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The TV & films lonely post thread

Has anyone noticed how all of the sudden an increasingly number of TV series have taken to giving you a preview of what’s going to happen in the next episode at the end of the current one?

I fucking hate that. It used to be relatively common in many 1980s soaps such as Dinasty or Falcon Crest, and then it mercifully died off. But in the last few months, suddenly a lot new series on Amazon, Netflix and the Beeb feel compelled to give us a taste of what’s going to happen in the next episode.

Fuck off you twats :mad: No matter how cleverly and carefully you have edited the trailer, you’re still revealing story arc developments to everyone. And besides, if the current episode has not been enticing enough to your viewers, half a minute of short teaser scenes is not going to swerve them.
I have just watched Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
So it's a sequel to a spin-off and it's really rather good. There is a great story, great animation and a great antagonist.

It deals with Puss having an existential crisis after he discovers he's lost 8 of his 9 lives. He starts having panic attacks with the film deals in a serious way and doesn't make a joke of it. The wolf character is brilliantly ominous.

I'd say it's well worth a watch.
last night Mrs Q and I watched "Flower Drum Song" a film actually one year older than she is.
Basic summary of plot: The parents of Girl A and Guy 1 organise their wedding sight unseen, Girl A (and Dad) are smuggled into the US from China (in a box). Guy 1 doesn't want Girl A since he is loving the single life and basically gives Girl A to the father of Guy 2 who wants an old fashioned DiL who knows her place. Guy 2 barely acknowledges Girl A since he has the hots for Girl B so Guy 2 who has been stringing Girl B along for five years arranges for Guy 2 and family to discover that Girl B is a nightclub singer and most definitely not a suitable DiL for a pillar of the community. Guy 2 goes off and gets drunk out of the shame and is rescued by Girl C who has carried a torch for him since childhood. Sobering up he walks out on her and goes home to declare his love for Girl A who is now narked at being viewed as a consolation prize and stomps off. Mum of Guy 1 and Girl A pressure them to get married anyway since biological clocks are ticking away here. At the wedding Girl A declares she is an illegal immigrant and Mum turns out to be as stuck up as Guy 2's Dad. Bit of confusion ensues and there is a double wedding with Guy 1/Girl B and Guy 2/Girl A with Girl C (at the wedding) putting a brave face on being stuck in Friendzone.
"What a load of outdated sexist crap" declares Mrs Q "What should have happened is the three of them become best friends and leave that pair of losers stood at the altar"
Big though they were in their time, Rodgers and Hammerstein have aged as well as they might. The best thing in the film was Nancy Kwan (The World of Suzy Wong) as Girl B who I've never seen in a musical before and it seems can sing as good as she looks which is saying something.

I feel like I need a diagram or flow chart to follow all that.
Not so much a love triangle as a love dodecahedron
Bodies….4 time zones same body

I have absolutely no idea what was going on and switched off when future crime arrived

Not my cup of cha

I say all of this as a first-generation happy SW fan, but Admiral Motti was spot on in his assessment of the irrelevance of the Jedi religion- certainly regarding the Galactic Empire’s military conflict against Rebel forces across the galaxy.

And far more so at the beginning of Empire Strikes Back. Luke becoming a fully realised Jedi posed as much existential threat to the Empire as Jabba the bloody Hutt. If a secular leader had been in charge of the Imperial fleet at the Battle of Hoth, all those mighty Star Destroyers playing Asteroids and wasting time and resources trying to capture the Millennium Falcon as part of a long winded scheme to trap Luke could have been hunting down the few remaining transport ships carrying almost the entirety of the Rebellion forces instead. Palpatine and Vader’s Dunkirk moment, if you will.

Similarly, the eventual outcome of Palpatine, Vader and Luke’s Jedi face-off reckoning in Return of the Jedi would have played no part in the Battle of Andor regardless of the outcome.

Force-ghost Obi Wan was talking bollocks when he told Luke the Emperor had already won if Luke would not kill Vader. If Luke had been immediately turned to the Dark Side when he was brought to the Emperor’s presence aboard the second Death Star, they would still have been blown to fuck minutes later as they gleefully rubbed their hands thinking about their awesome Sith A-Team.
I’ve just found out that the next Joker film (which I didn’t even know they were making) is going to be a musical. It’s so bloody improbable a concept, it will surely end up being nothing less than great :)

I have avoided watching Squid Game: The Challenge and The Traitors cos I have presumed they are predicated on people being nasty to each other and revel in treachery and sadism but I confess this is nothing but an assumption. Was I right?
I have avoided watching Squid Game: The Challenge and The Traitors cos I have presumed they are predicated on people being nasty to each other and revel in treachery and sadism but I confess this is nothing but an assumption. Was I right?
No, not really. Mostly they are both quite co-operative, the games and head-to-heads aren't mean spirited. The bad people are us, becoming voyeurs, suckered into wanting to see more deceipt and deception. The worst you'll see is people being really dumb.
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Watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Some are still top notch, some just show his misogyny. But mostly good. Particularly this one with a very young Leslie Nielson, which it's hard to think of him as ever being.
Someone told me that Sony hold the IP for Spider-Man films from Marvel, but one of the clauses in their contract is that they surrender the IP if they don’t keep making films, so the end result is poor quality films made to keep accountants happy
Someone told me that Sony hold the IP for Spider-Man films from Marvel, but one of the clauses in their contract is that they surrender the IP if they don’t keep making films, so the end result is poor quality films made to keep accountants happy
That doesn’t explain why all the other Marvels are so shite though
Someone told me that Sony hold the IP for Spider-Man films from Marvel, but one of the clauses in their contract is that they surrender the IP if they don’t keep making films, so the end result is poor quality films made to keep accountants happy
That’s true IIRC. It was only relatively recently within the Marvel Universe that Spiderman started to appear alongside other MCU superheroes.
Has anyone noticed how all of the sudden an increasingly number of TV series have taken to giving you a preview of what’s going to happen in the next episode at the end of the current one?

I fucking hate that. It used to be relatively common in many 1980s soaps such as Dinasty or Falcon Crest, and then it mercifully died off. But in the last few months, suddenly a lot new series on Amazon, Netflix and the Beeb feel compelled to give us a taste of what’s going to happen in the next episode.

Fuck off you twats :mad: No matter how cleverly and carefully you have edited the trailer, you’re still revealing story arc developments to everyone. And besides, if the current episode has not been enticing enough to your viewers, half a minute of short teaser scenes is not going to swerve them.

I would also like the television to stop introducing spoilers in the guise of trigger warnings.

If it’s really necessary to flag in advance that a programme contains a suicide, then maybe they could preface the trigger warning with a spoiler warning so that one has the chance to close one’s eyes.
Perhaps it’s true for the others. I don’t really have any interest in superhero films though
I have never been a massive fan but have been happy to be seduced by (the small proportion of) those films that were sleek and entertaining and well written enough. The first Iron Man, Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy I enjoyed even if not necessarily enough to fork out for cinema tickets.

But like most other people now it seems, I am sick to death of them and the DC ones as well, and can’t wait for the genre to die down if not die off for an entire generation.

There’s one notable exception though, namely the Deadpool films. But then, if anything they are anti superhero satire rather than part of it, similar to The Boys. You absolutely ought to watch the first two if you haven’t.
I would also like the television to stop introducing spoilers in the guise of trigger warnings.

If it’s really necessary to flag in advance that a programme contains a suicide, then maybe they could preface the trigger warning with a spoiler warning so that one has the chance to close one’s eyes.
Agree. You can actually guess what will happen in the next episode of some shows depending on whether they warn of sexual violence, non-sexual violence, and in particular suicide.

The one exception is Disney+, which sees no reason to warn parents about violence, sexual content, swearing, homophobia, racism, sexism, or alcohol and drug . Amusingly though, they will feel necessary to warn viewers about ‘depictions of tobacco use’.
TV quiz shows should provide patter-free versions online - just the questions and answers, with all the tedious awkward chat edited out
TBF, both Mastermind and University Challenge are pretty dense once the intros at the start of the show are done. Particularly UC, Mastermind still has that dead air in-between the rounds. It's not chat, but it's wasted air time. And Only Connect has always been about whether you can tolerate VCM's sense of humour. (I can't, but I can tune things I don't like out pretty effectively)

Pointless is intolerable in the first round. I really don't give a fuck that they like gardening and travel and work for the local council. Repeat x8. I usually tune in for the second round on.
TBF, both Mastermind and University Challenge are pretty dense once the intros at the start of the show are done. Particularly UC, Mastermind still has that dead air in-between the rounds. It's not chat, but it's wasted air time. And Only Connect has always been about whether you can tolerate VCM's sense of humour. (I can't, but I can tune things I don't like out pretty effectively)

Pointless is intolerable in the first round. I really don't give a fuck that they like gardening and travel and work for the local council. Repeat x8. I usually tune in for the second round on.
my post was prompted by Mastermind actually. Even Mastermind suffers from too much patter and not enough questions. We don't need those tortured intros from Myrie, and we don't need the post-match drivel from the winners. UC could cut its intros too.
These shows all need to take a leaf from 15-1 and go in dry, with no let up until the credits roll.
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Does ITV have/ used to have an exclusivity agreement with Agatha Christie’s Estate regarding TV adaptations of her works? I think I remember a recent adaptation on the BBC, but just about every TV series or feature-length single episodes of the last couple of decades seem to be ITV productions.
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