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Thread about spiders (not for the arachnophobic!)

Spider scare sends federal government workers home — twice | CBC News

In a predicament that would surely elicit sympathy from Little Miss Muffet, 50 federal government employees were frightened away from their Ottawa office building not once, but twice, after someone spotted a potentially dangerous spider.

In June, managers at 2300 St. Laurent Blvd., a Shared Services Canada building, sent employees home for two days after someone spotted an unusual spider in the office. The building's owner paid to have the offices fumigated before employees returned.

Then, on Oct. 18, there was another spider sighting, but this time it was caught. Over fears it might be a venomous brown recluse, one of only a handful of spiders in North America whose bite can harm humans, the arachnid was sent to an entomologist to be identified.

When people see a brown spider they are going to assume it is a brown recluse, even though most spiders are brown and most are harmless.- Catherine Scott, arachnologist
Without waiting for the verdict, which came later that same day, managers again decided to send employees home for two days while the building was fumigated and its ducts cleaned — this time costing taxpayers $18,000.

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My friend has found this in his garage. I think it's red orb spider? He's not particularly scared of spiders just wants to know if anyone here can confirm.
Shit pic....
Police storm house after man screams 'why don't you die' at spider

Neighbours of the man in Perth, western Australia, became concerned when they heard him shouting “why don’t you die” repeatedly.

The caller also reported hearing a child screaming.

Multiple police units responded with their lights and sirens flashing.

However when they arrived at the property, it was revealed that the man had been trying to kill a spider ...

e2a oooops, the farmer beat me to it. it was so good i didn't read the thread ...
There are 2 others very similar, Dysdera crocota and Harpactea rubicunda, gets a bit difficult when it comes down to counting the spines on its femur.

Oh! It could be that second one. They've been spotted in Essex too and are listed as endangered :( I'm glad we stood and waited until it had got to the hedge without being stomped now.

Christ! That looks like it belongs in the sea.

Fucking weird isn't it :D What's that long bum all about? Doesn't look very comfortable.
Look at this beauty - a triangle weaver spider (Hyptiotes cavatus) holding its web in tension. :cool:

Just had to pop in, being both slightly arachnophobic and also quite contrary.

Good thread. Makes me feel a bit weird, but maybe actually helpful for people who are a bit (but not cripplingly) arachnophobic.

I remember playing Skyrim and finding that kind of helpful too. Though ideally a little alcohol helps in advance.

edit: I *love* those dancing spiders :cool:
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