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The Pro-Putin Left

Why not?
I forsee Russia claiming some territory, with a new border, integrating that territory into its empire, and within that area there will be some locals who align with Russia whilst others will want (and fight) for re-integration with Ukraine.
because it's not at all the same as ireland.
Why not?
I forsee Russia claiming some territory, with a new border, integrating that territory into its empire, and within that area there will be some locals who align with Russia whilst others will want (and fight) for re-integration with Ukraine.
yeh you say this but this doesn't bear anything but the most facile comparison to the history of the six counties. this ignores the 1600s plantation of ulster. it ignores the history of sectarianism in the north, where there were periodic pogroms against catholics over several centuries. it ignores the way ireland wrested freedom for 26 counties from england. it is frankly historically illiterate. i really think you don't understand what the treaty that divided ireland actually did. you don't understand that for 50 years the six counties ran their own thing. that until 1972 there was no direct rule from westminster. that the reason the north was planted in tudor times was because that was where the greatest resistance to english rule had come from, which has caused repercussions to today.

i see where you're coming from. but you ought to read something about ireland and in particular northern ireland before making such a comparison again. maybe start with robert kee's the green flag
What like wanton state sponsered rape, destruction and murder?
Ukraine we’re also responsible for human rights violations before the war started and we’re happy to allow the avowedly NAZI AZOV division and their ilk to commit honorific crimes in the breakaway regions so I don’t think either side has the moral high ground when it comes to it.
The war needs to stop because every day it continues more innocent people die and the risk of nuclear confrontation grows. We have all seen what prolonged proxy wars do to countries - Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc, and the west doesn’t have a great record of achieving clear victory.
At some point - hopefully in the near future- people will sit round the table to discuss compromise and the sooner governments start pushing towards that the better for the people of Ukraine and the world. Unless of course people really believe that there can be a military victory for Ukraine/NATO and that Russia can be suitably suppressed and disarmed without them nuking Ukraine to avoid total humiliation.
All these sudden fans for shitty NATO amaze me.
The sooner peace is made the better, but the questions of on what terms, and the decision of whether to accept it is not mine to make.
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The war needs to stop because every day it continues more innocent people die and the risk of nuclear confrontation grows.
what the world needs now is a moratorium on the deployment of sub-par platitudes like this

you haven't seen half of what the war thus far will do, with the dead spread from ukraine to africa to the middle east as the food which would normally flow from russia and ukraine stops. the dead in europe who couldn't afford to heat their homes. the dead in russia and ukraine, and across the countries who've taken refugees, who die from poisonous dust inhaled when buildings were destroyed. the combatant suicides of future years. and the civilians who kill themselves from the horrors they've witnessed or had inflicted on them.

and that's before you look at the wider environmental impact, the siberian forest fires, for example, which would be extinguished if fire fighters weren't in ukraine.

we can't afford this war
What sources would you
what the world needs now is a moratorium on the deployment of sub-par platitudes like this

you haven't seen half of what the war thus far will do, with the dead spread from ukraine to africa to the middle east as the food which would normally flow from russia and ukraine stops. the dead in europe who couldn't afford to heat their homes. the dead in russia and ukraine, and across the countries who've taken refugees, who die from poisonous dust inhaled when buildings were destroyed. the combatant suicides of future years. and the civilians who kill themselves from the horrors they've witnessed or had inflicted on them.

and that's before you look at the wider environmental impact, the siberian forest fires, for example, which would be extinguished if fire fighters weren't in ukraine.

we can't afford this war
Totally, which is why we should all be pressuring for an end to this war at the earliest opportunity. Like I say, more and more innocent people will die every day it continues. If there is to be any chance of the millions of Ukrainian refugees being able to reunite with their families in their home country and to live in peace with their Russian neighbours, and for the bread basket of the world to function again there will need to be a negotiated compromise or an out an out military victory.
In 6 weeks Russia has seized a sizeable chunk of a country neighbouring EU/NATO countries and taken the world by suprise even though such a move has been on the cards for years. As with the pandemic the wests’ contingency planning was found wanting as it will of course for climate change . Maybe a negotiated settlement would be prudent on the basis of ‘live to fight another day’ should be in mind because it really doesn’t look like either side is going to just capitulate or suffer overwhelming defeat on the battlefield, and, as you say, it impacts the entire world in a way that previous proxy wars haven’t.
Totally, which is why we should all be pressuring for an end to this war at the earliest opportunity. Like I say, more and more innocent people will die every day it continues. If there is to be any chance of the millions of Ukrainian refugees being able to reunite with their families in their home country and to live in peace with their Russian neighbours, and for the bread basket of the world to function again there will need to be a negotiated compromise or an out an out military victory.
In 6 weeks Russia has seized a sizeable chunk of a country neighbouring EU/NATO countries and taken the world by suprise even though such a move has been on the cards for years. As with the pandemic the wests’ contingency planning was found wanting as it will of course for climate change . Maybe a negotiated settlement would be prudent on the basis of ‘live to fight another day’ should be in mind because it really doesn’t look like either side is going to just capitulate or suffer overwhelming defeat on the battlefield, and, as you say, it impacts the entire world in a way that previous proxy wars haven’t.

That's assuming Putins' demands will be acceptable or remotely reasonable. There is no logic to, and it is unfair to expect the Ukranian resistance to accept, 'peace at any cost'.
I don’t think either side has the moral high ground when it comes to it.

Yeah right. Can you give one example of something like Bucha committed by the Ukrainian side then? Or any reports of forcible deportations by Ukraine? Or in fact anything at all approaching the scale of the horrors inflicted by some of the Russian troops?
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Fuck NATO, but if Putin's reasons for invading Ukraine were anything to do with NATO, then he must be pretty thick because it was obvious this invasion would probably push Finland and Sweden, at least, into joining. He's the big recruiter for NATO.
Russia has got bored of even pretending to want a peace deal....what you or anyone else wants doesn't have any bearing on reality

Or, perhaps, there is a Russian pretence not to want a peace deal. I don't think anyone posting here can claim to know what the reality is.
Or, perhaps, there is a Russian pretence not to want a peace deal. I don't think anyone posting here can claim to know what the reality is.

This is just 4-dimensional chess...ism isn't it? If Russia secretly wanted a peace deal you'd expect some toning down of state rhetoric, some move toward an arguably acceptable settlement that Ukraine might not support, but might raise doubts for some of the major NATO players. We've had elements of that internationally, though it's pretty garbled and seems to change week-to-week (and controlling the whole of Ukraine's coast is pretty unlikely to fit anyone's definition of a compromise). But domestically it's still full-on defeat or WWIII, let's get the nukes out, Z movement tirades...
Or, perhaps, there is a Russian pretence not to want a peace deal. I don't think anyone posting here can claim to know what the reality is.
I wouldn’t imagine that any side wants to appear to eager for peace talks incase it’s seen as a sign of weakness etc., but the countries with a stake in the conflict or allies of the warring parties might well be pushing behind the scenes for them to sit around the table and negotiate. Biden stating he wants to damage Russia and hinting at regime change and thus boxing putin into a corner probably doesn’t help bring an end to the war closer.
I wouldn’t imagine that any side wants to appear to eager for peace talks incase it’s seen as a sign of weakness etc., but the countries with a stake in the conflict or allies of the warring parties might well be pushing behind the scenes for them to sit around the table and negotiate. Biden stating he wants to damage Russia and hinting at regime change and thus boxing putin into a corner probably doesn’t help bring an end to the war closer.
If politicians saying a few things out loud does nothing to bring an end to war closer maybe Putin should stop talking altogether.
If politicians saying a few things out loud does nothing to bring an end to war closer maybe Putin should stop talking altogether.Saying a few

No pasaran. When is the send em back demo. 📢


No pasaran. When is the send em back demo. 📢

??? I imagine the vast majority want to rerun as soon as it’s safe to do so and those that don’t should be made welcome as should all refugees fleeing conflict or poverty etc. I believe in zero borders but while we have them I’d rather we didn’t kill people to maintain/change them
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