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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

I know it's possible to survive jumping out of a (5, or 6?) floor window whilst being shot at, without paralysing yourself, but come on

They're in danger of over-egging Omar's character towards the end here (and, as much as I like him, if he survives all the way I think I'll be a little disappointed).

Also, McNulty's now so far over the line he can't see the fucker with binoculars (and shame on Lester too, this obsession with Marlo is seriously messing up his judgement).

In contrast, The Bunk works his case from the ground up and finds the connection to Marlo, even whilst being hampered by the Serial Killer case taking precedence. :cool:
Nice to see Omar back in business so quick, fucked up leg n'all. He's putting a message out on the street that Marlo aint nuthin but a pussy. Even Chris is getting anxious.

Liked the way last night's episode began too, with the ambulance wheeling the body away from the scene... leaving you to wonder if it was Omar they found dead in the bushes. I was pretty sure I knew better, but you never really know with the Wire do ya.

The serial-killer/newspaper/mayor/homeless storyline seems to be coming together too. Get the feeling it's all building to something.

Oh, nice to see Nicky Sobotka heckling the Mayor down the docks, too.
I know it's possible to survive jumping out of a (5, or 6?) floor window whilst being shot at, without paralysing yourself, but come on

They're in danger of over-egging Omar's character towards the end here (and, as much as I like him, if he survives all the way I think I'll be a little disappointed).

Also, McNulty's now so far over the line he can't see the fucker with binoculars (and shame on Lester too, this obsession with Marlo is seriously messing up his judgement).

I thought "that spiderman sh*t right there" was stretching credibility too, until I read this:

Donnie Andrews, one of Simons and Burns' real-life sources for Omar's character, a now-reformed dealer-jacker, claims:

"Eventually, like many Baltimore locals, he found himself cast in the show - as one of Omar's crew. His character was killed in a shootout, from which Omar escaped by leaping from a fifth-floor balcony. "That really happened to me," Andrews chuckles, "but I had to jump out of the sixth floor. It was either lead poisoning or take my chances, so I took my chances. I did it without thinking. If I'd thought about it, I might have taken the lead poisoning." "

Can't remember who said it first, but yes, McNutty is now so far over the line that the line is a DOT to him.

Still loving s5 even while watching the repeats, but the other night I caught a bit of s5 on BBC2 back to back with a bit of s3 being repeated on FX. The difference in quality is noticeable, sadly. All about control of the pacing, and the photography in s3 seems to have a particular gorgeousness that's been lost by s5.
Thanks for the comments, including Jon-of-arc's amusing contribution.

At this point the whole thing goes mental; either you go with the idea of McNulty and Freamon as kind of Bush and Cheney, with WMD as the serial killer and homelessness as The War on Terrah or you disconnect. Disconnect by all means, the interpretation I’ve offered isn’t supported elsewhere and I’ve never seen DS talk of it, so it could well be nuts.

“I’ve reached a point, Detective Sydnor, where I no longer have the time or patience left to address myself to the needs of the system within which we work. When they took us off Marlo this last time, when they said they couldn’t pay for further investigation, I regarded that decision as illegitimate. And so, I’m responding in kind. I’m gonna press a case against Marlo Stanfield without regard to the usual rules.”

What causes me some concern in making the case is that these characters were created before 9/11, and series 1 was being filmed as 9/11 happened. There was obviously no issue of WMD at that point, far less TWAT. If David Simon and his team decided mid point to turn S5 to be about something that was unfolding around them, it was a hell of a call.

On the other hand, they’re clearly not precious about what they’ve produced or their characters and there does seem to be an end-of-term vibe in S5; the piss-take of the whole CSI thing (as seen on C5 most nights), throwing back (several times) to the critics and audience the term 'Dickensian', having fun with the Omar/superhero character who, by this time, had become seriously cult the first time around (Marlo talking about that Spiderman shit).

But then we meet the war Vet, talking about Fallujah of all places. The one town Bush razed to the ground, to set an example. If all the pieces do matter . . .
I thought "that spiderman sh*t right there" was stretching credibility too, until I read this:

Donnie Andrews, one of Simons and Burns' real-life sources for Omar's character, a now-reformed dealer-jacker, claims:

"Eventually, like many Baltimore locals, he found himself cast in the show - as one of Omar's crew. His character was killed in a shootout, from which Omar escaped by leaping from a fifth-floor balcony. "That really happened to me," Andrews chuckles, "but I had to jump out of the sixth floor. It was either lead poisoning or take my chances, so I took my chances. I did it without thinking. If I'd thought about it, I might have taken the lead poisoning." "

Can't remember who said it first, but yes, McNutty is now so far over the line that the line is a DOT to him.

Still loving s5 even while watching the repeats, but the other night I caught a bit of s5 on BBC2 back to back with a bit of s3 being repeated on FX. The difference in quality is noticeable, sadly. All about control of the pacing, and the photography in s3 seems to have a particular gorgeousness that's been lost by s5.

TBF Series 5 was made during the writers strrike which explains the pace issues, not though plot, McNulty character is behaving out of character.
DLd season 1 & 2 the other day...i was up 'til 6am watching them this morning! My eyelids feel like i've got half of Blackpool beach under them now :D Still a few to go...i feel another marathon sesh coming on...maybe not tonight tho!
I had a day off work and couldn't wait, so borrowed the boxsets and motored through to the end.

I dunno how you lot who've seen it all can bear to post on this thread, i'm so conscious of posting spoilers.

*Drums fingers impatiently waiting for it to finish on BBC2 so can rejoin thread*

Series 2 had loads of dinkles and boobs in it, but no other series had them - what was going through the producers minds you think?
DS was giving the actors who wanted it their Hollywood show reels: Look at my body, it'd look great on a big screen. The scenes were never integral. Imo.
Is it fuck, it's from Viz )(rogers profanisaurus)

I still love the 'notes and swearies' section. "Dear Dr. Fuck;" :D

Last night's blatant parallels between Carcetti, Rawls & Daniels' bullshit speeches seemed to come at the right time for Lester to make clear he's following his own path. Nicely balanced by Bunk continuing to do real Po-lice work.

Reminds me of the proverb or whatever it was (fable?) of the three-headed crocodile, each mouth scrapping for the same bite of food not realising they all share the same stomach... I have a feeling McNulty, Freemon, Bunk & Kima will all come together just in time to make the case against Marlo.
So Omar hid out in the basement then? Surely one of the 1st places Chris's guys shoulda checked out? For a moment I though McNulty was considering killing the old homeless guy.I loved the way Rawles tried to drop Daniels in it at the press conference,musta pissed him off to see Daniels handle it pretty well.
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