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The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of Thousands of Seats

Hotel Chocolate

Well-Known Member
The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of thousands of seats. If seats were allocated along percentage lines then since the war the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have been deprived of thousands of seats. the Liberal Democrats alone since 1992 have been deprived of 791 seats, that's a whole parliament full!. The most robbed political party in Britain.
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The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of thousands of seats. If seats were allocated along percentage lines then since the war the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have been deprived of thousands of seats. the Liberal Democrats alone since 1992 have been deprived of 791 seats. The most robbed political party in Britain.
What's this fucking gibberish shite?
The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of thousands of seats. If seats were allocated along percentage lines then since the war the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have been deprived of thousands of seats. the Liberal Democrats alone since 1992 have been deprived of 791 seats, that's a whole parliament full!. The most robbed political party in Britain.
What's this fucking gibberish shite?
Well, I got that AI thing to write this out for me:

The Liberal Democrats, also known as the Liberals, have missed out on thousands of seats. Had seats been allocated proportionally, the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have lost thousands since the war. Specifically, since 1992, the Liberal Democrats have missed out on 791 seats, equivalent to an entire parliament. They are arguably the most disadvantaged political party in Britain.

Is that better?
The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of thousands of seats. If seats were allocated along percentage lines then since the war the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have been deprived of thousands of seats. the Liberal Democrats alone since 1992 have been deprived of 791 seats, that's a whole parliament full!. The most robbed political party in Britain.
If you want to talk about electoral reform maybe post in an existing thread or start a new one, but this bleating is just pitiful. Also, in 2010 - 2015 it was possible to discern what Liberal Democrats in positions of power were like.
The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of thousands of seats. If seats were allocated along percentage lines then since the war the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have been deprived of thousands of seats. the Liberal Democrats alone since 1992 have been deprived of 791 seats, that's a whole parliament full!. The most robbed political party in Britain.

Well, I got that AI thing to write this out for me:

The Liberal Democrats, also known as the Liberals, have missed out on thousands of seats. Had seats been allocated proportionally, the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have lost thousands since the war. Specifically, since 1992, the Liberal Democrats have missed out on 791 seats, equivalent to an entire parliament. They are arguably the most disadvantaged political party in Britain.

Is that better?
Lib dems - whining here
The Liberal Democrats/Lliberals have been deprived of thousands of seats. If seats were allocated along percentage lines then since the war the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have been deprived of thousands of seats. the Liberal Democrats alone since 1992 have been deprived of 791 seats, that's a whole parliament full!. The most robbed political party in Britain.

Well, I got that AI thing to write this out for me:

The Liberal Democrats, also known as the Liberals, have missed out on thousands of seats. Had seats been allocated proportionally, the Liberals/Liberal Democrats would have lost thousands since the war. Specifically, since 1992, the Liberal Democrats have missed out on 791 seats, equivalent to an entire parliament. They are arguably the most disadvantaged political party in Britain.

Is that better?
Go on, make the argument then

Why did AV need a referendum when the Tories simply legislated to change mayoral election systems to FPTP in the hope of improving their chances? It wasn’t even a manifesto commitment.

Why did AV need a referendum when the Tories simply legislated to change mayoral election systems to FPTP in the hope of improving their chances? It wasn’t even a manifesto commitment.
2010 Lib dem manifesto pp. 87-88 - change to stv. Maybe they felt a change to parliamentary elections needed a referendum but it was the most lacklustre shit thing I'd seen up to that point
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Thank you for this. It's clarified a lot of things.
Yep. And Nick Clegg wanted a ref on PR but agreed to AV to be part of the coalition. So it’s their fault.
Yup. AV isn’t PR, it’s less proportionate than FPTP! It was absolutely cringe-inducing watching Clegg try to defend it. And in doing so he put PR off the agenda for the foreseeable. That should tell you everything you need to know about the LibDems.
I think everybody's missing the point. People's voices are being squeezed out by a nasty, selfish, totally out-of-date dilapidated corrupt electoral system. Our voices are not being heard.

I don't vote Liberal Democrat, but I do feel sorry for them And see that they have a point.
I think everybody's missing the point. People's voices are being squeezed out by a nasty, selfish, totally out-of-date dilapidated corrupt electoral system. Our voices are not being heard.

I don't vote Liberal Democrat, but I do feel sorry for them And see that they have a point.
Parliamentary democracy is designed to squeeze out people’s voices.
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