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Tory Death Spiral

Contrary to popular belief penguins are not as a rule radical but quite conservative in their political outlook, edmund burke's 'reflections on the revolution in france' having made a considerable impact on them. They would esteem it an honour to devour a tory minister or party member as they believe this would mean they absorb the best parts of their soul or spirit.
Contrary to popular belief penguins are not as a rule radical but quite conservative in their political outlook, edmund burke's 'reflections on the revolution in france' having made a considerable impact on them. They would esteem it an honour to devour a tory minister or party member as they believe this would mean they absorb the best parts of their soul or spirit.

Only a handful of books have been translated into penguin, and these are mostly by edmund burke, including his writings on the sublime. A programme of translating seventeenth century writings, like edward sexby's 'killing noe murder' is expected to issue its first penguin versions next year. A parallel project, rendering penguin works into human tongues, will begin publishing its first volumes in 2021
Only a handful of books have been translated into penguin, and these are mostly by edmund burke, including his writings on the sublime. A programme of translating seventeenth century writings, like edward sexby's 'killing noe murder' is expected to issue its first penguin versions next year. A parallel project, rendering penguin works into human tongues, will begin publishing its first volumes in 2021

Thanks for clearing that up, but I was mostly skeptical that Burke's Reflections could have had a significant impact on anyone's political outlook.

Mind you, I've only read it in the original, perhaps the penguin version is better
Only a handful of books have been translated into penguin, and these are mostly by edmund burke, including his writings on the sublime. A programme of translating seventeenth century writings, like edward sexby's 'killing noe murder' is expected to issue its first penguin versions next year. A parallel project, rendering penguin works into human tongues, will begin publishing its first volumes in 2021
who is it going to be published by ?
If Pickman's model is serious, he needs to obtain DNA samples start cloning one or more of the several species of giant penguin.

This one was not the biggest but averaged about 4' 9" and had an impressively sharp beak, making it a perfect Tory pecker

Clone a variety of different-sized penguins and let them attack in groups inversely proportional to the size of the penguin. Achieves the same thing AND has the added benefit of producing scientific data that might help answer the question of whether it'd be better to fight a hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck.

SCIENCE :cool:
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