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They've broken YouTube (2024 edition)

ska invita

back on the other side
Theres a new update being rolled out for youtube by territory. What it means is if you click on a channel you used to get this view

Opera Snapshot_2024-09-16_072629_www.youtube.com.png

And you could click on VIDEOS (not playlists) and see a list of every single video from that channel in chronological order. You could even set the order to OLDEST FIRST.

Thats gone.

Now if you click on the channl you have a very limited set of playlists. If the channel is old even on these playlists you only see recent videos from within that playlist. With some prolific channels this means you see a small proportion of the overall content.

Hard to explain but heavy Youtube watchers will know what I mean...anyone else noticed this?
No doubt there will be a plugin available soon to crack this idiocy. I cant imagine why Youtube would choose to limit the number of vidoes people can watch, its the opposite of what they should be encouraging.

If anyone hears of a workaround please post
The app on my phone seems fine for now, I'm hoping this is a mess up and not something being rolled out.
I tried using a third party YT add-on to make it more useful... one thing they could do is add "sleep for 30 days" - or automatically group uploads from channels you subscribe to...
They could also allow searching within a channel on Android.

I with the "shorts" would fuck off - I keep clicking on the bloody things - I do my best to dislike or "not again" the really shite ones...
Theres a new update being rolled out for youtube by territory. What it means is if you click on a channel you used to get this view

View attachment 442894

And you could click on VIDEOS (not playlists) and see a list of every single video from that channel in chronological order. You could even set the order to OLDEST FIRST.

Thats gone.

Now if you click on the channl you have a very limited set of playlists. If the channel is old even on these playlists you only see recent videos from within that playlist. With some prolific channels this means you see a small proportion of the overall content.

Hard to explain but heavy Youtube watchers will know what I mean...anyone else noticed this?
No doubt there will be a plugin available soon to crack this idiocy. I cant imagine why Youtube would choose to limit the number of vidoes people can watch, its the opposite of what they should be encouraging.

If anyone hears of a workaround please post
Perhaps it's only for non-Prime subscriptions for some reason ?
It's the same as always for me on both Windows and Android...
Which adblocker? they cracked down pretty hard recently.
hard to tell, I've got adblock ultimate which I think is the best one but also duckduckgo privacy essentials, privacy badger & ublock origin. All free as is ghostery which I have used and is also good. All on firefox.

As I've said I've go so many adblockers I'm surprised anything loads :)
Perhaps it's only for non-Prime subscriptions for some reason ?
It's the same as always for me on both Windows and Android...
yes it seems different people are seeing different things...it would appear to be rolled out partially?
for example heres a record label channel - this is waht I see


There is no ALL VIDEOS and there is definitely no ORDER BY OLDEST FIRST
The sub playlists are often limited to most recent vids only
Different channels have different playlist options .... some even more limited than they realise

THe FOR YOU section is crap = always about five videos long... on one channel Id already seen all the videos!
Which adblocker? they cracked down pretty hard recently.
The adblockers are currently winning the war with youtube, I use Adblock Plus and about maybe 95% of the time videos work fine, sometimes I get a "adblockers not allowed, please disable your adblocker and try again" message but if I do then I can just watch the same video using music.youtube.com and it works fine.
I noticed this a few weeks ago. Assumed they wanted to make it harder tos each like TikTok. TikTok has almost no's search capabilities so you end up watching what they want you to.
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