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Thread about spiders (not for the arachnophobic!)

Does look like an orb weaver, they die before xmas with the cold weather.

Orb weaver is a family, Araneidae, of spiders, not a species, and there is no such species as 'red orb weaver'. I know this is an old post but, for future generations, that's most likely a 4-spot orb weaver (Araneus quadratus).
Passed by this spider the other day. It was very big and caught my eye. Photo doesn't do it justice.

View attachment 182092

Eta..in truth I was too scared to get closer for a better pic :facepalm:

Garden spider (Araneus diadematus), although he's a pretty large specimen. There's currently one living in the kitchen, I guess there are a more than enough flies around to satisfy it.
Last Saturday I found a mahhosive hairy spider stuck in the bath. I only noticed it at the last minute but I removed it and bunged it into one of the darker corners of the house. When I got back Thursday night, the same critter was there again - again stuck in the bath.

How many times does this dance have to happen before it realises no to go in the bath?
Last Saturday I found a mahhosive hairy spider stuck in the bath. I only noticed it at the last minute but I removed it and bunged it into one of the darker corners of the house. When I got back Thursday night, the same critter was there again - again stuck in the bath.

How many times does this dance have to happen before it realises no to go in the bath?
I had to move an orb weaver twice recently as she'd strung her web between the bath taps and the toilet - she got the idea after that.
The bath apparently attracts their prey.
Last Saturday I found a mahhosive hairy spider stuck in the bath. I only noticed it at the last minute but I removed it and bunged it into one of the darker corners of the house. When I got back Thursday night, the same critter was there again - again stuck in the bath.

How many times does this dance have to happen before it realises no to go in the bath?
The bath belongs to the spider now, so you'll have to strip-wash by the sink from now on.
I had to evict one from the bath this morning :(

We got away with it last year - one dead one appeared in the hallway overnight and that was it.

Not looking forward to having more scuttling occupants make themselves known.
Last Saturday I found a mahhosive hairy spider stuck in the bath. I only noticed it at the last minute but I removed it and bunged it into one of the darker corners of the house. When I got back Thursday night, the same critter was there again - again stuck in the bath.

How many times does this dance have to happen before it realises no to go in the bath?
You need one of these..
I need to use my bath tonight, but there are still two massive spiders in there.

At lunchtime I put the bathroom mat over the side of the bath (fully down into the base of the inside of the bath) thinking they could use that as a ladder to escape the bathtub - no joy they are both still in there, what a pain they are.

I would have thought they should have been able to climb up that without any issues - what think you?

Otherwise it will be the glass and card again, though I think I may send them further away this time than last so I don't get a third repeat of this business!

Good for the spiders. I hope they've planted a flag to officially lay claim to the territory. :thumbs:

They can plant whatever the like, it is MY BATH !! and I will be using it tonight!

Just use some wetwipes ffs welty - do yer crevices and pits and you'll be OK. Leave the lovely spiders in peace. :)

I haven't restricted the spiders at all from their webs all over the rest of the house, apart from vacuuming their webs and cobs in my bedroom where they were getting silly, but I have to draw the line somewhere!

I am going to banish them to a room further afield this time, lets see them finding their way back to my bath from there !!
You've admitted wantonly destroying their homes you monster. Everything that happens now is entirely your own fault. :mad:

You've admitted wantonly destroying their homes you monster. ..
Actually I have observed spiders killing other spiders after trapping them in their webs. There are a few different types co habiting here with me, some are definite caniballs. So my clear out of old webs has saved some of the less wary spiders from a nasty fate.

There are large hairy ones and spindly round bodied versions that seem to feast on the larger ones. I once saved a hairy spider from something (probably the bath again) and put it into a new environment only to be horrified as it was caught and killed by a spindly one inside a minute.
I once saved a hairy spider from something (probably the bath again) and put it into a new environment only to be horrified as it was caught and killed by a spindly one inside a minute.
See - by interfering in the lives of spiders you upset the natural order and leave casualties strewn in your wake. Always best just to leave them in peace - they'll do you no harm at all.

Who has baths these days anyway? Showers are much better.
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