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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

I'm somewhat surprised they haven't taken the opportunity to sod the schedule up this week with highlights from the World Athletics Championships. Perhaps the BBC are waiting for the World Indoor Bingo Wings Cup next week.
and usually when they're using slang, it's in context. As in 'look at these little hoppers' with a shot of young drug dealers.
yeah, i've always understood what they were saying, but occasionally have had trouble interpreting the slang used, but as the above post notes, the context usually provides the meaning.
i've had more trouble understanding the vocab used in the shield to be honest - it took me ages to figure out what a rice burner was.
It seems Beadie Russell has got her Big Break:

2010: Green Zone staring Matt Damon, Amy Ryan, Greg Kinnear, and Brendan Gleeson. Amy Ryan portrays Lawrie Dayne, a foreign correspondent for The Wall Street Journal who investigates the U.S. government's claims of the existence of weapons of mass destruction

2010: Jack Goes Boating starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Ryan

- she's mine really!
watching s3 for the second time. why does omar have such a hard on for lifting barksdale product?
Does the name Brandon ring a bell?

Also, he likes a challenge. As he says at the beginning of Season 4, "It ain't what you takin', it's who you takin' it from."
Interesting little piece in the Indy today about watching it with subtitles on. Seems some people cant understand it & wouldnt have got really into it without them.

That's pretty condescending, particularly the backhanded accusation of racism, thought a writer on this show in particular would avoid lazy pigeonholing.

Some of us are watching in a shared house at 3 in the morning and don't particularly want to wake everyone up, hence subtitles for the quieter spoken scenes.
That's pretty condescending, particularly the backhanded accusation of racism, thought a writer on this show in particular would avoid lazy pigeonholing.

Some of us are watching in a shared house at 3 in the morning and don't particularly want to wake everyone up, hence subtitles for the quieter spoken scenes.

The more these writers speak, the easier they are to dislike. Most people can pick up the slang but if the actos speak fast or mumble all the time as most of the corner kids do, people won't pick it up.

On a separate note, he never gets any praise despite some classic one liners. Norman Wilson, one of the most underrated characters on the show.
I woke up excitedly last night having dreamt I WAS IN THE WIRE!!! :cool:


so you know that chick who worked at Orlando's- was going out with D'angelo, and then starts going out with Lester? Well, I was her friend, but she was going out with STRINGER BELL! so 3 of us go out to a restaurant for dinner, they're cooing over each other and then I'm like ''the fat man's over there'' and no other than BUNK is at the other table so Stringer gets all edgy and says we have to leave. We head out of the restaurant and as I pass Bunk, he spots us...

So we're just about to get into Stringer's car in an underground carpark and shots are fired all over the shop. Stringer's laying on the backseat shouting ''protect the girl, protect the girl...!!'' And then I woke up. :( I then annouced in the middle of the night to my guy that ''OMG, I WAS IN THE WIRE!''

So now he has found a site where they stream the wire with spanish dubbing and has vowed to veto this ''amazing'' show that I'm always talking about and which has also now infiltrated my dreams. :D
The more these writers speak, the easier they are to dislike. Most people can pick up the slang but if the actos speak fast or mumble all the time as most of the corner kids do, people won't pick it up.

On a separate note, he never gets any praise despite some classic one liners. Norman Wilson, one of the most underrated characters on the show.

who's Norman Wilson?

ahh, ok just checked. The campaign guy. He's a bit meh.
I have loads and loads of Wire related dreams.

My favourite was when me, Bunk and Rawl's went to bust Aleister Crowley.

Also, can I echo what Harold Hill just said: Norman Wilson is definitely one of my favourite characters.

The actor who plays him, Reg E Cathey, is in a few productions in London this year.
I have loads and loads of Wire related dreams.

My favourite was when me, Bunk and Rawl's went to bust Aleister Crowley.

Also, can I echo what Harold Hill just said: Norman Wilson is definitely one of my favourite characters.

The actor who plays him, Reg E Cathey, is in a few productions in London this year.

OH! Look at Mr. Trump Card. :mad: This was my first one, ok?! :mad:

That's a really shitty dream about busting Crowley cos for one, Rawls is NEVER out the office...unless he's in a gaybar. rofl:D
Weirdly, I also had a Wire dream last night, and it was my first one I think

I was Omar's girlfriend (that's dreams for ya!), and we'd had a baby, a boy, and he was being horrible to the boy, and i was trying to protect our little lad from his nasty comments.

Felt all churned up cos I still loved Omar and wanted him to love his son, but he wouldn't :(:confused:
Weirdly, I also had a Wire dream last night, and it was my first one I think

I was Omar's girlfriend (that's dreams for ya!), and we'd had a baby, a boy, and he was being horrible to the boy, and i was trying to protect our little lad from his nasty comments.

Felt all churned up cos I still loved Omar and wanted him to love his son, but he wouldn't :confused:

:D:D:D:D Lezzers and gay men, eh?! Wonders will never cease!

That's a great dream though! Wish mine had included some romance. I just got to be the third wheel/look-out person on a date!
:D:D:D Lezzers and gay men, eh?! Wonders will never cease!

That's a great dream though! Wish mine had included some romance. I just got to be the third wheel/look-out person on a date!

Lezzers and gay men having BABIES as well! :D

I didn't like it. My heart was breaking and I woke up really upset
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