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the strictly come reading 2023 reading challenge thread

i expect to read this many books in 2023

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Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
Usual rules apply - this thread for books read (that is, completed) between 0000 on 1 Jan 2023 and 2359 on 31 Dec 2023. Books completed before midnight on 31/12/22 should go in the 2022 thread. By read I mean read in print or electronic form, read to you, read by you to someone else, listened to as an audiobook - consumed in any way apart from actually eaten
At my peak, I can get through a book once every three or so days, but I don't recall a year where I ever read more than 60 books in a year. I was thinking this year I could aim for 100, but since contracting COVID a few weeks back I have massively lost my reading habit.

Let's aim for 60 good books and see what happens...
Will try at least 20 this year. Lost my reading concentration a bit lately. Though I've also got a few books that are dip in / out sort of things, which I've not included. e.g. the Mammoth Book of Bizarre Crimes.
I'm always shit at keeping up with this but I have five library books that are so overdue I've been blacklisted :oops: so I'll try to read them by the end of the year at least.
1/30 - Russell Hoban - Riddley Walker

Well I can perwel say Iwl parbly not read a better book this year. Thiswl stay in the memberment for a long tym to come, there’s no doubt in my mynd. Parper brilliant.
1/39 Iain Sinclair - The Gold Machine

Carry On Up the Tributary as Iain, his daughter, and an ensemble of chums follows in the footsteps of his great-granddad's botanical expedition to Amazonian Peru. There is the bonus of a trip, with a mysterious Spaniard to Beckton Alp which is an 8-minute walk from my home. The lady on the bus warns me that there is an albatross close when we go past the alp, but I have never seen it. I bet Iain did. He's the sort that does. Iain's ancestor shot a snake on the Amazonian tributary which Iain felt brought some bad karma or whatever the Peruvian equivalent of karma is, to the original expedition. I hope no harm came to our albatross at Iain's hand.
1/30 - Russell Hoban - Riddley Walker

Well I can perwel say Iwl parbly not read a better book this year. Thiswl stay in the memberment for a long tym to come, there’s no doubt in my mynd. Parper brilliant.
That’s on my list to (re)read this year.
1/29 The London Problem - Jack Brown

Short encapsulation/summary of some statistics and polling regarding the relationship between London and the rest of the UK.
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