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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

it's not going well.

I guess it depends on which side you are on.
Ottawa has barbeques and spas, and bouncy castles for the children.
Friday night, they set up a stage and had live music.
It is like a carnaval.

Too lazy to go back and find the article, but the truckers are now losing public support and most Canadians support the idea of the military clearing out Ottawa.
I guess it was all fun and games (and still is) when it was just Ottawa. But once trade with the States got cut off and people started to get laid off, the public opinion started to shift.

Blocking the crossings to the US has become the latest trend.

I live near Cornwall, and there is a bridge over to the States.
The farm tractors went down and circled the area for a bit, then they went back home again.

A new poll finds more than two-thirds of Canadians would support the use of military force to help clear out Ottawa protesters, while support for the truckers has fallen to 20 per cent – both for what they are protesting and how they are going about it.

The latest survey by Maru Public Opinion finds 64 per cent approve using the Armed Forces to clear out trucks with heavy tows while 53 per cent support the use of force by Ottawa police to remove truckers, their families and others who refuse to leave. This includes the use of tear gas and other methods, with the understanding that such measures could result in injury.

Two-thirds of Canadians believe Canada’s democracy is being threatened by the protesters while 67 per cent of those asked believe the truckers are being heavily funded by foreign interests. Six in 10 equate the current protests to the same mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol back on January 6, 2021.

Forty-six per cent blame the truckers for inciting and escalating the protests over the past two weeks while almost a third lay the blame at the feet of the prime minister. Another seven per cent blame the leadership of the federal Conservative party while one in six say “others” are responsible.
I follow this guy on Facebook, I usually agree with his posts. He is an activist who used to take photos of demonstrations - several were picked up by the media years back.
He is from Kingston, Ontario.

yesterday, the 'freedom' convoy passed through my town. apparently, counter-protesters blocked part of their route (kudos) redirecting them back out of town.

after it had all passed, my wife asked me why i didn't attend. i indicated that i deliberately stayed away. i didn't trust myself to be present. and later in the evening, i realized i made a good decision.

after running some errands and visiting an elderly family member, i was heading home last night. i was all happy and thinking of the family visit..., when there it was in front of me: a jeep festooned with numerous flags, convoy, and anti-govt messaging. a PRO CONVOY straggler.

my mood changed so shockingly fast, i surprised myself. i could barely see straight, it made me so furious.

here was someone who supports shutting down the country. someone who paraded their anti-govt stance. someone who - after the province declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY - wanted people to know they defied all of it. they are okay with the halt of commerce; the emptying of grocery shelves, thumbing their noses at the majority of canadians.

my blood boiled.

my young son was in the vehicle with me, completely oblivious to my mood change.

without drivingly recklessly, i found myself in front of them. lane changes happened. they challenged my vehicle. nothing dangerous. but within a certain distance they were very aware that i was a very unhappy fellow commuter, and my unhappiness was directed at them.

as i gently slowed to just under the speed limit, then 15K under the limit, they did as well with lots of space beween us.

i cannot believe their very presence brought such emotion from me. it was not my finest moment however, i retained enough composure not to instigate a confrontation.

i mean: here was a driver who probably believes they support "freedom". but after our premier told them to go home and to cease interfering with the lives of fellow citizens, this person basically said "SCREW THAT NOISE!"

and THAT is why i won't be counter protesting.

I can relate it to that.
For the past couple of months, some yahoo in Dalkeith was displaying his truck with anti-trudeau and anti-vax stuff painted on it.
I just got so angry at it, I started taking alternate routes as a way to keep my blood pressure down.
That’s the most Canadian story ever. “I was so shockingly angry that I slowed down by 15kph!! He knew what I meant.”

Pulling out in front of the convoy guy and forcing him to slow to a speed well below normal was the kind of aggressive move that often leads to road-rage confrontations, tbf - and it's an especially stupid move when there's a child in your vehicle.
Agree not wise to do it particularly with a child in the car. Was ironic though that someone part of a convoy whose purpose was to stop traffic altogether would get angry when someone slowed them down a little.
Ever few weeks somebody asks me a question and it's not directions or about parking. It's about the legitimacy of my job and rapidly gets onto vaccines🙄. Pretty sure Bill Gates doesn't care about parking in Brighton and Hove and no the Greens aren't any better or worse than any of the other councils we have had. 🙄.

I must have missed the briefing when we became the new world orders enforcers.
Although if the NWOs made means of oppression is a fine of £70 that's havled if you pay promptly may explain why things are fucked up.
Can anyone remember a Youtube video about a London-ish chemtrailer some years back - I think she was maybe a DJ or club singer - there's someone on Paltalk who reminds me of her ... it was quite a long video where she was saying the weather and sky was all wrong ...

EDIT :- found her... predictably she's full-on covitard now ...

Drop her a message on this video with Clapton's unrepentant shite about Enoch Powell ;)

Why do all these people start their spiel with "Hi Guys"?
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