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The next American Civil War

Geez, 'a sleepiness episode' fills me with horror. And then I wonder if we aren't already in it.

Well, I haven’t heard anything from Biden in the last few days, but we obviously have plenty of fish to fry this side of the pond.

I don’t get any sense of what Biden and co have planned for this year. Trump was obviously Trump, but there would have been clearly stated plans at this point, however delusional. Maybe it would have just penetrated better because he would have bypassed the usual media channels.
US could be under rightwing dictator by 2030, professor warns

The US could be under a rightwing dictatorship by 2030, a Canadian political science professor has warned, urging his country to protect itself against the “collapse of American democracy”.

As in all fascist movements, contemporary forces have found a popular leader unconstrained by the rules of democracy, this time in the figure of Donald Trump.

“We mustn’t dismiss these possibilities just because they seem ludicrous or too horrible to imagine,” Thomas Homer-Dixon, founding director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, wrote in the Globe and Mail.

“In 2014, the suggestion that Donald Trump would become president would also have struck nearly everyone as absurd. But today we live in a world where the absurd regularly becomes real and the horrible commonplace.”

Homer-Dixon’s message was blunt: “By 2025, American democracy could collapse, causing extreme domestic political instability, including widespread civil violence. By 2030, if not sooner, the country could be governed by a rightwing dictatorship.”

The author cited eventualities centered on a Trump return to the White House in 2024, possibly including Republican-held state legislatures refusing to accept a Democratic win.

Trump, he warned, “will have only two objectives, vindication and vengeance” of the lie that his 2020 defeat by Joe Biden was the result of electoral fraud.

A “scholar of violent conflict” for more than four decades, Homer-Dixon said Canada must take heed of the “unfolding crisis”.

“A terrible storm is coming from the south, and Canada is woefully unprepared. Over the past year we’ve turned our attention inward, distracted by the challenges of Covid-19, reconciliation and the accelerating effects of climate change.

“But now we must focus on the urgent problem of what to do about the likely unraveling of democracy in the United States. We need to start by fully recognising the magnitude of the danger. If Mr Trump is re-elected, even under the more optimistic scenarios the economic and political risks to our country will be innumerable.”

Homer-Dixon said he even saw a scenario in which a new Trump administration, having effectively nullified internal opposition, deliberately damaged its northern neighbor.

“Under the less-optimistic scenarios, the risks to our country in their cumulative effect could easily be existential, far greater than any in our federation’s history. What happens, for instance, if high-profile political refugees fleeing persecution arrive in our country and the US regime demands them back. Do we comply?”

Trump, he said, “and a host of acolytes and wannabes such as Fox [News]’s Tucker Carlson and Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene”, had transformed the Republican party “into a near-fascist personality cult that’s a perfect instrument for wrecking democracy”.

Worse, he said, Trump “may be just a warm-up act”.

“Returning to office, he’ll be the wrecking ball that demolishes democracy but the process will produce a political and social shambles,” Homer-Dixon said.

“Still, through targeted harassment and dismissal, he’ll be able to thin the ranks of his movement’s opponents within the state, the bureaucrats, officials and technocrats who oversee the non-partisan functioning of core institutions and abide by the rule of law.

“Then the stage will be set for a more managerially competent ruler, after Mr Trump, to bring order to the chaos he’s created.”
Fair play, wondered if I would get away with that… :p [/lazycopypasta]
I would agree and worry that this is a plausible course that events could go; unless Biden has got a workgroup taking measures to counter all the anti-voting measures that the GOP is taking and it's very hush-hush, 'cos I haven't heard or read about it.
Fair play, wondered if I would get away with that… :p [/lazycopypasta]
I would agree and worry that this is a plausible course that events could go; unless Biden has got a workgroup taking measures to counter all the anti-voting measures that the GOP is taking and it's very hush-hush, 'cos I haven't heard or read about it.
I reckon it's all fucked, and while the us is in internal turmoil - largely imo fostered and nurtured by Russia and China - Russia and China are preparing to take on the USA. And I can't see this ending well. My prophecy has been war in 2025 for several years now. And a dictator in Washington in 2025 or 2029 now seems a possible precursor or outcome of that crisis
I reckon it's all fucked, and while the us is in internal turmoil - largely imo fostered and nurtured by Russia and China - Russia and China are preparing to take on the USA. And I can't see this ending well. My prophecy has been war in 2025 for several years now. And a dictator in Washington in 2025 or 2029 now seems a possible precursor or outcome of that crisis
Whilst I think Russia is definitely stirring the pot, most of the seeds of it come from within, Stone/Mercer/Bannon/DeVos and other less public wealthy individuals that hide behind opaque donation vehicles. It’s a top-down revolution from very rich religious libertarians keen to bend the state to their benefit and keep the taxman off their grubby cash piles. Something that began with talk radio and the tea party and has built up to a huge well-funded infrastructure, and I don’t see many standing in the way of their tanks.
I reckon it's all fucked, and while the us is in internal turmoil - largely imo fostered and nurtured by Russia and China - Russia and China are preparing to take on the USA. And I can't see this ending well. My prophecy has been war in 2025 for several years now. And a dictator in Washington in 2025 or 2029 now seems a possible precursor or outcome of that crisis

I've been predicting either a depression, followed by a war, or a war, followed by a depression. Here's how I think it might go down:

  • The Democrats will lose the House in 2022.
  • In Jan 2025, if a Democrat wins the Republicans will claim election fraud. With them in control of the House and various state legislatures passing laws that allow them to override the vote (due to supposed election fraud), the House will not certify the vote.
  • They will then install the Republican candidate--probably Trump.
  • Chaos and violence will ensue.
  • The Republicans will say "look at those violence insurrectionists. We have to call out the military to put down a coup."
  • Trump calls out the national guard to hold power, various Generals resigns in protest. There's protests across the US.
  • At some point in the next four years after that, Trump dies, and his Vice President takes his place. Whoever that will be, it won't be Pence. It might be Trump, Jr. or Desantis, or someone as yet unknown. I wouldn't be surprised by a Trump Jr. as VP because Trump sees himself as a founder of a multigenerational dynasty.
  • This will all be challenged in the Supreme Court as well, but by then the Republicans will have removed any remaining liberal justices.
  • Then, the real fun starts.
Whilst I think Russia is definitely stirring the pot, most of the seeds of it come from within, Stone/Mercer/Bannon/DeVos and other less public wealthy individuals that hide behind opaque donation vehicles. It’s a top-down revolution from very rich religious libertarians keen to bend the state to their benefit and keep the taxman off their grubby cash piles. Something that began with talk radio and the tea party and has built up to a huge well-funded infrastructure, and I don’t see many standing in the way of their tanks.

The difficulty is that you can't seem to find a place to stand in front of the tanks. I've tried various tactics over the years, and have found nothing that seems to sway people who are bent on their own (and the country's (and the planet's) destruction).
Fair play, wondered if I would get away with that… :p [/lazycopypasta]
I would agree and worry that this is a plausible course that events could go; unless Biden has got a workgroup taking measures to counter all the anti-voting measures that the GOP is taking and it's very hush-hush, 'cos I haven't heard or read about it.

This has been just one of my many disappointments with the Biden administration (and my expectations were not very high).
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I reckon it's all fucked, and while the us is in internal turmoil - largely imo fostered and nurtured by Russia and China - Russia and China are preparing to take on the USA. And I can't see this ending well. My prophecy has been war in 2025 for several years now. And a dictator in Washington in 2025 or 2029 now seems a possible precursor or outcome of that crisis

Things are indeed looking very fucked. My main possible point of departure from you is that it is looking to me like China is at the brink of total systemic collapse, which is going to lead to a host of potential flashpoints, both of China’s making and those caused by a world economic depression.
Things are indeed looking very fucked. My main possible point of departure from you is that it is looking to me like China is at the brink of total systemic collapse, which is going to lead to a host of potential flashpoints, both of China’s making and those caused by a world economic depression.
Mark my words, it will all end in tears
Mark my words, it will all end in tears

Indeed. I think as well as YW’s concerns about what could happen in the States, all of that (or some variant of it) could be happening in the context of global economic depression and 200 million unemployed in China, many of whom “own” hugely negative equity in non-functional apartments in ghost cities which are towering over disenfranchised rural populations, all of them with no meaningful safety net.

A morass of potential social splinter points then remains, with remnants of any functional Government trying in desperation to quell popular discontent by means of a malnourished military that hasn’t been paid in months (and whose only tangible asset is the weapons they are sitting on), and a cadre of CCP thugs and associated criminal fraternities that will be fighting like rats in a sack by that point.

A popular debate topic among future historians might be whether the coronavirus spared a small number of people from living through it, or until it. Old people will get misty-eyed about the days when playing “would you rather” involved things like eating that Norwegian herring stuff vs. sucking off Piers Morgan.

Or maybe it’s just the January blues… :hmm:
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unless Biden has got a workgroup taking measures to counter all the anti-voting measures that the GOP is taking and it's very hush-hush, 'cos I haven't heard or read about it.

no, i've heard nothing like that either. the plan i'm sure is to get a massive voter turnout again. it did work.

but you know, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." (famous american tagline from will rogers)
and ...
Here's an article from The Atlantic, which argues that Jan 6 was just a practice run:

“Once you have a true believer that the election was stolen last time, you have given yourself permission to steal the next one,” Gellman says. The events of January 6, 2021, were evidence of a movement prepared to use violence to get, and maintain, power. But how did it come to this? And what can be done to safeguard democracy? Read the full conversation below, which has been lightly edited for clarity:

Adrienne LaFrance: Bart, you wrote our latest cover story. The cover line is “January 6 Was Practice,” and it’s a remarkable story—a remarkably alarming story. I wanted to hear a little bit about what you went in expecting to find and what surprised you the most along the way over the course of your reporting.

Barton Gellman: I went in looking for more of the story behind January 6, what led up to it and what it led to, sort of situated along a continuum. And what I found was, the story has basically three main strands. One is that January 6 was the culmination, but really only one small part of a long and systematic campaign to overturn the election—that it had a specific role in that, which was to buy time, and that it came fairly close to succeeding in that sense. The second strand is that January 6 is probably the debut of a mass political movement that, for the first time in a hundred years in this country, is prepared to use violence as a tool, that there are tens of millions of Americans right now who are passionate, conspiratorial-minded, and believe that the use of violence is justified to restore Donald Trump to the White House. And the third is that there is an ongoing conspiracy, really an ongoing operation, in which Republican operatives are looking through all the places which were obstacles to Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow the last election and are going through and uprooting those obstacles. So it is paving the way for another coup attempt in 2024.

More here:

I'm not looking forward to the next election cycle. I think its going to make the last year and half look like a cake walk.
What do you suggest he does?
Trump seems to have done a lot by executive order, can't Biden? Plus making gerrymandering and voter suppression a federal offence. I'd be fucking tempted to arrest people in the senate/congress who were involved with jan 6th and push through a few votes while they were away. And put a few more judges on the Supreme Court like Trump did.
Trump seems to have done a lot by executive order, can't Biden? Plus making gerrymandering and voter suppression a federal offence. I'd be fucking tempted to arrest people in the senate/congress who were involved with jan 6th and push through a few votes while they were away. And put a few more judges on the Supreme Court like Trump did.
Yeh but he'd have to get rid of the filibuster as I understand it and I don't think he has the wherewithal
By the time he makes any serious effort on that front, the midterms may have passed along with his slender senate majority and then he'll have fucked it good and proper.
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