-funding; they will also be more attractive to teenagers.

Pie in the sky of course since I can't even afford to eat some weeks. Shit you get up to when you're out of work, lol.

I'm also sitting on some journalistically 'hot stories' WRT UK business and the state of, that would only serve to make me 1000 times more unemployable.

And never mind my other social enterprise idea that involves bringing very heavy baselines back to the masses.
Set yourself up a snazzy website advertising your skills. Say the above, but in business speak. Set up a Facebook business page and see what happens. It's very easy to do both of these things now, and people seem to get a lot of enquiries from Facebook. Lots of people starting their own businesses these days, it's likely some of your Facebook "friends" are thinking the same. They might see your page and it gives them the push to do something about it.

Expand from there.

You can build a website really easily these days, and as long as it's trendy looking (easy to do with free Bootstrap templates), you'll look pro if anyone clicks through from your Facebook page. Facebook for awareness, website for confidence you're the real deal. Sorted :)

Make sure your CV doesn't look 'creatively written'.

Confidence - important to help persuade recruiters.

That's my 3p worth
So - this business planning idea. How do you even market yourself if people can just get a basic pack from the bank and fill in the numbers?

What I offer is a lot more far reaching. I read rules for fun. The rules I have been reading for fun most recently are things like how to get stuff like innovation grants. I then tailor the business plan to cover the most possible current and future grant opportunities available within their remit. Expect to see (with luck) a lot more social enterprises and CICs that are actually - wait for it - beneficial to the community at large.

I've also got an awesome business plan that will not only make apprenticeships in skills shortage areas self-funding; they will also be more attractive to teenagers.

Pie in the sky of course since I can't even afford to eat some weeks. Shit you get up to when you're out of work, lol.

I'm also sitting on some journalistically 'hot stories' WRT UK business and the state of, that would only serve to make me 1000 times more unemployable.

And never mind my other social enterprise idea that involves bringing very heavy baselines back to the masses.
There should be some kind of local enterprise/business support agency where you are who should be able to support you. Can you demonstrate any success on helping people get innovation funding? Be warned this is a competitive niche sector and many grants do not cover preproposal costs, especially if the application is not successful. how will your business make money in those cases?

A local enterprise agency should be able to help with your own ideas re self-funding apprenticeships.
There should be some kind of local enterprise/business support agency where you are who should be able to support you. Can you demonstrate any success on helping people get innovation funding? Be warned this is a competitive niche sector and many grants do not cover preproposal costs, especially if the application is not successful. how will your business make money in those cases?

A local enterprise agency should be able to help with your own ideas re self-funding apprenticeships.
All of them will want a business plan. I barely have time to draw breath living hand to mouth. Back to needing a job of any sort before the phone and stuff get cut off.
If you are living hand to mouth then you have to ask the hand to help you. Make a list of your skills and then think about how you can get off your arse
you got a driving licenses .. :hmm:

might not be the job you want long term but could find one using that
Are you getting shortlisted or I terviewed for anything?

If not it would suggest that your CV/applications aren't msefging the person spec. (official or otherwise) for the jobs you're app!ying for.

So there's two sides you can come at this from:

1) You can change your CV etc. If you're applying for a diverse rangse of roles, do make sure that you have an equally diverse range of CVs that just focus on that specific role and how you meet the person spec for that specific role. Get rid of anything superfluous.

2) ...or you could change the roles your applying for and very find those that fit your CV better. Probably far harder tbh.

I know you've probably done all this before but in the longer term it's the only real answer.

Write up all your skills, experience and qualifications in one long "master" CV, pick out the most likely roles from it and write up an edited and focussed CV - and "statement" - for each. Separately. Ensure that its written concisely and following the whole STAR thing.

It'll take some time to do this properly. I appreciate it doesn't solve your more pressing material needs.
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