New Member
steeplejack said:Actually I thought he made his case very well.
Interesting that those with some affiliation with CW on here have done nothing but sneer or avoid his points ever since.
Why are his arguments 'bollocks' for those of us not 'in the loop' with CW?
GOSSIP (the lads down the pub said to me)
- the tiny number of non-politicos I've come across who had heard about Class War
- They knew nothing about what they were actually supposed to stand for
- They were amused by the comic book nature of their propaganda
- In fact I didn't meet a single non-politico who assumed that Class War was actually trying to be taken seriously
- knew of the organisation only from stickers on a lamp post and the occasional graffiti that made already run-down areas look even worse
- in the same way that they might be amused by Viz
- they were, in my experience, viewed as a novelty act: sometimes mildly funny as long as they weren't on too long.
SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE WORKING CLASS (i know what they think & why they think it, all of them, as one):
- this reveals an understanding of the working class mentality that might have been displayed by an art school punk band circa 1977,
- a fundamental misunderstanding of the priorities of the average working class person
- I think you'll find that the average working class person will first of all consider what an individual has actually been put inside for
- Prisoners are bored shitless and of course if somebody starts circulating something like Class War around jails, its contrived irreverence towards authority will go down well with some
ASSUMPTION what you are saying is this:
- What are you trying to say though? That having been inside somehow makes you more proletarian than anybody else?
- of course to self-styled anti-authoritarians all prisoners are victims
GENUINELY AMUSING BIT (how d'ya like them apples):
- is that the sound of empires falling? Oh no it's just next door's kids playing football in the passage.
Like i say, takes one hell of a post to fit so much in without saying anything concrete.