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The Pro-Putin Left

Perhaps this is petty and meanspirited of me, but I can never ever read one of his posts without thinking of that image of him prancing around Cambridge in a cape:
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Today is the first time I've encountered this vanguard of the people. That twitter account is quite something.

Why hasn't anyone told me about him before?
Today is the first time I've encountered this vanguard of the people. That twitter account is quite something.

Why hasn't anyone told me about him before?

Yeah, never heard of him either. Pretty special! Who the fuck are they, they look like some Oxbridge graduate gone rogue Communist.
Yeah, never heard of him either. Pretty special! Who the fuck are they, they look like some Oxbridge graduate gone rogue Communist.
Having now checked my files, this post from the Cambridge University Momentum society is pretty amazing:

Not least for this comment:

Say what you like about old-fashioned Stalinists, at least I don't think they used to sell pictures of memes.
Say what you like about old-fashioned Stalinists, at least I don't think they used to sell pictures of memes.
long been one of their favourite things to do
Wasn’t (isn’t?) Josh Jackson in the aylesbury Labour Party? As if the good people of Aylesbury haven’t suffered enough :(
I'm gonna fucking call it, Nigel your react trolling is pretty unpleasant in itself, but love emoji responses to really dodgy stuff, laughing when Shechemite talked about people with disabilities being seriously oppressed by the Bolsheviks, it's shit. Like proper red-brown stuff.
Because it is completely unsubstiated and untrue!

If anything the leading Bolshevik theory and paractice would have gone in the completely opposite direction!
Vis-vis crtique of positivism (possible miinterpretation of Critique Of Empirio Crticism) and with it wrongly opposing genetics in any way and openly pointing out from this scewed and wrong position, bizzarely to some extent, instinctively rightly the reactionary nature of established Eugenics!

If anything detrimental social engineering would have come from the other direction; Behavourism Pavlov, Vygotsky; Scaffolding & Proximal Development From A Constructivist Perspective In Psychology!

By contemporary standards, using a crude empirical analysis, the Blosheviks and fellow thinkers in Russia at the time can be seen as reactionary and chauvanistic and indeed may have instigated procedures detrimental to people challenged both physically, mentally and otherwise, however as is pointed out in ISR article I posted, they were leagues ahead of their capitalist western contemporaries and worked, in the case of the more progressive biologists & scientists, such a Haldene et al in Britain and internationally, significantly those close to Left Opposition!

Unfortunately these academics and scientists in the Soviet Union were liquidated, vilified, persecuted, imprisoned and murdered in 1930's under Stalin's rule, mainly under guise of being 'Machists', (interestingly pro west 'arch enemies of 'Communism' such as Koestler & G.B. Shaw sympathised with this bizzare derrogatory label as it was seen as 'fair'). This led to, in the case of the persecution of Vavilov in agricultural disasters and famine as that in the Ukraine because of the pseudo biology of Lysenko et al rejecting scientific reasearch on genetics! If this was the case of agriculture I can't see wihy in other scientific fields there would be any difference.

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Or, perhaps, there is a Russian pretence not to want a peace deal. I don't think anyone posting here can claim to know what the reality is.
"Dialogue between Moscow and Washington on strategic stability is formally “frozen”, Russian state media has reported, citing a Russian foreign ministry official.
Vladimir Yermakov, the foreign ministry’s head of nuclear non-proliferation, said those contacts could be restarted after Russia completes what it terms its “special military operation”"

They really don't want a peace deal - at this stage anyhow.
"Dialogue between Moscow and Washington on strategic stability is formally “frozen”, Russian state media has reported, citing a Russian foreign ministry official.
Vladimir Yermakov, the foreign ministry’s head of nuclear non-proliferation, said those contacts could be restarted after Russia completes what it terms its “special military operation”"

They really don't want a peace deal - at this stage anyhow.

They would say that wouldn't they! They, even assuming that they all see this in the same way (difficult topmen can be bypassed when push comes to shove), may not want a peace deal. On other hand they may want one. If they do they would be unlikely to want such negotiations to be public and would deny that they were going on, and would very probably continue to make belicose statements.

My point is that it seems unlikely that you, I, or anyone else posting here would know if they were.
The first few weeks of the invasion has regular peace talks - publicly known - the Russians have since stopped the pretense of negotiation. I'm not sure how this is contentious a thing to say

In the first few weeks the Russians probably assumed that they were in a position to publicly lay down the terms of any settlement. As the attack on Kiev was a humiliating cluster fuck, they probably no longer consider that to be the case.

They may now, as you say have given up the pretense of negotiating, or they may now have adopted the pretense of not negotiating but be negotiating behind the scenes, which is what often happens in a situation where one or both sides take a public stance of intransigence. For example public records released under the 3O year rule, show that at the height of the Hunger Strikes, Thatcher was in negotiations with the IRA about the possibility of a compromise Margaret Thatcher 'negotiated with IRA'

Neither I nor you know what's actually going on. Only an idiot would claim that they did.

Is that a contentious thing to say?
In the first few weeks the Russians probably assumed that they were in a position to publicly lay down the terms of any settlement. As the attack on Kiev was a humiliating cluster fuck, they probably no longer consider that to be the case.

They may now, as you say have given up the pretense of negotiating, or they may now have adopted the pretense of not negotiating but be negotiating behind the scenes, which is what often happens in a situation where one or both sides take a public stance of intransigence. For example public records released under the 3O year rule, show that at the height of the Hunger Strikes, Thatcher was in negotiations with the IRA about the possibility of a compromise Margaret Thatcher 'negotiated with IRA'

Neither I nor you know what's actually going on. Only an idiot would claim that they did.

Is that a contentious thing to say?
well sure technically anything is possible - i cant claim to know what i don't know - but it seems very speculative to imagine that they've stopped all publicly known peace talks (for the obvious reasons you lay out in the first line) only so as to open up secret channels with ukraine. of course there are networks of diplomats and ear whisperers out there. the narrative seems clear though, they havent been able to get what they want through military pressure + negotiations so they're concentrating all efforts to get it by military force alone, for now.
lets leave it there, I get your point
How very dare you smear such a committed socialist!!!
Some may sympathise with the sentiments expressed here.

However in his outrage Chris seems to have forgotten this:

Labour holds power in Tory pact
The Labour group on Derby City Council has made a pact with the Tories to secure another year in charge.
It will give three of the 10 positions on the cabinet to the Conservatives, who in return will not side with the Lib Dems in council votes.
The move follows last week's local elections, when both parties lost seats on the city council.
Labour's Chris Williamson will carry on as council leader - but he insisted the arrangement was "not an alliance".

The only people who seem to have benefited from this are the three Conservative members of the cabinet
Lucy Care, Liberal Democrats

He said: "You might call it an alliance but it quite clearly isn't. What we've reached is an accommodation to ensure Labour majority administration can be forme
BBC NEWS | England | Derbyshire | Labour holds power in Tory pact
i go to Rivoluzione, for which i have warm feeling as i read it when i was in italy and it was written at a level i could follow (unlike Il Manifefsto). and what do i see?

"Biden inflates the fire of war."

jesus h. christ in a chicken basket.
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i go tho Rivoluzione, for which i have warm feeling as i read it when i was in italy and it was written at a level i could follow (unlike Il Manifefsto). and what do i see?

"Biden inflates the fire of war."

jesus h. christ in a chicken basket.

That's just a translation of a piece by Alan Woods of Socialist Appeal
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