I'm currently drinking Brakspear triple. A really strong beer which tastes like toffee
yes - it fucking is!!! had a lovely summer on that in 2003, when this post was written. wonder if co-op still do it?A recent supermarket discovery was the Co op own brand organic ale - v.nice.
Yes they still do a lovely organic ale. That's another thing I miss since moving back to the city. Moan all you want about the co-op but it's miles better than these big faceless supermarkets
tbf you can find some nice bottled ales at most supermarkets
hell of a bump
i think i was still in my 30s when this thread started
lol it's one that should run and run
tbf you can find some nice bottled ales at most supermarkets
Is it any good that Brewdog Punk? The packaging put me off, tbf - it reminded me of Magner's rebranding of cider as a trendy wine bar drink.
Others have said it's a decent pint, though...
Been up on Orkney for the last few days for a funeral - drunk plenty of Dark Island, a dark beer with fig / chocolate flavours according to the label. Have enjoyed it even if I've drunk a little too much
You can be the guinea pig, then, marty.
I expect Jilly Goolden style tasting notes in the near future.
The pick of the Black Sheep flock - a strong deep chestnut brown beer with a rich near-white head and the aroma of freshly roasted coffee.
A wonderfully complex palate with hints of coffee, bananas and liquorice leading to a classic Golding hop finish.
Mmm. Sounds good. I like proper bitter bitters.
Got a Thwaites Lancaster Bomber on the go right now. That's a good 'un in that vein, too.
I went to the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham last weekend, was a very pleasant day, although I had to have an afternoon nap before the evening session. I was surprised that they didn't do a wider range of ales, but what they did was very pleasent. I had to try them all several times to make sure of course. The food was good as well. The Rigwelter ended up being my favorite, which suprised me as normally I like my bitters a bit weaker. At 5.9% it probably explained the need for the afternoon sleep.
Although it can beat my current favourite, the glorious cocker hoop.
There were some lovely golden summer ales about over the summer and i drank very little of anything else. Still holding onto the last of the sunshine with a few bottles of: