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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

Why dont the cops go to Carcetti and tell him that Marlo is responsible for a lot of the crime in Baltimore?,then they can ask him for more resources in bringing him down and maybe also reduce the crime rate in the city for a while at least therefore fulfilling one of his pre-election promises.
What happened last time they got 5 minutes of his time? He gave them 2 detectives to work the Clay Davis case and fucked the rest of it off.
Is that the 1st time Omar killed someone in cold blood? The repacussions of Mc Nultys big lie are going to be fucking massive and are going to affect a lot of people
Omar's on a spree. I like it that he's putting the word on the street that Marlo is nothing but a pussy who won't face him. Not doing his superhero 'Robin Hood' image any harm, that.

Struck me yesterday that Michael is the new Bodie.. a pawn moving up in the world. I'm scared the same fate awaits him - wasn't he fucking lucky that Omar didn't cop a look at him in the apartment shootout, or he'd be a dead boy sat on that corner. Loved the scene with him and Dukie going through the job ads and doing their little dance :D

Also was left thinking that even though Avon and Stringer were cold-blooded, Marlo's gone and redefined the word ruthless. The way he coolly disbanded the co-op, knowing he had the connect and nobody could do anything about it, then upped the price... motherfucker!
Struck me yesterday that Michael is the new Bodie.. a pawn moving up in the world.

I find it slightly odd that Michael is being used as both muscle / hitter and working a corner. Have we seen many other players in the game performing both roles? (and yes, Bodie and Poot killed Wallace, but that seemed a more ad-hoc decision by Stringer because they knew Wallace well enough to get into his home).
I find it slightly odd that Michael is being used as both muscle / hitter and working a corner. Have we seen many other players in the game performing both roles? (and yes, Bodie and Poot killed Wallace, but that seemed a more ad-hoc decision by Stringer because they knew Wallace well enough to get into his home).

They wanted him to run a corner from the start. He'll get promoted as he proves himself.

At the same time they are 'training' him as a soldier. He ain't fully fledged soldier yet and snoops and chris have it covered anyways.

Some people don't have the skills to run a corner but can be soldiers. Some aren't good enough to be soldiers and can only work the corner. Michael is talented and can do both so they are grooming him for great things.
Aggh... I've fallen behind in my viewing again and I can't read this thread til I've caught up so apologies if this has already been posed but I daren't read above.

But just to say Idris Elba (Stringer Bell) has been cast as the lead in a new BBC thriller as John Luther, a “near-genius murder detective whose brilliant mind can’t always save him from the dangerous violence of his passions”.

More here
I was watching Shaft that I'd recording off Sky some time ago.

Kima was serving behind the bar and gave Shaft a birthday treat.

Bubbles was a tattoo'd gangster / snitch. Alwayssnitching to the po po that boy.
"Whereas traditional whodunits search for the murderer, each hour-long episode of the new drama will identify the culprit from the start" have they never seen Columbo then?
The Lie is going down a storm, isn’t it; Police Department has funds, the Mayor has his new cause of homelessness to run at the Governor with, the ‘paper has national coverage and a stab at the Pulitzer’s. Everyone has a purpose and every city institutional is justifying its existence and cost. The town’s buzzing – this is what they’ll call the good old days.

Victims? The taxpayers who will have to pay for all this in the decades to come, the family who are grieving and guilt-ridden about their son. Anyone else?

Easy to miss the brief appearance from Munch

Landsmann: "It doesn't matter what any of us believe any more"
I was watching Shaft that I'd recording off Sky some time ago.

Kima was serving behind the bar and gave Shaft a birthday treat.

Bubbles was a tattoo'd gangster / snitch. Alwayssnitching to the po po that boy.
Fucking strange seeing some of the actors in other roles.
The Lie is going down a storm, isn’t it; Police Department has funds, the Mayor has his new cause of homelessness to run at the Governor with, the ‘paper has national coverage and a stab at the Pulitzer’s. Everyone has a purpose and every city institutional is justifying its existence and cost. The town’s buzzing – this is what they’ll call the good old days.

Victims? The taxpayers who will have to pay for all this in the decades to come, the family who are grieving and guilt-ridden about their son. Anyone else?

Easy to miss the brief appearance from Munch

Landsmann: "It doesn't matter what any of us believe any more"

notes time:

the kid who shot omar, kenard, was first seen play fighting on the street where omar went up against one of barksdale's stashes, where one of the girls got killed. he also ripped off namond on his corner, for which micheal beat fuck out of him.
notes time:

the kid who shot omar, kenard, was first seen play fighting on the street where omar went up against one of barksdale's stashes, where one of the girls got killed. he also ripped off namond on his corner, for which micheal beat fuck out of him.

He was also the kid who was trying to set fire to a cat at some point, was he not?
I was like, whats the point of this scene? This store don't look like a drop like that one he did over once, nope i still don... ah okay. That was an unexpected anti-climax to his tale. Unpredictable nature of life n all that i guess.
Exquisite bit of comedy last night, McNulty's face while the FBI guy was reading out the psychological profile of the "serial killer".
I love the fact that even after Omar's death, the stories surrounding him continue to get more mythical, when the truth is he dies a pointless death, suffering the final insult of the morgue attendants getting the tags the wrong way round.

No glorious shoot-out in the street, no revenge for Butchie, just a punk kid who saw Omar hobbling and assumed he wasn't 'all that' after all.

Also, Beadie's speech to McNulty was good stuff, as was Sydnor figuring out the code (bit Deux ex Machina, but I can let it go with the way they did it).

The newspaper stuff is getting slightly better, but I still don't really care about them; it's too black / white for a show that normally deals in grey.
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