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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

he'd been sticking up all and sundry for years - loads of people wanted him out of the way - easy prey for an opportunistic corner boy wanting to make a name for himself

Sorry, I was taking it personally

I thought you meant that YOU thought he had it coming. See what you mean now :oops::D

And London Calling - damn right re gay superheroes.

I wanted to hunt down Kenard and strangle the little shit
Been watching The Corner lately and it's odd seeing a lot of the Wire actors as junkies and street types - Lester is a scabby old junkie, as is Norman. Sydnor's a street kid, Cedric's wife's a skanky addict etc etc

Not a patch on the Wire but worth seeing, btw

Yeh, I had real problems with Lester's character, but got used to it

Really fucking grim though, the Corner
I couldn't wait for Omar to get got since he did that bullshit scene in his dressing gown (s4e1) and everybody ran away scared. Stupid.
I don't think the greeks had any loyalty to Prop tbf.

Seems to be strictly business.

i think that vondas had loyalty to the prop joe, the same as he had for nicky in series 2. He likes people that he knows, stability. he all but turned marlo away. it was the greek himself who overruled vondas. and just because they said that they would deal with marlo if something happened to joe, it doesn't mean that they expected him to do it, or to do it quite so quickly.

it's one of those things that make the wire so great though - no explanations, so you read it how you read it.

oh, but found this while searching:


Flavor waved him off and kept talking. “A coin is when you play both sides because you have to. That Greek dude made a deal with somebody — someone higher up. Usually, it would be the feds. The foreign people, immigrants — like the Greeks, Latins, Jamaicans, Chinese — they don’t have nobody around here who can protect them. No one in the police, you dig? So they need to give the feds somebody fresh, somebody like Marlo. That gets them, what you call, immunity. They can’t be caught because they gave up a big fish.”
Something like that. Although they had already been told they couldn't take the case federal, Davis wouldn't have known this so Freamon was using that as his stick.

I think he is trying to bluff him into making some sort of mistake or just wanting to make him sweat with needless worry just because he deserves to.
Michael's a fucking dude :cool:

Heartbreaking scenes afterwards though (first leaving Bug and then dropping Dukie off at the junkyard / stables?). Nice call back to the first time we meet the boys too (piss balloons), a lot's changed :(

And McNulty's shit is royally fucked, Daniels and Pearlman look like they might add him to the serial killer's body count :D
Is series 5 to be the last ever? If they make a series 6 it's gonna take a whole new cast, just about everyone's been killed off / arrested / in the shit with 1 episode to go.
Is series 5 to be the last ever? If they make a series 6 it's gonna take a whole new cast, just about everyone's been killed off / arrested / in the shit with 1 episode to go.

Done and dusted. Check out the series creators other shows "Generation Kill" about Marines in Iraq at the start of the invasion. And the forthcoming Treme, about Jazzz musicians in post Katerina New Orelans.
The scene with Michael, Bug and Dukie in the car :(

That seems to be the only chance anyone gets for redemption in the wire, the chance to still feel human emotions despite it all and despite the fact that those emotions are almost invariably bad. The same is true for Bubbles, for whom a mind unclouded by drugs is just a mind opened up to grief and shame.
Is series 5 to be the last ever? If they make a series 6 it's gonna take a whole new cast, just about everyone's been killed off / arrested / in the shit with 1 episode to go.

Wasn't that a deliberate move to make sure that HBO couldn't go and do a series 6 without the original writing team?
Wasn't that a deliberate move to make sure that HBO couldn't go and do a series 6 without the original writing team?

I don't think HBO even wanted to comission series 5 tbh, the ratings were never all that great. That's why this series was cropped to 10 episodes instead of the usual 13 IIRC.
I'm refusing to let go off this show and am commissioningg series 6 as of now. We can make it ourselves urbs on the streets of Brixtonmall.

I'll play McNaulty

What parts do you guys want?
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