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The Pro-Putin Left

...From which it also follows that the many of the same people who spent the 2000s very stridently being The Best Fighters Against Islamophobia are now required to come over all War on Terror if the Muslims under discussion are in Xinjiang, of course.
Have this lot ever met a bloodthirstly dictator they didn't like?
Those shitty party rags don't flog themselves you know - and the diplomats at the Embassy are generous Comrades, always looking to help the Vanguard of Revolution....

Cycling holiday my fucking arse.
What are the known significant false flags since Gulf of Tonkin or whatever that was called?
Maybe not a ‘false flag’ but in terms of blatantly untrue propoganda, the claim that Iraqi troops were throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait City so that they could take the machines back home was a pretty disgusting one.

There was also the ‘yellow cake’ forgery used as justification in the run up to the second Iraq war:

Amongst loud voices in education circles there's a perfect circle of a ven diagram covering those who think traditional discipline is pro-working class, who think anti-racism is racist and who bleat on about women with penises.

Some of them claim to be on the left.
Im not sure you're definition of the Left is actually definitive or even real, its certainly narrow
Are they 'left' though?
Loads of people(and often people who weren't politically active much before, or had been anywhere TankTown) ditched their license fee in 2014 and had an interest in RT because it backed Yes. That was like building a waterslide into that territory. Wooosh!

As for asking if they are left, I don't see Red-brown stuff as left at all, but I suppose the name helps us understand what it is that is being talked about IFYSWIM. I don't think the Scot nats that are always on about the BBC/MSM etc etc are distinctly right wing when being compared to anyone else being discussed on this thread, if that's what you are asking. All these people talked about social justice, austerity, internationalism and all that sort of thing during the ref- so would right-wing help as a descriptor? Both terms seem simplistic and don't cover it really. Sorry if all that was clear as mud.
It goes beyond the red brown stuff too, I've seen people I definitely wouldn't class as anti trans or terfs (etc) doing the whole whataboutery / we just don't know etc when it comes to Ukraine. Think a lot of people also have questions and are confused too :( think the whole thing around Maidan etc was really effective in that way unfortunately
Have this lot ever met a bloodthirstly dictator they didn't like?
tbf they even defend the Argentine Junta because of Maggie . The Fact the foreign office tried to hand the Falklands over and the Junta couldn't even persuade the islanders they'd be better off under the argentine rule :facepalm:
Think the nature of these discussions also means that people who have questions on whatever aspect of it end up getting put off asking and it's easy enough to find 'answers' from people completely captured by this stuff, I have a mate that opposed Putin and the invasion but was asking me some stuff about Azov nazis etc from livestreams shed seen at Maidan a few years back, and she said she was afraid of asking questions about it to someone more knowledgeable because she was afraid of being yelled at:(
It goes beyond the red brown stuff too, I've seen people I definitely wouldn't class as anti trans or terfs (etc) doing the whole whataboutery / we just don't know etc when it comes to Ukraine. Think a lot of people also have questions and are confused too :( think the whole thing around Maidan etc was really effective in that way unfortunately
The genuinely dodgy groups have mastered the whole appearing confused thing too, it helps them reach actually confused people really quickly. Seen this happening with covid in real time, you need to be careful not to write people off immediately if they are on the fence.

I see your post above touches on similar.
The genuinely dodgy groups have mastered the whole appearing confused thing too, it helps them reach actually confused people really quickly. Seen this happening with covid in real time, you need to be careful not to write people off immediately if they are on the fence.

I see your post above touches on similar.
Same with some of the terf stuff as well as we've discussed.

Sometimes you've got to walk away though.
Loads of people(and often people who weren't politically active much before, or had been anywhere TankTown) ditched their license fee in 2014 and had an interest in RT because it backed Yes. That was like building a waterslide into that territory. Wooosh!

As for asking if they are left, I don't see Red-brown stuff as left at all, but I suppose the name helps us understand what it is that is being talked about IFYSWIM. I don't think the Scot nats that are always on about the BBC/MSM etc etc are distinctly right wing when being compared to anyone else being discussed on this thread, if that's what you are asking. All these people talked about social justice, austerity, internationalism and all that sort of thing during the ref- so would right-wing help as a descriptor? Both terms seem simplistic and don't cover it really. Sorry if all that was clear as mud.
I guess my point was that a lot of Scottish nationalists aren't left at all -- some may see themselves as being left (even when they clearly aren't) while others aren't and definitely wouldn't identify as such (it's not that long after all since the days of the 'Tartan Tories' and those people are still about).

Essentially Scot nats are a broad church which means many of them aren't and never have been 'left'.
Was talking about this with a mate yesterday. I'm not sure how much people realise courting the far left, far right and 'anti establishment' types in general has been so central to RT's business model over the years, they have poured loads into it and to some extent been successful. RT might now be blocked but, especially in Latin America and Africa, loads of people believe this shit. But also here.
A Colombian newspaper (centre left) was reporting what had happened in Bucha today on Facebook, and I would assess around 90% of the comments were saying it was a hoax or that the Ukrainians did it (and these are people who would have been protesting about the Colombian government killing 6k+ in the false positives). A quick skim through some of their profiles that are public turn up posts from RT or from Russian tourist agencies promoting the country...
This is quite a long piece on the origins of "tankie-ism" and where it's led to today, support for authoritarian regimes from so called leftists:

Internationalism, Anti-Imperialism, And the Origins of Campism

curiously, he's a member of the very SPUSA i mentioned above. yet he (quite correctly) writes

"These same people generally also tend to define imperialism to mean only U.S. imperialism, ignoring or pushing aside the practices of other imperialist nations and their acts. Since in the eyes of these activists the United States is the only or by far the dominant imperial power everywhere, they then define nations that are opposed to the United States—such as Russia, China, Iran, or Syria—as anti-imperialist nations"
curiously, he's a member of the very SPUSA i mentioned above. yet he (quite correctly) writes

"These same people generally also tend to define imperialism to mean only U.S. imperialism, ignoring or pushing aside the practices of other imperialist nations and their acts. Since in the eyes of these activists the United States is the only or by far the dominant imperial power everywhere, they then define nations that are opposed to the United States—such as Russia, China, Iran, or Syria—as anti-imperialist nations"
For goodness sake. :facepalm: Why can't we have nice things?
Thanks for that though. I'd been trying to find out more about him, thought he seemed pretty sound so far.
I guess my point was that a lot of Scottish nationalists aren't left at all -- some may see themselves as being left (even when they clearly aren't) while others aren't and definitely wouldn't identify as such (it's not that long after all since the days of the 'Tartan Tories' and those people are still about).

Essentially Scot nats are a broad church which means many of them aren't and never have been 'left'.

Worth stating that the vast majority of the Putin-sympathising anti-trans folk in Scot Nat circles are in the breakaway / noisy but irrelevant ALBA party led by Alex Salmond, Putin’s handsy RT retainer.

ALBA is of course the Gaelic name for Scotland but that’s a coincidence; in political terms it’s an acronym for All Lassies Back Away
I guess my point was that a lot of Scottish nationalists aren't left at all -- some may see themselves as being left (even when they clearly aren't) while others aren't and definitely wouldn't identify as such (it's not that long after all since the days of the 'Tartan Tories' and those people are still about).

Essentially Scot nats are a broad church which means many of them aren't and never have been 'left'.
Yeah, I'm thinking of people that identify as left.
Worth stating that the vast majority of the Putin-sympathising anti-trans folk in Scot Nat circles are in the breakaway / noisy but irrelevant ALBA party led by Alex Salmond, Putin’s handsy RT retainer.

ALBA is of course the Gaelic name for Scotland but that’s a coincidence; in political terms it’s an acronym for All Lassies Back Away
I took as read we weren't discussing Salmond et al, should have made that clear. Would be a bit like assuming I was talking about the Labour party.
Yeah, I'm thinking of people that identify as left.
I took as read we weren't discussing Salmond et al, should have made that clear. Would be a bit like assuming I was talking about the Labour party.

without derailing, not really. The original point made by fw was that elements of the Scot Nat movement were pro-Putin. I was clarifying which those were.

I- like 99.9% of the rest of the population- couldn't really give a shit about the "organised Left".

I suppose, the broader point being that this thread is largely comedy value- Galloway aside, none of these micro-groupings or poorly socialised individuals, with their half-full Leyland Sherpa's worth of followers, have any relevance / significance at all in wider discourse, let alone any purchase in actual debates on the topic of how the problems caused by Russia's aggression in Ukraine might be solved). We may as well ask the general secretary of the Barrow AFC Supporters Club (London Branch) for their view on how the conflict should be brought to an end.
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without derailing, not really. The original point made by fw was that elements of the Scot Nat movement were pro-Putin. I was clarifying which those were.

I- like 99.9% of the rest of the population- couldn't really give a shit about the "organised Left".

I suppose, the broader point being that this thread is largely comedy value- Galloway aside, none of these micro-groupings or poorly socialised individuals, with their half-full Leyland Sherpa's worth of followers, have any relevance / significance at all in wider discourse, let alone any purchase in actual debates on the topic of how the problems caused by Russia's aggression in Ukraine might be solved). We may as well ask the general secretary of the Barrow AFC Supporters Club (London Branch) for their view on how the conflict should be brought to an end.
Actually, the discussion on the 'Solidarity with Ukraine' thread on the Barrows Supporters site is overall a lot better than here. No tank spotting weirdos , part-time military strategy bods, no calls to bomb Russia or start a nuclear war, no obsessive I won't rest until we find absolutely the right line on this conflict, and a distinct lack of megaphone type posters.

without derailing, not really. The original point made by fw was that elements of the Scot Nat movement were pro-Putin. I was clarifying which those were.

I- like 99.9% of the rest of the population- couldn't really give a shit about the "organised Left".
Thanks for clarifying that, but plenty of us crisp eating easties watching normals still identify as left. I bet you do.
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