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The working from home thread

Another feline desk invasion for a fellow attendee at a meeting today. That always perks up a dull meeting, and wouldn't happen in real life.

In my workplace during first lockdown, we never quite managed to get multiple colleagues' dogs / cats in on the same 'teams' call at the same time

I just went to Aldi. I love the staff there, there's one woman who's a real loud mouth. She was messing about with the woman sat behind her and I was laughing to myself, loving how they don't have to be formal and miserable.

Much as I do very little work and have all the time in the world to piss about at home it made me miss being in a team and having a laugh at work.

That said I've never been in a situation to do that in my current job and I'm counting down to 2 years off from next March, so I'll just have to accept my situation for now.

I'm watching the names adding to it and really in no rush to add my name to the desk booking system.
We've got a meeting on Monday about going back into the office. We have to do 60% of our working week there and before Xmas we all had to be in on a Thursday. Now there's talk of there being 2 set days that we all have to be in together. Which will be a nightmare as we all like to work different days.
Can feel it coming at our place. I'm feeling ready to change things up with a couple of days a week in the office.
My firm are holding back on telling us we have to go in at the moment - giving people a chance to make child care arrangements etc.
My guess is we'll go back to twice a week - one almost compulsory team day, plus one other.
I'm planning on going in next Thursday, and will stick to Thursdays, plus one other if I absolutely have to.
I'm quite looking forward to a change of scenery and the pub after work.

I went in twice in December and both times there was an internal email a couple of days later, telling us someone had tested positive, so it may not last long.
They're talking about scrapping the WFH tax relief scheme.

Conservative MP Kevin Hollinrake, a member of the Commons Treasury Committee, was quoted in The Telegraph as saying:
“It is often in people’s financial interests and personal interests to work from home, so it doesn’t seem appropriate that there should be tax relief for those who choose to work from home rather than being forced to do so.
It’s important that we get people back to workplaces, rather than giving them any incentive to work from home.
Lots of businesses rely on those people being at work, and it’s good for people to be at work because that’s where you learn.
So for societal and economic reasons, it doesn’t make sense to have a tax break.”

Last October [2020], Kevin Hollinrake topped the MPs’ expenses league table by claiming over £88,000.

Note to self and anyone else: be careful of working with countries in other time zones, and don't underestimate how awful it is to get up and work in the very early hours. I spent the last week starting at 6am (thankfully I could keep my camera off until a bit later so would make myself like vaguely normal in a break.)

Now got news I have to start at 4am four days next week :facepalm::facepalm:
Told today we're expected back next week, but there is some negotiation for home working.
They're talking about scrapping the WFH tax relief scheme.

Conservative MP Kevin Hollinrake, a member of the Commons Treasury Committee, was quoted in The Telegraph as saying:
“It is often in people’s financial interests and personal interests to work from home, so it doesn’t seem appropriate that there should be tax relief for those who choose to work from home rather than being forced to do so.
It’s important that we get people back to workplaces, rather than giving them any incentive to work from home.
Lots of businesses rely on those people being at work, and it’s good for people to be at work because that’s where you learn.
So for societal and economic reasons, it doesn’t make sense to have a tax break.”

Last October [2020], Kevin Hollinrake topped the MPs’ expenses league table by claiming over £88,000.


Well I take his point about saving money but the rest is bollocks.

How much can you claim? :hmm:
Told today we're expected back next week, but there is some negotiation for home working.

Well I take his point about saving money but the rest is bollocks.

How much can you claim? :hmm:
It only works out at about £120 a year iirc, but really straightforward to do:
Note to self and anyone else: be careful of working with countries in other time zones, and don't underestimate how awful it is to get up and work in the very early hours. I spent the last week starting at 6am (thankfully I could keep my camera off until a bit later so would make myself like vaguely normal in a break.)

Now got news I have to start at 4am four days next week :facepalm::facepalm:
I think we all felt pity for Geoffrey Cox, working in similar grueling conditions.
I'm going in tomorrow, as husband is away and youngest has a long day where he doesn't need picking up until 6pm so thought I might as well while I have the greater security of having just had COVID. My employers seem to be quite unusually reticent about reopening - we still only 2 out of 4 office floors available, and (as a membership organisation) have still not reopened to members/external people, which I think most, or at least some, equivalent institutions have done.

I asked facilities team how many people were planning on being in, just in case, like last July, it was going to be only me, and with 4 others people that's barely better, but then there's no one at home so I might as well go in for the change of scene. Was wondering whether people still might be chary of coming in because of Omicron, or if lots of people were getting tired of home but seems like the former is more the case. I hope it includes someone I know - there's been such chopping and changing over the last 18 months that there's a lot of new people - most of new additions to my wider team are in other parts of the country so not likely to be them. Also planning Weds in half term, as son will be at residential camp so don't have to worry about childcare/pick up stuff.

Husband is starting a contract soon that will involve him being in an office 2-3 days a week so that will affect what my next 6 months of going in looks like, I expect.
next week, i'm starting a new job that is likely to be mostly wfh-ing indefinitely with (after the initial stage of getting sorted out) expected need to physically go there maybe once every few weeks. (it's a bit further than i would consider travelling every day, but can cope with it on that basis, even if it's going to mean a couple of overnight b+b stays in the first month)

employer is considering options but sounds like they will be closing one of their two current office buildings or something like that.

i'm indulging in a bit of an upgrade to the 'office' furniture at home. I've got an existing computer desk, but in the last two jobs, wfh-ing has happened suddenly and had (in theory) been temporary, and until now, i've resisted making the 'office' bit of the living room any bigger...
They're talking about scrapping the WFH tax relief scheme.

Conservative MP Kevin Hollinrake, a member of the Commons Treasury Committee, was quoted in The Telegraph as saying:
“It is often in people’s financial interests and personal interests to work from home, so it doesn’t seem appropriate that there should be tax relief for those who choose to work from home rather than being forced to do so.
It’s important that we get people back to workplaces, rather than giving them any incentive to work from home.
Lots of businesses rely on those people being at work, and it’s good for people to be at work because that’s where you learn.
So for societal and economic reasons, it doesn’t make sense to have a tax break.”

Last October [2020], Kevin Hollinrake topped the MPs’ expenses league table by claiming over £88,000.


What about those of us who have no choice in working from home? I prefer WFH personally, but I couldn't work in the office even if I wanted to, because the company worked for closed the office back in December last year.

Clearly the company I work for feels that the work I and my colleagues do at home is of a good enough standard to be going on into the future, and we already have arrangements in place for activities that actually require an in-person presence.

Meanwhile, I am the one footing the bill for electricity and heating, whereas previously that cost was being met by the office.

What the fuck do the vermin actually know of real fucking work, anyway?
What about those of us who have no choice in working from home? I prefer WFH personally, but I couldn't work in the office even if I wanted to, because the company worked for closed the office back in December last year.

Clearly the company I work for feels that the work I and my colleagues do at home is of a good enough standard to be going on into the future, and we already have arrangements in place for activities that actually require an in-person presence.

Meanwhile, I am the one footing the bill for electricity and heating, whereas previously that cost was being met by the office.

What the fuck do the vermin actually know of real fucking work, anyway?

Do you think your out of pocket? Intresting. I was definitely saving a fair bit being at home, even with heating as it's winter.

First day back in the office today. Did way less work as chatting to my colleague in a way we just don't over Teams.
dunno really

in the job i had up to september, i didn't have any travel to work expenses, so didn't gain in that way. although probably saved a couple of quid a on lunch each day by doing something at home (i never went in for buying fancy coffee or anything like that) so probably not much in it.

in job i had from september (and gave up partly due to the commute) a season ticket from here to central london came out about a hundred quid a week, so wfh-ing would have made a difference...
Do you think your out of pocket? Intresting. I was definitely saving a fair bit being at home, even with heating as it's winter.

First day back in the office today. Did way less work as chatting to my colleague in a way we just don't over Teams.

I haven't actually done the sums, so I could be wrong, but it certainly feels like I'm saving money by not paying for bus fares. Lunch is cheaper yet more nutritious as I have more options with my own kitchen on hand, and I'm no longer hurriedly buying stuff from the corner shop near the office in the morning. So on balance it's working out financially. But there are other wrinkles. Running the heating in my place really guzzles electricity, as I have crappy old space heaters bolted to the walls of my flat. I don't want to spend a lot of my income on keeping the place warm, so this winter I've been mostly keeping them off except for a few days when it got really bad, and otherwise just wearing more layers and wrapping a blanket around myself.

I'm mostly just pissed off at the hypocrisy. It doesn't seem appropriate to me that MPs can claim tens of thousands of pounds in expenses, that can be spent on frivolous bullshit. Meanwhile those same MPs make a bunch of disgusting noises about people who actually work for a living claiming tax relief. Fuck. Off.
Well I'd certainly agree with that!

Lunches are a big thing for me. It's not just the money, but better food and it feels like such a chore trying to organise it, even if I'm just making butties on top of the time lost to commuting.
Well I'd certainly agree with that!

Lunches are a big thing for me. It's not just the money, but better food and it feels like such a chore trying to organise it, even if I'm just making butties on top of the time lost to commuting.

Eating a home cooked lunch is so much better even if I get lazy and have super simple spaghetti.

Not sure I'd cope living on crap sandwiches every day again.
We’ve had the long-awaited email — return to office three days a week from next week.

I shall go in on Monday and see how I feel. They’ve also created a desk-booking system at work that I suspect nobody will be bothered with, leading to more chaos.
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