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the neoliberal vision of the future

Well, you've completely misunderstood my teaching on that subject too, it would seem.

Would it help if I gave you a short test after every thread?

No and no. And I see you still can't resist the temptation to play at being a mod what with your "do be quiet" bollocks. Get your own fucking board if you wanna lord it over peeps.
No and no. And I see you still can't resist the temptation to play at being a mod what with your "do be quiet" bollocks. Get your own fucking board if you wanna lord it over peeps.

OK, you win. We'll move at the pace of the slowest.

First off: do you understand the difference between a subject and an object?
And now just to make sure the thread is completely on old corpse found on the side of the track, here's some Old Castilian.

You've had loads of threads for this. You don't need another one

You guys are no fun.

Still at least we've dispelled Onarchy's caricatured picture of the Left as a bunch of squabbling nutcases who seek only to score petty points off each other all day long.
You guys are no fun.

Still at least we've dispelled Onarchy's caricatured picture of the Left as a bunch of squabbling nutcases who seek only to score petty points off each other all day long.

Heh, I gather he thinks we're more prone to torchlit processions and saluting than dissent ...
You guys are no fun.

Still at least we've dispelled Onarchy's caricatured picture of the Left as a bunch of squabbling nutcases who seek only to score petty points off each other all day long.

If you think that is his take on the left, then you're even wider of the mark than I thought; or were you just making something up to 'score a petty point'?

Louis MacNeice
Shut up.

See, this guy is the problem. It is actually true that much of the Left is made up of Truxtas. Smug, self-satisfied, knee-jerk twats who believe whatever happens to be fashionable with their peer group, but who can no more defend their position in debate than they can fly to Uranus. Who think "dialectical" is a term from linguistics (I'm not making this up). If Truxta and his ilk were my only experience of the Left, I daresay I' d react like Onarchy too.

Errr... isn't English Truxta's second language? I think we can forgive him that slip up really - everyone knew what he meant. You're the one who looks like a dick from where I'm standing, which is a shame because you were making some interesting points before.
The posting equivalent of that bit in the film The Abyss when the bloke revives his drowned/frozen girlfriend through a passionately determined act of furious CPR...

This right here is the neo-liberal future.

Profit from the fallout.

Sellers is brilliant in this bit. Just the occasional, disbelieving, nervous 'heh'.

Perhaps I shall reply to Onar in this way in future.
Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.

nor was I inviting such a discussion. I know your kind of buddhist. Laying your faith on the table isn't going to soft soap your views. I know how many preists, imams, teachers and pharisees have coated the lies that say good is bad and evil is good.

Yes, you are that sort of Buddhist. Do you want to explain that to the woman is too weak from hunger to brush the flies from her childs eyes? Oh a mental state, you fucking chump. They suffer nobly on this turn of the wheel right? Material suffering through poverty is visceral, real and horrific. A mental state of acceptance through religion under extreme conditions is a soporific and sometimes all the person robbed of everything has. Poverty and godfearing have long been allies but your priests be they robed or collared are still part of the problem.

hello mr. hoddle.

Probably some truth to that. I think linguists would want to lump Norwegian, Swedish and Danish together as three strong dialectical forms of the same basic language.

Oh, God no. The differences are too great. Norwegian is based on the old norse pronunciation of written danish. This mixed, over time, with the rather huge number of norse/norwegian dialects. Danish does not have this. Swedish does not have this. Actually, swedish have more in common with french than english. In the old norse tounge, the norse could talk to english people because the language was so similar.
The only reason norwegians understand both swedes and danes so well is because the norwegian language has been f'ed totally by Norway being occupied by both these countries for a looooong time.
To support this, you should know that swedes and danes speak english between themselves unless the persons in question have some extensive practice in the other language. It's really not similar at all. But norwegian has become a mix of it all, pronounced with old norse sounds.

But enough about that...
Oh, God no. The differences are too great. Norwegian is based on the old norse pronunciation of written danish. This mixed, over time, with the rather huge number of norse/norwegian dialects. Danish does not have this. Swedish does not have this. Actually, swedish have more in common with french than english. In the old norse tounge, the norse could talk to english people because the language was so similar.
The only reason norwegians understand both swedes and danes so well is because the norwegian language has been f'ed totally by Norway being occupied by both these countries for a looooong time.
To support this, you should know that swedes and danes speak english between themselves unless the persons in question have some extensive practice in the other language. It's really not similar at all. But norwegian has become a mix of it all, pronounced with old norse sounds.

But enough about that...

In Ísland, they speak Viking. :)
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