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Tory MP Arrested For Rape, Drugs

Another has been suspended from the house for six weeks.

We need a GE soon.

(Not that I have any faith that Labour will do better, but this government has gone way beyond appallingly bad.).
according to Wikipedia he said “I put myself as a user of poppers”. Are poppers a controlled substance in the U.K.? I have rather lost track.

The original poppers became controlled, there're fake versions about, which I think are legal, but not sure, as they were never my thing TBH.
The original poppers became controlled, there're fake versions about, which I think are legal, but not sure, as they were never my thing TBH.
Thanks, so the controlled substances bit maybe something relatively benign. Well, maybe one less Tory except even if they decide to charge him, the course case won’t be for years thanks to the Tories underfunding the criminal justice system
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