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There’s not a fire in Blackpool Tower 27/12/23

So, you sheeple are soon diverted away from the most sinister conspiracy of all, aren't you? Black Pool Tower is one of the many Pool Towers that have been erected around the world since the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald to monitor Mafia operations.
So, you sheeple are soon diverted away from the most sinister conspiracy of all, aren't you? Black Pool Tower is one of the many Pool Towers that have been erected around the world since the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald to monitor Mafia operations.
But the BT was built in 1891 so how did they know JFK was going to happen? The CIA must have been planning it far longer than we previously thought :eek: :hmm:

* goes off to do some research *
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But the BT was built in 1891 so how did they know JFK was going to happen? The CIA must have been planning it far longer than we previously thought :eek: :hmm:

* goes off to do some research *
You fool! It was the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald that was the aim. The shooting of JFK was a distraction. The Black Pool-Tower was, as you say, already in place, but subsequent to the Oswald killing, it was realised the more Pool-Towers were needed, as the influence of the Black one was too limited. Hence the White Pool-Towers, which can be seen in every major city.
You fool! It was the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald that was the aim. The shooting of JFK was a distraction. The Black Pool-Tower was, as you say, already in place, but subsequent to the Oswald killing, it was realised the more Pool-Towers were needed, as the influence of the Black one was too limited. Hence the White Pool-Towers, which can be seen in every major city.
Thanks. now it all makes sense :)
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