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The Trump presidency

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As an American, reading the posts here, most of you know way more about American history, almost more than anyone I know.
It's sad, but the school systems here lie to us from the beginning!
they don't tell us much about the empires darker deeds either. Thats why you've got prats on TV talking about it being 'a light to the world'

aye right. No its all abolition, ww 1 and two, roaring twenties USA etc
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So you're not going to actually reply, you're going to go off on a tangent. Nice one.

And, please note, I have not 'blamed' black voters for not voting for Clinton, I blame the Democratic Party for running an awful campaign, including (but by no means limited to) their choice of candidate. Clinton could still have won had she shown more effort in a couple of key states that she assumed were in the bag until far too late.

Likewise, i do not deny for a second that voter suppression took place, just that there is not the evidence to say it was a decisive factor.

But you keep on with your own blinkered vision, there's nothing anyone will be able to do about that, you're one of those for whom "facts" mean nothing unless they jive with your already-established beliefs.
There's no shortage of white guys who just love to make assumptions about how and why Black folks vote for their own aims (in this case, dissing Clinton). On the other thread, I posted links to several articles from, y'know, actual African American people, explaining why they didn't back Sanders in the primaries and would vote Clinton. The response here was to ignore what they said, insisting Black people should support Bernie, their oppression was based on class, not race, maybe Bernie could have done more reaching out, yada yada - like dropping a few buzzwords would be all that's needed for them to fall in line. :rolleyes:

We're not going to agree on this, so I suggest you put me on ignore, as I'm about to do with you. Ciao baby.
There are times that I'll google some idea, person etc that's new to me. I don't feel any shame in admitting that I'm not an authoritative expert on every possible subject under the sun.

Also, one of the pleasures of discourse, for me, is learning about new things.

Whenever I come across someone [there are a few of them here] who talk as if authoritative about almost anything, I assume some googling is going on. It's possible that some people have gargantuan stores of knowledge on all subjects, but I don't think that's the case, in general.

For one thing, most people aren't sufficiently interested in absolutely everything, to spend the time to become authoritative on all subjects. There's vast amounts of information out there. Which is why we tend to see specialization to specific fields and areas, and even to subcategories within fields. A university History department will have specialists in American history, British history, etc.

You don't see too many 'Professors of Everything' anymore.

However, I do think that here at U75 [and elsewhere on the internet] we have a number of 'Masters of Profundity'. :)
Also, one of the pleasures of discourse, for me, is learning about new things.
it makes everyday a schoolday, which is right and true. If I've got an interest in a subject though I have to at least find a docu on it or look out for a book. the whole .epub/torrent thing has served me very well. In the 90s you had to buy books, and theres never enough money to cover fiction and non together
On the theme of history repeating itself . . .

It’s Already Happened Here
Trump is a familiar figure, a manifestation of deep-seated will-to-white-male power

...as Lincoln’s letter reminds us, this has always been America. We have always vacillated between lofty precepts on paper and the refusal of white men to apply them in practice. This refusal has resulted in slavery of African Americans, genocide against Native Americans, internment camps for ethnic minorities. It has also systematically denied most of the population the right to vote over most of our history, rationalized discrimination against and banning of immigrants on racial and ethnic lines, and shored up segregation and Jim Crow. Today, this same white male authoritarian outlook fuels a prison and police system that disproportionately targets non-white citizens.

At the center of all this executive-assured destruction, there is Trump, both a hater and a loser. Desperate for applause and enthusiastic about abusing executive power, he is driven by narcissism and need. His paranoia and megalomania is typical in foreign authoritarian leaders, yet Trump is a native archetype: he is the conman, the showman, the “Confidence Man” of Herman Melville, the President Stillson of Stephen King’s The Dead Zone.

Unlike his products, Trump is made in America, and we have dealt with his kind before. His bigotry, incompetence and intolerance were of the sort that better Americans, like the future president Lincoln, saw as a domestic threat. But never has such an execrable individual been given such power in our government, and never a president been surrounded by so many who view America as little more than a playground for punishment and plunder. With this marauding manifestation of America’s deep-seated will-to-white-male power—steeped so deeply in the uglier American canons of self-assertion, exploitation, and plunder—our “progress in degeneracy,” centuries in the making, may have reached its peak.
This is shit - stepping up deportations :(

Immigration Raids & Protests by State

What gets me is that there were like five of them, not even physically stopping her team, and she still immediately ran off looking really rattled. She could easily have got in. They seem really unable to deal with even mild protest.

She probably hasn't dealt with too many people disagreeing with her to her face before in her life.
By backing down in a telephone call with China’s president on his promise to review the status of Taiwan, President Trump may have averted a confrontation with America’s most powerful rival.

But in doing so, he handed China a victory and sullied his reputation with its leader, Xi Jinping, as a tough negotiator who ought to be feared, analysts said.

“Trump lost his first fight with Xi and he will be looked at as a paper tiger,” said Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China, in Beijing, and an adviser to China’s State Council. “This will be interpreted in China as a great success, achieved by Xi’s approach of dealing with him.”

Mr. Trump’s reversal on Taiwan is likely to reinforce the views of those in China who see him as merely the latest American president to come into office talking tough on China, only to bend eventually to economic reality and adopt more cooperative policies. That could mean more difficult negotiations with Beijing on trade, North Korea and other issues.

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I can recycle the word "shit," or perhaps try "shit to the power of 3" or something.
While I was waiting for a bus on the way home this auld derelict at the bus stop was swearing away, fucking this and shitting that, and it's amazing how quickly it gets boring to listen to.
What gets me is that there were like five of them, not even physically stopping her team, and she still immediately ran off looking really rattled. She could easily have got in. They seem really unable to deal with even mild protest.
Probably claim that she was under sniper fire....
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