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The Trump presidency

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This guy from Sweden, who might be dodgy, has an interesting point of view on Trump's insinuations. Would be interesting to hear if anyone can fault him on anything he claims in the video.

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ref the above
US Muslim community campaigns to repair Jewish cemetery
US Muslim community campaigns to repair Jewish cemetery - BBC News
Despite the barrage of froth flecked hate derived lunacy for the White House, ordinary people remain sane and seek to prove the Love can Conquer concept - the notion promoted by that Palestine born hippy git so many Americans put their "faith" in

They raised something like £70 K for repair efforts, and a local group were involved in co-ordinating the clean up that was meant to happen yesterday.

But then, unannounced, VP Pence and the MO Governor turned up with his crew. Some volunteers couldn't get there because of the road blocks. Others had to wait until the photo op finished before they could work. I found a short bit about that here.

Funny, he didn't mention anything in his speech about the Muslims volunteering to help or raising money. And, isn't using a bullhorn in a cemetery rather disrespectful? Once he got enough shots shuffling a rake around, his entourage departed, leaving volunteers just a few minutes to work before the cemetery closed.

Most of the headlines I've seen have been about "Pence joins the cemetery cleanup," or "Mike Pence volunteers to clean vandalized cemetery," so it becomes all about him and this wonderful thing he did. The story about Muslim support got lost and the one about local people's anger never saw the light of day.

And people have become so used to the orange shitgibbon's projectile vomiting, way too many folks who should know better have posted how "refreshing" his speech was and even how he seemed much more "presidential." :mad:

These tweets are from the State Representative for the area where the cemetery is located. Not a happy bunny.

The average Joe and Jane who voted for Trump and end up being harmed by his policies deserve no sympathy whatsoever.
Nope not an iota of sympathy. The numpties who voted Trump thinking he was fibbing about his intentions and those who voted "with their consciences" for 3rd parties and now regret it will find their own way to voting Democrat in 2018.

Breath is wasted on other Trump voters - some openly back the bigotry, greed, militarism, fake Christianity and snuggling with Russia to the hilt. Others will accept the lot so long as it gets the result close to their heart (e.g. abortion and contraception banned, black and brown people out of my neighbourhood, evangelical Christian values everywhere, etc.). They may say they don't like the bigotry, but most are fine with it in reality.

When the shit hits the fan for them, and it will, they will just blame something other than the government they support, because that is what they have always done. There will be no epiphany moments.

Courting Trumpers will involve compromise - big compromise, to persuade enough of them to switch sides. Democrats could probably get enough if they agreed to ban abortion, but would alienate most of their own support base.

The focus has to be on the people who didn't vote - either because they didn't think it was important, thought each was as bad as the other, or were literally prevented by voter suppression efforts. That really is the only hope there is for turning this clusterfuck around, and that's only if the whole system isn't undermined so there won't be anything like genuine democratic elections in 2018.

The town hall meetings are giving me a bit of hope.
Ah, and one of the few benefits of feeling like death with flu all this week is I finally got to watch Ava du Vernay's documentary 13th, twice. It's on Netflix. If you haven't seen it, see it - especially folks who refuse to acknowledge that racism is embedded in the foundations, institutions and identity of the United States.

It mentions the Emmett Till case, but in January, it came to light that the woman who accused Till of assaulting her, leading her husband and another man to brutally murder the 14 year old (and were acquitted), said that she'd made the whole story up. :mad:
Just the usual right wing Republicans.
Bannon's there of course. Could only find this clip on Twitter - sorry. For those who can't see, sounds like he's ready for civil war.

"If you think they're going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken."

Not sure if this is the right thread for this. Not much in the news about it.

1 dead, 2 injured in shooting:

Charges filed in Olathe Austins shooting; suspect waives extradition to Johnson County
Can't see any national news coverage :hmm: - only local outlets including an interview with a man who was badly injured in the incident. The two men the shooter said were "Middle Eastern" were workers for Garmin, originally from India.

GoFundMe to help with Srinivas Kuchibhotla's funeral costs :(
On The Hill Trump calls for building up nuke arsenal to be ‘top of the pack’
In the Reuters interview, Trump slammed the New START Treaty with Russia that caps the number of nuclear warheads the U.S. and Russia can deploy, calling it “a one-sided deal.”

"Just another bad deal that the country made, whether it's START, whether it's the Iran deal,” he said. “We're going to start making good deals.”

Trump also reportedly called the New START Treaty a bad deal in a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin last month.

A separate treaty with Russia, known as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, bans ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. Russia has violated the treaty by deploying a cruise missile within its borders.

Trump called the violation a “big deal” in the Reuters interview. He said he would bring it up with Putin “if and when we meet."

Trump also said that "we're very angry" at North Korea's ballistic missile tests. Accelerating the deployment of a missile-defense system in South Korea was among many options available, he added.

As he has in the past, Trump pointed at China as being able to curb North Korea’s provocative behavior, saying Beijing could do so “very easily if they want to.”

"There's talks of a lot more than that," Trump said when asked about the missile defense system. "We'll see what happens. But it's a very dangerous situation, and China can end it very quickly in my opinion."
Renewing START had bipartisan support.
Nope not an iota of sympathy. The numpties who voted Trump thinking he was fibbing about his intentions and those who voted "with their consciences" for 3rd parties and now regret it will find their own way to voting Democrat in 2018.

Breath is wasted on other Trump voters - some openly back the bigotry, greed, militarism, fake Christianity and snuggling with Russia to the hilt. Others will accept the lot so long as it gets the result close to their heart (e.g. abortion and contraception banned, black and brown people out of my neighbourhood, evangelical Christian values everywhere, etc.). They may say they don't like the bigotry, but most are fine with it in reality.

When the shit hits the fan for them, and it will, they will just blame something other than the government they support, because that is what they have always done. There will be no epiphany moments.

Courting Trumpers will involve compromise - big compromise, to persuade enough of them to switch sides. Democrats could probably get enough if they agreed to ban abortion, but would alienate most of their own support base.

The focus has to be on the people who didn't vote - either because they didn't think it was important, thought each was as bad as the other, or were literally prevented by voter suppression efforts. That really is the only hope there is for turning this clusterfuck around, and that's only if the whole system isn't undermined so there won't be anything like genuine democratic elections in 2018.

The town hall meetings are giving me a bit of hope.

Of course, you don't understand the motives of many of the republicans new voters. They are the abandoned working and lower middle classes worst hit by crisis in industry. Abortion was a secondary issue. Michael Moore summed it up very well. These people, and not just in the USA, are desperate and sending a massive fuck you to the establisment, and I believe to liberal identity politics clones also. They may actually believe that trump is going to revive jobs, cut down on competitors for those jobs and raise their living standards with a higher minimum wage. You have no sympathy with them because for you in your smugness, they are the enemy. You basically don't understand them.

It is doubtful that trump will alleviate the pressures of life for those people, which includes hispanic and black voters, and their dispair may then turn to hatred in the future. If anything they will turn to something more vile not the fucking democrats, like the lost sheep you seem to think they are.

In europe this year things are going to be very close. Social democracy offers nothing, has no reforms. Populism is rising fast, and all some people can do is demonize the people who are turning to it in desperation. Fuck you.
Of course, you don't understand the motives of many of the republicans new voters. They are the abandoned working and lower middle classes worst hit by crisis in industry. Abortion was a secondary issue. Michael Moore summed it up very well. These people, and not just in the USA, are desperate and sending a massive fuck you to the establisment, and I believe to liberal identity politics clones also. They may actually believe that trump is going to revive jobs, cut down on competitors for those jobs and raise their living standards with a higher minimum wage. You have no sympathy with them because for you in your smugness, they are the enemy. You basically don't understand them.

It is doubtful that trump will alleviate the pressures of life for those people, which includes hispanic and black voters, and their dispair may then turn to hatred in the future. If anything they will turn to something more vile not the fucking democrats, like the lost sheep you seem to think they are.

In europe this year things are going to be very close. Social democracy offers nothing, has no reforms. Populism is rising fast, and all some people can do is demonize the people who are turning to it in desperation. Fuck you.
you don't understand them either and do them a disservice by your posts.
NB, if Sweden does have immigrant problems this may not be unrelated to the massive xenophobia there. I know we hold up Scandinavia as this socialist love-in but one of my husband's best mates has lived there for years and faced a lot of prejudice for not being a native, so I can only imagine what it must be like for non-white immigrants.
Pathetic, as always. Try putting two sentences together.
my view, for what it's worth, is not that these are simply doltish yanks with nary a clue what they're doing and a blindness to anything outside the united states - though undoubtedly some are - but people responding in a rational way to a) the choices they are offered, and b) what the past decade can show us. the economies which performed best during the economic crash of 2008 were authoritarian states and illiberal democracies: liberal democracies fared poorly. whatever can be said of trump, few - if any - would call him a liberal democrat! it is my contention that much of trump's support came from people who made a wholly rational calculation based on their reading of world events, and tbh this shouldn't really come as news - i'm sure you recall viktor orban's speech which caused such a stir in july 2014, where following re-election as hungarian pm he declared that it was time for Hungary to ‘abandon liberal methods and principles of organizing society’ and to embark upon a project of building a new ‘illiberal state’: see e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07wthc3; Orban wants to build 'illiberal state'. everyone knew what you'd get with clinton, the same auld model which broke in 2008 and which will break again. with trump? worth a punt, so many people in the right states thought.

Mmm, the bbc, that balwart of imparciality. The Independent is also running an article to contradict Farage's comments on the radio, it's full of conjecture, using vocabulary like, it appears that, it may be, it is claimed.

One statistic in this article has me confused. Is this Newspeak?

Nigel Farage claims Sweden is the 'rape capital' of Europe. He's wrong

"A frequently produced graph shows that according to UNODC data, Sweden had by far the highest rape rate, with 66.5 offences reported to police per 100,000 in 2012. This dwarfed the next highest figure of 34.1 rapes per 100,000 recorded in Jamaica".
Mmm, the bbc, that balwart of imparciality. The Independent is also running an article to contradict Farage's comments on the radio, it's full of conjecture, using vocabulary like, it appears that, it may be, it is claimed.

One statistic in this article has me confused. Is this Newspeak?

Nigel Farage claims Sweden is the 'rape capital' of Europe. He's wrong

"A frequently produced graph shows that according to UNODC data, Sweden had by far the highest rape rate, with 66.5 offences reported to police per 100,000 in 2012. This dwarfed the next highest figure of 34.1 rapes per 100,000 recorded in Jamaica".

In that case yes it is 100% without a doubt, no take backs, full stop, the rape Capital of Europe then.
Mmm, the bbc, that balwart of imparciality. The Independent is also running an article to contradict Farage's comments on the radio, it's full of conjecture, using vocabulary like, it appears that, it may be, it is claimed.

One statistic in this article has me confused. Is this Newspeak?

Nigel Farage claims Sweden is the 'rape capital' of Europe. He's wrong

"A frequently produced graph shows that according to UNODC data, Sweden had by far the highest rape rate, with 66.5 offences reported to police per 100,000 in 2012. This dwarfed the next highest figure of 34.1 rapes per 100,000 recorded in Jamaica".
Why are you confused? It explains itself in the very next line. Different counting methods, even the providers of the statistic say it is not to be taken at face value.

So where is the confusion?
Mmm, the bbc, that balwart of imparciality. The Independent is also running an article to contradict Farage's comments on the radio, it's full of conjecture, using vocabulary like, it appears that, it may be, it is claimed.

One statistic in this article has me confused. Is this Newspeak?

Nigel Farage claims Sweden is the 'rape capital' of Europe. He's wrong

"A frequently produced graph shows that according to UNODC data, Sweden had by far the highest rape rate, with 66.5 offences reported to police per 100,000 in 2012. This dwarfed the next highest figure of 34.1 rapes per 100,000 recorded in Jamaica".
no YOU'RE a balwart
no YOU'RE a balwart

Oh, you are clever. How old are you?

So rape is not rape?

Rape statistics Sweden 2012 are fake?

66.5 offences per 100,000 in 2012, but it's not all rape?

what is it then? How does it get reduced to nothing? Do the statistics include looking at breasts or sexist comments by passers by in the street, so therefore can't be valid?

What is the definition of rape in the Swedish rape statistics?
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