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Thread about spiders (not for the arachnophobic!)

Not sure if the babies emerged from that particular coccoon, but there are babies everywhere.
I assume that's mum in the bottom right hand corner because she's been around for a while, but I don't trust the interloper in the top right hand corner.
last year I very quickly had very few babies, but several happy-looking daddy longlegs.


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Hopefully a better quality pic
No idea - handsome spider though. But I've got a big daddy long legs beast lurking in the bathroom at the moment, munching on the silverfish that scuttle out at night. I keep getting silk on my head walking through the flat so it must have set traps everywhere. :cool:
I'm happy, my back door spider* is back. It disappeared for a bit and I was worried something might have eated it but apparently not :) It's hard to tell when I can usually only see its front legs but I think it might be a segestria florentina.

*That sounds a bit rude doesn't it :hmm::oops: It's just a spider that lives in a little hole in the wall by the back door.
Going to try and get a photo tonight of the one living on the sash window, no idea what it is... not a hairy house spider :hmm:
*looks up best way to move a false widow*

I feel mean, but I don't want lots of bitey babies :(
I used to get a lot in my old place. Just used the old "card & glass" method and put them outside. I'm sure some of them found their way back inside but if I didn't see them, I wasn't worried.
I think there's so much predation of baby spiders by other spiders, you never end up with that many.
My house is spider heaven, but I'm not actually having to fight them off :)
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