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The Paul Joseph Watson thread. Yes, that "infowars" traitor. What next?


The time has come to address Paul Joseph Watson. The UK acolyte of Alex Jones' Infowars project.

The only remaining infowars BRITISH person that eagerly slurped from the golden teat of trumpism and yet still has a career in far right #craftywank nonsense - he needs to be cancelled (in a fair and legal way that does not involve assault or violence).

All the rest are but finished. Farage can't even go for a jellied eel in Felixstowe without being spat on. Mark Francois is clearly the guy accused of rape. George Galloway is still the mewling little Putin hole he always was, and he can't win an erection. Paul Joseph Watson is the outlying obstacle. I don't care what Americans do to each other. But PJW is fair game now.

So I would be keen to help spearhead such a movement. In the same way Milo Yiannopolous is currently destitute like a substitute, it is only a matter of time for Paul Joseph Watson.

Obviously I'd like to get to Ben Smurfiro, but destroying Paul Joseph Watson would be an honourable thing at this time. With Watson gone, the path is clear to Alex Jones. MAKE ENGLAND GREAT AGAIN by investigating and highlighting all the ways Paul Joseph Watson is a piece of Covid muck, only less travelled.

I really just have an objection to his face. And they will need to bury Alex Jones in space to prevent me shitting on his grave.
And I am overweight and I eat a lot of fibre and raw meat. I shit hearty plops upon graves. I use drones to do this, if they are guarded.
It is a matter of principle. And eco-friendly dog poo bags. You should see my GoPro footage.

Any ideas? Because I'm keen to engage the cretin whilst he still lives and breathes. By fair means or very foul. Enough is enough.
Trump lost, he will be betrayed and destroyed by his own children, and his shitty lieutenants are next.
(sorry had to spellcheck that word lieutenants )
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In the grand scheme of things, he's very fringe. Most people haven't the slightest clue who he is, neither do they give a fuck.

He makes videos that are the sort of thing that get shared among culture war types and culture war curious types. Some people get sucked into it and I dare say he's good at what he does albeit he's subject to overreach.

Half the blokes where I work would be nodding along to most of what he says although only one of them is online enough to have a chance of coming accross him but for him it's only a matter of time and I'll be getting a "hey, listen to what Paul Joseph Watson has to say about taking the knee/trans protest/antifa etc."
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