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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

It's quite astounding how much of a fuck-up Herc is in this episode (not that he's covered himself in glory previously, but still).

Not only does he completely screw Bubs over, he fucks up with Little Kevin too :mad:

Nice to see Poot back, feels like ages since the pussy-hound went away (I guess it's a year or two in the show's chronology?).

Nice little bromance (yeah, I said it) between Cutty and Carver too, bonding over shared Wee-Bey experience :D

Chilling final scene too, Michael slipping towards Marlo's world, I can't see him getting a favour for free :(
Herc is an example of how somebody climbs the career ladder. Everything you touch turns to shit, whilst carver is learning how to be real po-lice.
Herc is an example of how somebody climbs the career ladder. Everything you touch turns to shit, whilst carver is learning how to be real po-lice.

Carver's the real deal now. He actually believes in the community spirit of policing, seeing the big picture and not taking short-cuts, as opposed to the other beat cops.
Last nights was good. I want to see the guy who's bullying bubbs get smashed though. That copper guy is a dick.
Join the club,whenever I see poor Bubbs gettin beaten up I always hope some-one like Kima or McNulty will suddenly appear on the scene and dish out a bit of "justice" on the geezer.
Join the club,whenever I see poor Bubbs gettin beaten up I always hope some-one like Kima or McNulty will suddenly appear on the scene and dish out a bit of "justice" on the geezer.

It was funny how he started giving that guy shit when he thought the polis were coming to back him up though. But yeah he needs to get revenge somehow.
That is perhaps the most savage beating in the whole series. The shot of the destroyed face was harsh

I was shocked by that - hints that Chris was "nonced" as a kid i suppose.

Marlo is too cold, at least Avon and String had reason before they offed a nigga, Marlo is dropping anyone, whether they deserve it or not. Funny how odd bits of the vocab infect your speech innit
I was shocked by that - hints that Chris was "nonced" as a kid i suppose.

Marlo is too cold, at least Avon and String had reason before they offed a nigga, Marlo is dropping anyone, whether they deserve it or not. Funny how odd bits of the vocab infect your speech innit

Marlo is like Darth Maul from the Star Wars series.
That is perhaps the most savage beating in the whole series. The shot of the destroyed face was harsh

Just to clarify, was he using the butt of the gun or did he do that damage with his fists?

I love the fact that Snoop was a little taken aback, that's when you know you've perhaps taken things over the edge :D
aww I have a real soft spot for the lad who boosts cars and got his fingers broken. :oops:

He's just like, addicted to nicking cars. :D
Gosh. It's rare that I sync up with bbc2 and this thread.

You're all better at names than I am.

Pointless post. I've edited as not sure how many episodes I've watched tonight. may have got beyond bbc2 :rolleyes:
Gosh. It's rare that I sync up with bbc2 and this thread.

You're all better at names than I am. I'm glad Wallace was mentioned again. I still feel bad for him. :(

Oh, yeah. Wallace was my first ''oh shit, i hope he doesnt die...oh shit, he's dead. Oh no!:('' but having seen the whole thing, there's way too many i feel like that about. A fair few more so than Wallace.:(
Can you tell I haven't been to bed? I'm para about mentioning anything that may not have happened yet. The manshape managed to read (elsewhere) that Stringer Bell died before we got to that bit. He didn't ruin it for me but I knew from his face.

I remember Wallace because he was the first time I was like, "oh. Oh no." :( I'm hating bubbles getting regular beatings and that shitty new cop and I like the car stealing kid and stuff.
i cried for the last few minutes of that scene with poot and bodie and wallace. proper breath-gasping, boo-hooing sobs.

i was hooked before then - but that scene might be what made me take the evangelising personally.:oops:
I want what Wallace wanted. I want to start over. That's what I want. I don't care where. Anywhere. I don't give a fuck. I just want to go somewhere, where I can breathe like regular folk. You give me that... And I'll give you them.
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