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the neoliberal vision of the future

No, my whole point is that he is a Social Darwinist, with all the contradictions and nastiness that this idiotic misunderstanding of biology entails, but doesn't himself see this. He does not at all understand the nature of the very thing he is advocating.

Well, that was my point - that he doesn't understand it, and that it'll bite him in the arse.

E2A. Every time I see that picture of him with the affected "thinker" pose, the words "he's not a social Darwinist, he's a very naughty boy" rise unbidden from my mind. :)
Whenever I think of the John Birch Society, I always end up thinking of the character on Dr Strangelove who wants to protect his fluids.

Precious fluids!

Mention of the JBS always makes me think of James Ellroy's Underworld USA trilogy, and Robert Shea & Anton Wilson's "Illuminatus!" trilogy (as well as Wilson's later sequel trilogy), which all mention the JBS as a kind of repository of fruitloops ripe for being used for shenanigans.
Well, that was my point - that he doesn't understand it, and that it'll bite him in the arse.

E2A. Every time I see that picture of him with the affected "thinker" pose, the words "he's not a social Darwinist, he's a very naughty boy" rise unbidden from my mind. :)

It's a multi-layered fail. He doesn't understand that his idea is a variant of another idea, which itself is a misunderstanding of a third idea.

He doesn't even understand what it is that he is advocating, let alone what is wrong with it. As Bernie says, it's like arguing that 5 is not an odd number, but reaching this conclusion while not properly understanding what 'odd', 'number' or 'five' mean.

Onarchy wearing a black shirt and addressing people in forrin just like what fascists did. The right arm is a dead giveaway.
It sounds lovely in Norwegian. Far better when you don't understand the words.

Fashion tip – that t-shirt does nothing for you. you don't have the shoulders to pull it off. You'd be far better with a nice shirt and possibly a jacket. :)
Before anyone asks: NO, I refuse to waste 15 minutes of my life listening to that sack of shit and then God knows how much longer translating.

Onarchy wearing a black shirt and addressing people in forrin just like what fascists did. The right arm is a dead giveaway.

He's deffo one of Quisling's children. And you'll notice that in the freezeframe you get before you press play he's making the gun sign. This means he wants to put a gun to your head and tax away your liberty. That's objective, rational logic by the way - facts. And you can't argue with facts.
He's deffo one of Quisling's children. And you'll notice that in the freezeframe you get before you press play he's making the gun sign. This means he wants to put a gun to your head and tax away your liberty. That's objective, rational logic by the way - facts. And you can't argue with facts.

Norwegian sounds like someone doing an overblown impression of Swedish. :)

Norwegian is Danish, basically. ;)

Spoken Norwegian is closer to spoken Danish than spoken Scottish is to spoken English.

I'm sure TruXta will put me right, but as I understand it, Norwegians, Danes and Swedes can all pretty much understand each other.
As a Norwegian friend of mine once put it 'in Norway all the smart people vote for the parties of the left, and all the stupid people vote for the right. Which is as it should be.'
Norwegian is Danish, basically. ;)

Spoken Norwegian is closer to spoken Danish than spoken Scottish is to spoken English.

I'm sure TruXta will put me right, but as I understand it, Norwegians, Danes and Swedes can all pretty much understand each other.

Written Norwegian comes in two forms, the older codification is based on Danish, the younger one is based on regional dialects. But yes, they're all mutually intelligible, except for the fact that Danes often struggle with either Swedish or Norwegian. Whether spoken Norwegian is closer to Danish than Scottish is to English I couldn't say. Not much difference is my initial guess.
Written Norwegian comes in two forms, the older codification is based on Danish, the younger one is based on regional dialects. But yes, they're all mutually intelligible, except for the fact that Danes often struggle with either Swedish or Norwegian. Whether spoken Norwegian is closer to Danish than Scottish is to English I couldn't say. Not much difference is my initial guess.

Probably they're roughly equivalent in fact. And also, similarly, Scots can always understand the English, but the English sometimes struggle with Scots. Those in the historically most powerful place understand those they formerly lorded over less than vice-versa.
Spanish <-> Catalan?

Mutually unintelligible. A Castillian speaker won't understand a word of Catalan. It doesn't work the other way round only because all native Catalan speakers can also speak Castillian.

They're both Romance languages, but Castillian is as different from Catalan as it is from Portuguese.
Yet more bollocks. You might as well say that imposing moral value on human activity mistakes the nature of that activity. Inasmuch as you can trade one thing for another, one favour for another, one action for another, then you're at some primitive level quantifying behaviour. Tit for tat, remember? You might want to argue that this is morally wrong, but that's a whole different debate. The point we're making is that it's perfectly logical and acceptable to quantify, measure and evaluate behaviour. Finance or money is secondary to that process.

Sigh. No it is not. The idea that human activity can be translated into financial form is both illogical and unethical. It is also the fundamental presupposition of capitalism.

Truxta, you are clearly an uneducated dimwit. Worse, you are giving credence to Onarchy's claims that we on the Left are all uneducated dimwits. Please stop it, either by keeping quiet or at least by not talking about stuff about which you know less than nothing. Ta.
Mutually unintelligible. A Castillian speaker won't understand a word of Catalan. It doesn't work the other way round only because all native Catalan speakers can also speak Castillian.

They're both Romance languages, but Castillian is as different from Catalan as it is from Portuguese.

really? In written form they're really not very different.
Probably some truth to that. I think linguists would want to lump Norwegian, Swedish and Danish together as three strong dialectical forms of the same basic language.

Right. Now you don't know what "dialectical" means.

Truxta, with the best will in the world, you are not helping. Go away. Keep silent.
Sigh. No it is not. The idea that human activity can be translated into financial form is both illogical and unethical. It is also the fundamental presupposition of capitalism.

Truxta, you are clearly an uneducated dimwit. Worse, you are giving credence to Onarchy's claims that we on the Left are all uneducated dimwits. Please stop it, either by keeping quiet or at least by not talking about stuff about which you know less than nothing. Ta.

Make an argument for it. You're simply asserting that it is illogical and unethical. Essentially you're "arguing" in the same way that Onar is "arguing". I.e. not at all.
really? In written form they're really not very different.

They are different enough. I can speak (well, could!) fluent Castillian, and written down, I can understand a fair bit of Portuguese, in that I can work it out. But spoken, I don't understand it at all. And it's the same with Catalan, really. It's as close to French as it is to Spanish.
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