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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Now the Johnson is going to scrap all COVID restrictions at the end of the month :( it's going to interesting scary what the UK conspiraloons will move on to next.

Yeah, some will keep on banging the Covid drum in decreasing numbers and increasing lunacy for a while yet. Bits will vanish back into their lives, then I think it'll split more with some sinking back into the part of 'leftish/alt activism' they came from, and some will pivot more overtly toward the right taking a few people with them. I think they'll re-emerge more clearly over climate stuff if things like any hint of restrictions/increased taxes etc. come in for that.
Using Paltalk under my first troll nick has removed some of the emotional stress of enduring the bullshit.
I may adjust my age and sex and profile photos at some point ... my new nick is trolling in itself being the French version of my usual one ...

My "project" antivaxer is online a lot less often since our interactions, but this morning (very early hours in Washington DC) has been pasting links from natural nudes and elsewhere which she clearly hasn't actually read - it's more like voodoo or simply projecting existential angst about the covid world - it's not clear who she thinks in the room would ever be interested...

One of the things I saw claimed today was an insanely false equivalence between the tobacco industry's manipulation of science .... and vaccines and that this would bring down BIG PHARMA etc ...

A frequent claim (clearly based on the VAERS "data") is that MILLIONS have died or had serious side effects from vaccines ... even if it's the latter, one would expect that everyone would know several "victims" - but I suppose it's like COVID itself in that relatively few of us know people who got it at all - let alone badly ...

I half-heartedly searched on the NN site to see if I could find conflicting advice on nutrition - but they do seem to lean towards vegan - though there was one article suggesting vegetable "antioxidants" can be boosted by adding bone broth ... I suspect they are going to have to cater to the alt-right manoshere-friendly bone broth and keto people ...
This is the sort of crap she posts - without clicking on a far-right website, the only "grand Jury" involved appears to be a collection of disgusting antivaxxers in a ZOOM call ...
But you can see how even the URL alone will be enough for some.

aquadiamond28, [09:58]
Video: Grand Jury Day 1: Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany, for the “PCR Plandemic Trial” Before a Grand Jury https://www. globalresearch. ca/video-grand-jury-day-1-attorney-dr-reiner-fuellmich-germany-pcr-plandemic-trial-before-grand-jury-eventually-international-criminal-court/5770149
This is the sort of crap she posts - without clicking on a far-right website, the only "grand Jury" involved appears to be a collection of disgusting antivaxxers in a ZOOM call ...
But you can see how even the title alone will be enough for some.

On Saturday 5 February 2022 lawyers gave their opening statements at the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion, an international natural law court. Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from Germany gave his opening statement which included an overview of the expert witnesses that will testify before the court.

The 'international natural law court' sounds as looney as the Natural Law Party. :D

I remember seeing their party political party broadcast back in 1992, it seemed to be some parody, especially with the yogic flying segment*, but wasn't!

* you can see that from this point...

I used to get hand-written letters from the TM people in Bournemouth because I once sent off for the secret to life the universe and everything or somesuch ... I get confused because I also got letters from the Scientologists - I think the latter sent me Hubbard's insane book, I forget what the first lot sent me ...
The 'international natural law court' sounds as looney as the Natural Law Party. :D

I remember seeing their party political party broadcast back in 1992, it seemed to be some parody, especially with the yogic flying segment*, but wasn't!

* you can see that from this point...

Fuck it I'll vote for them. Wave after wave of yogic flying attacks should be enough to make Putin think again.

Oh, is this doing the rounds again? :facepalm:

It’s one of the odd things about the modern world. In situations where accredited professionals (of all walks) are prevented from speaking on the (not unreasonable) grounds that they lack full information and thus it would be inappropriate to comment, idiot amateurs are perfectly entitled to give the world their opinions as if they are established fact. With no comeback other than mockery. Even when idiots take their advice, these amateurs are protected on the grounds that they are not professionals and thus you’d have to be a real idiot to take their advice.
It’s one of the odd things about the modern world. In situations where accredited professionals (of all walks) are prevented from speaking on the (not unreasonable) grounds that they lack full information and thus it would be inappropriate to comment, idiot amateurs are perfectly entitled to give the world their opinions as if they are established fact. With no comeback other than mockery. Even when idiots take their advice, these amateurs are protected on the grounds that they are not professionals and thus you’d have to be a real idiot to take their advice.
Yeh proper circular
Mockery absolutely essential. It might not help those who are in the rabbit hole, but I think it will help preventing people falling. “Oh I don’t want to be associated with that,” etc
Can anyone remember a Youtube video about a London-ish chemtrailer some years back - I think she was maybe a DJ or club singer - there's someone on Paltalk who reminds me of her ... it was quite a long video where she was saying the weather and sky was all wrong ...

EDIT :- found her... predictably she's full-on covitard now ...

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Gotta watch that and ask does that person actually need help? Like intervention level. Proper disturbing
I think that. Similarly the ‘Karen’ thing. Are some of these people ill or off their meds? This is the thing about the internets. It can bring crazy people together in mutual reinforcement of their delusions.
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